Couples from two Aquarius are not uncommon, but partners in them are rarely happy. Between Aquarius and Aquarius, compatibility in love relationships is quite low, and therefore this couple often quarrels. One of the partners is forced to sacrifice his interests in order not to provoke constant conflicts. Even common interests and similarities of characters do not save a couple.

Zodiac sign characteristic

Most Aquarius are attractive in appearance and mentally. They know how to easily establish friendships and are popular with the opposite sex. At the same time, if Aquarius has a serious relationship with someone, other people seem to become asexual for him. He does not want to see anyone next to him, except for his chosen partner, and attempts to “lead” Aquarius out of the family almost always fail.

  • Aquarius loves to feel fit and at the same time easily tired of solving other people's problems. Therefore, situations are not uncommon when Aquarius himself rushes headlong into the maelstrom of difficulties of his loved ones, although he was not asked, and then resents his involvement in other people's problems.
  • Aquarius - the true representatives of the elements of the Air, are too impulsive and hot-tempered, which everyone has to put up with. Attempts to calm Aquarius will only make him angry even more. There is no and cannot be any “right” tactic of behavior with an angry Aquarius: he will be equally annoyed by both silence and adequate arguments about his wrongness.
  • Aquarians can be excessively cold when a loved one asks for help or needs support.They tend to devalue the suffering and difficulties of others, placing only themselves and their interests in priority. However, Aquarius can spend long hours complaining about their problems.

Compatible Aquarius men and Aquarius women

The union of two Aquarius is not uncommon, but explosive. In their high-profile conflicts and quarrels, they do not notice the suffering of loved ones and destroy not only themselves, but everyone around them.

In a love relationship

Aquarius-man and Aquarius-woman are able to fall in love with each other at first sight, passionately and irrevocably. In the moments of love, only the hearts of the boy and girl rule, and the mind is completely disconnected.

“Quiet”, “calm” and “harmonious” are the last words that can describe the love union of two Aquarius.

They do not know how to peacefully express their emotions and calmly resolve conflicts. There are often situations when, in the heat of a quarrel, Aquarians very strongly offend their partner, not wanting it themselves. The same characters lead to the fact that after a quarrel, both the husband and wife sit for long periods at different ends of the room and wait for the partner to come to apologize. If this did not follow, the next day the conflict is forgotten, as if it did not exist.

At the same time, both Aquarius greatly appreciate the romantic feelings that have grown between them, and are not ready to let go of their half, even after a very large scandal. Passionate and eccentric Aquarius can at any time pick up a bag and go out the door of the apartment, supposedly "moving out forever." To return Aquarius, it is enough to go out into the courtyard or reach the stop - this is where he will wait, skipping buses endlessly and only needing an apology from his partner.


Dreaming of a constant romance and an endless candy-bouquet period, Aquarius will be unpleasantly surprised by everyday life and daily routine. Especially they can be unsettled by problems associated with finances. In this case, the weak compatibility of the two Aquarius is manifested: they begin to conflict, shift household chores to each other and refuse to take into account the partner’s tiredness and well-being.

In marriage, discontent with a partner comes to the fore, which used to be carefully hidden under a layer of romance and courtship.

If both spouses are in the horoscope of Aquarius, only after the conclusion of an official union do they begin to speak out loud their claims to each other. Prior to this - many years of silence about claims to partner’s shortcomings and quiet aggression. What will happen next, constant quarrels or compromise, depends only on individual representatives of the signs, but the overall compatibility in the marriage leaves much to be desired.

In friendship

Aquarians really need a man who would understand their view of the world. Therefore, when two Aquarius meet, they almost instantly become close friends, and eventually friends. They share with each other all their experiences, whether it is a suspicious rash or problems with a romantic partner. A man and a woman of Aquarius, if they are friends, can even remain silent together, without spoiling their friendships.

Sexual compatibility

Aquarians do not like fast and animal sex: they are brought on by long preludes and conversations. They prefer sex only with regular partners or with people who attract them not only physically, but also intellectually. In a pair of two Aquarius, philosophical conversations after sex or debate about science are not uncommon.

Two Aquarius completely complement each other sexually, feeling the partner’s reaction to every touch. They quickly open in bed, like to try something new and are always happy to discuss each other's preferences.

When a couple of as many as two Aquarius, sex just does not become a boring routine.

In work and career

Both woman and man Aquarius always work with maximum efficiency.Their only problem is the inability to distribute tasks and workload, because one evening they can return from work fresh and even rested, the second - to stay late until the night and in a panic try to finish the weekly business.

If one of Aquarius is the boss, he may have problems with his subordinates. Aquarius is quick-tempered, but he breaks down most often at his home. At work, he tries to remain restrained and expresses dissatisfaction with his extremely calm tone without raising his voice. At some point, Aquarius the subordinate may notice that his boss Aquarius avoids conflict, and the thirst for adventurism tells the first to test the second for strength.

Psychological compatibility

Both Aquarius are curious and agile. They will go on a trip without much thought, if finances permit. They are hardworking and hospitable, but they themselves do not like to visit. Even if Aquarius had a big quarrel among themselves, at the moment the guests arrived, they immediately put on happy smiles and seem to forget about the quarrel that had occurred.

For most of the people around, the pair of Aquarius is very cute, but slightly eccentric. Family problems are exposed behind closed doors, where Aquarius does not let anyone in.

It is at home, alone with each other, that the partners make scandals with beating utensils and screaming. They prefer not to let anyone into their personal lives and tell little about their union to even the closest. At the same time, both Aquarius are lovers of gossip, discuss the latest news and “hang” on the phone for a long time.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Despite the fact that the two Aquarius have completely similar interests and characters, not everyone has the patience to stand their copy. The main problems arise in a pair of two Aquarius after the onset of routine and everyday life.

But there are other unpleasant situations:

  • Aquarians love to be in the spotlight, and if they go out together, there is a dumb "duel" between partners for the attention of others.
  • Aquarians are sure that their fatigue is the strongest, and their desires are the most important. They devalue the work of other people, sincerely not understanding why they are not awarded for each of their actions.
  • Aquarians expect constant romance from marriage, and their expectations are broken down on common life and solving everyday issues.
  • Aquarians live in the present, not really thinking about the future. This may seem like a plus, but sooner or later you have to make some choice, and Aquarius are afraid to take such responsibility.
  • Disputes with Aquarius can only be compared to beating his head against a concrete wall. There is no strategy that will help the winner or at least the least affected to get out of the dispute. Aquarians are very quick-tempered and often out of principle do not go to reconciliation.

At the same time, a good pair of two Aquarius can form. This is possible provided that both partners discuss their experiences with each other, are ready to put up first and know how to restrain their emotions. In this case, most of the listed minuses disappear by themselves, and then two Aquarius can lead a joint life to a very old age.