If, by the will of fate, a sympathy has arisen between a guy and a girl who are under the auspices of the elements Air and Earth, it is better to prepare in advance for the difficulties in the relationship that they are destined with stars. Due to the opposite of natures, the compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn is 70%.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

In order to better understand the union of the practical, earthly Capricorn and the creative, airy Aquarius, you should understand the characteristics of these zodiac signs and the effect they have on the man and woman.

  • Aquarius is individualistic in nature. They are endowed with optimism, love of freedom and creativity. Because of their inconstancy, they are not able to fully belong to one person.
  • In Aquarius men, the latter trait is manifested brighter than in women. It is easier for him to introduce the chosen one to noisy companies than to refuse to spend time with friends, among whom he, as a rule, is the last to acquire family obligations. He has been searching for a long time, often gaining the glory of a womanizer because of his confidence that each girl has her own charm and “zest”.
  • Unlike the man of this sign, the young lady sees the world around her more realistically and sometimes, in a fit of stubbornness, does things the motives of which others are unable to understand. Aquarius woman is a good mistress and a loving mother, but she needs personal space and a certain freedom, without which the union will be doomed to failure.

The exact opposite of the zodiac sign described earlier is Capricorn.People of the water element are characterized by conservatism, determination. They do not depart from what they started, leaving the case halfway. They always make excellent leaders who can find a gold mine even where others could not find it, although they made every effort.

  • The Capricorn man is an opponent by nature. He loves healthy competition and challenging tasks, solving which opens up new reserves and potential. In love, a craving for constancy is manifested, so the man of this sign prefers a long relationship in which he values ​​the loyalty characteristic of himself: he knows how to calculate the risks and consequences of betrayal like no one else.
  • Capricorn women are distinguished by exactingness towards both children and their husband, the ability to independently overcome difficulties. Thanks to the managerial vein and the ability to manage funds, women of this sign often succeed in business, which gives them the opportunity to raise heirs on their own, to the issue of whose birth Capricorn approaches with all responsibility. A woman under the auspices of this sign of the zodiac is averse to instantaneous affairs and fleeting novels.

Despite a certain inconsistency of natures, representatives of these signs are distinguished by rationality, which helps to accept a partner as he is.

With a well-built relationship, compatibility becomes better, therefore, such a union is more suitable for marriage than love and romantic meetings ending in bed.

Aquarius man and Capricorn woman: compatibility

At the beginning of the relationship between Capricorn women and Aquarius men, a certain intrigue already appears. They both feel lonely, and sometimes even need it. The personalities of both are self-sufficient and settled. However, when love breaks out, they have to change their way of life.

In a love relationship

Their love tandem may not take place almost immediately or may last a very long time.

The Capricorn woman wants to keep everyone and everything under control, while remaining independent. At the same time, Aquarius cannot understand and allow the infringement of his personal freedom by the partner.

However, this can also be the first brick of a strong love foundation. Since people of these signs feel the world in the opposite way, they constantly try to unravel their partner, while remaining interesting to each other always and in everything.

The compatibility of these signs in bed is very good. The Aquarius man is able to show imagination, but the Capricorn woman is not considered to be an inventor. They are united by a craving for mental unity, rather than physical. During intimacy, it is for them that spiritual connection is important, during which they can show their weaknesses.


This union has every chance to exist for a very long time, if everyone learns to give in a little. For Capricorn, the legitimacy of relations is important, to which Aquarius, feeling a bit of personal freedom in his soul, will agree without hesitation and make an offer to the chosen one. They have a lot in common: they like to travel, open new horizons and just visit a movie or listen to music. Together they will not be bored, especially since the Capricorn woman is a wonderful mistress and a loving mother.

In friendship

Thanks to the common interests, the people of these signs are easily together. They can become great friends without a hint of continuation. It is enough for them to feel the unity of thought, discussing literary or artistic works, enjoying their favorite musical creations.

How compatible are women Aquarius and men Capricorn

In the tandem of Capricorn, a man and Aquarius a woman, the key to success will also be the opposite of characters. Confident Capricorn, admiring the extraordinary and sharp mind of his chosen one, will easily forgive her a little frivolity, attributing it to “cute oddities”.

In a love relationship

Capricorn loves to set the framework, and Aquarius can not stand them, constantly trying to slip away from them. This kindles the love between opposites.

It is in this that the sign of the Earth sees a difficult task, to the solution of which it simply attracts a magnet. And most importantly, over time, tired of such games, people under the patronage of the signs Capricorn and Aquarius cling to each other to rest. At this moment their love will be revealed in all its manifestations.

There is a certain difficulty in sexual compatibility, which consists in the conservatism of Capricorn and the conformism of Aquarius. But if a woman shows her natural touchingness and femininity, then the man will become compliant, changing his views on the planned sex, which Aquarius does not like.


The horoscope of compatibility prophesies these signs a long and happy family life in which a reliable and faithful Capricorn man will become a harsh but fair father. And the Aquarius woman who appreciates his reliable shoulder will be that loving mother, forgiving all pranks to children, until the head of the family sees.

In friendship

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman are able to be friends, but in a few years, one of them will take relations to a new level. Both signs can wait and find the best partners - each other. They are interested together, but there is a certain connection between them that will prevent people of these signs from remaining only friends.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Purposeful Capricorn and eccentric Aquarius - they are both difficult and interesting together. This is an extraordinary union, which has its positive and negative points.

Among the advantages, complementarity of signs stands out: each partner brings something of their own to this vibrant tandem.

And the main disadvantages are as follows:

  • different views on life - Capricorn is realistic and practical, while Aquarius sees everything through the "pink glasses";
  • excellent family values ​​- Aquarius needs freedom, albeit partial, and Capricorn - a homebody;
  • complete opposites - both partners are constantly trying to change each other.

Aquarius and Capricorn are so different, but at the same time, so close. Making small concessions, they will give their union a chance for a long and happy existence.