This beautiful gem boasts numerous healing and magical properties. Interestingly, Japanese scientists have learned to incorporate the mineral into the fabric, resulting in clothing that has a beneficial effect on human health and appearance. The properties and meanings of tourmaline stone are described below.

Tourmaline stone and its properties

Tourmaline is a group of minerals that are similar in composition and structure. It is also called "electric mineral." Such stones, depending on their type, can be jewelry, technical, and decorative. Transparent minerals with a blue, red or green hue are most valued.


More than a century ago, scientists were able to discover that tourmaline stone has numerous healing properties. Minerals turn into powder, from which they make underwear, belts, dressings. Constant wearing them generally heals and rejuvenates the body, and, in addition, relieves a person of insomnia, helps fight osteochondrosis and prostatitis.

In addition, tourmaline is capable of:

  • establish digestion;
  • accelerate the process of oxygen delivery to cells;
  • normalize blood pressure, sugar level and improve all indicators related to blood;
  • maintain normal body temperature;
  • relieve severe pain.


We must not forget about the magical properties of the stone under discussion. It is very popular among exoteric people. It is believed that tourmaline is able in a short time to make a person more self-confident, to protect against the evil eye and all kinds of troubles.

If a man or woman cannot find his place in life, show talents and find a solution to a problem, then for help you should also turn to this beautiful mineral. It is able to help a person constantly stay in a good mood and in the right place to reveal his own creative abilities.

Colors and varieties of tourmaline

In nature, there are various colors and types of tourmaline. All of them differ in properties and purpose. Its value also depends on the shade of the mineral.

The black

This color of the mineral is explained by a large amount of iron in its composition. This kind of stone is especially appreciated by psychics and magicians. They note that this type of mineral protects its owner from stress, helps him always stay in high spirits. In addition, it creates around a person a field of energy that is not pierced by either electromagnetic (or any other physical) or mental impact. This means that black tourmaline can be considered a powerful protector against damage and the evil eye.


A beautiful green tourmaline is called a "healing stone." It improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system. It is also believed that this kind of “emerald” (with which it is often confused) reveals creative abilities in the owner, restores inner harmony and sound sleep.

Tourmaline Paraiba

It is Paraiba tourmaline that is the most expensive variety of the mineral under discussion. Deposits of stone are located in the eponymous place in Brazil. Paraiba tourmaline is constantly hunted by collectors. It is not only surprisingly beautiful, but also helps a person to establish an internal conversation with himself and look into the subconscious.


Delicate pink tourmaline is considered a love magnet. It allows a person to love himself or to cause similar feelings to his own person among others. This type of mineral drives away negative emotions from its owner, treats diseases of the skin and lungs.


The name of this variety of tourmaline appeared for a reason. The stone really looks like a watermelon slice. This also applies to the structure of the mineral, and the combination of colors - green, red and white. Watermelon tourmaline will give its owner clarity of thoughts, will help to better understand others and more competently make plans. The mineral has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system.

Mineral Amulets and Talismans

In addition to the clothes, belts and underwear mentioned above, various decorations are made from tourmaline. Valuable beads and bracelets with such a mineral are especially popular. Modern jewelers attach stones to faceting, and skillfully compose them with various precious metals. On sale you can find items made of silver, platinum, gold with tourmaline inserts.

Tourmaline rings and pendants of various designs are also very popular among buyers. You can also find earrings with the mineral in question on sale. All of these jewelry are used as amulets and talismans. Sometimes just raw stones are also used. The person constantly carries the selected mineral with him or disposes at the workplace. By the way, it is believed that such a neighborhood with a TV or computer monitor reduces their harmful effects on children and adults.

Large talismans and souvenirs from tourmaline, for example, in the form of caskets are not popular. This is easily explained by their sky-high cost. After all, tourmaline falls into the category of very expensive minerals. For example, Paraiba mineral hunters are willing to pay about 6 thousand dollars per 1 carat. The more transparent and cleaner the stone, the higher its value.

To check the mineral for authenticity, you just need to rub it and bring paper scraps. The latter should immediately adhere to the stone. In addition, the surface of genuine tourmaline is easy to scratch.

What zodiac sign is suitable?

If you decide to purchase such a mineral as a gift, it is important to figure out who suits tourmaline. After all, such a stone will not be able to "make friends" with every person.

Astrologers say that Libra will bring the most benefits to tourmaline. After all, the features of its representatives are reverie and uncertainty. Possessing the discussed mineral, a person can become more mundane and look at the world more real. Also, a stone suitable for Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn. But it is strictly forbidden to use products with such a mineral Scorpions.

It is believed that the selected stone should be suitable not only for the zodiac sign, but also for the nature and type of human activity. It is important to correctly determine the color of the mineral. So a red stone will help a man or woman to find the lost inspiration and arm themselves with new interesting ideas. He also prevents conflicts between lovers, and generally improves relationships in a couple. Red mineral is best suited for representatives of fire signs.

Green tourmaline gives peace of mind. It is recommended to hand it over to people who are periodically aggressive and unable to cope with their emotions. But for gaining inner harmony, a blue stone is ideal. It should be worn by representatives of the water signs of the zodiac and preferably in a silver frame.

Black tourmaline perfectly "gets along" with earth signs. A dark stone will help their representatives cope with bad mood and even depression. In addition, he is able to endow a person with magical abilities, protect from troubles and troubles.

But astrologers recommend watermelon tourmaline to those men and women who are disappointed in love. The mineral will help you better survive the gap and again believe in possible family happiness.