Cracks in the corners of the lips are popularly called "jamming." In medical terminology there are several definitions for this phenomenon, depending on the causes of its occurrence. Whatever they are, “jamming” is a signal of a malfunction in the body, and you cannot ignore it. The causes and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips require a thorough analysis and a competent approach.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips

In fact, inflammations and cracks in the corners of the mouth never appear for any one reason. Immune mechanisms well protect the epidermis of the lips, which is constantly exposed to mechanical, chemical, temperature and microbiological influences. For the development of "jamming" requires a coincidence of two or three provoking factors, discussed below.


One of the main conditions for cracking is a weakening of general or local immunity. That is why "jamming" often develops against the background of deficiency conditions - a lack of vitamins, iron and zinc.

Of the vitamins, the four most important for lip skin health are A, C, E, and B2:

VitaminImportance for Lip Skin
BUTIn the cells of the mucous membrane of the lips, it provides a barrier function, restores epithelial tissue, stimulates collagen synthesis, and increases the activity of leukocytes that resist infections.
EIt improves cellular nutrition, protects cell walls from damage, increases skin elasticity, slows down the aging process of epidermal cells, and participates in regeneration processes.
FROMBeing an antioxidant, it participates in immune mechanisms, accelerates regeneration processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens small vessels in tissues, improves iron absorption.
IN 2It activates cellular respiration, participates in the immune process, works directly in the cells of the epidermis, improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Any factors causing a deficiency of these vitamins - frequent colds, poor lifestyle, poor nutrition, unbalanced diets, hormonal imbalances, prolonged use of medications - can indirectly lead to the occurrence of "jams."


Often cracks in the corners of the mouth appear after visiting the dentist. This is due to the prolonged overstretching of tissues and the mechanical effect on them. Subsequently, microorganisms get into the formed wounds, and a “jam” develops.

Similarly, cracks appear in young children who know the world, sending into the mouth all the objects available to them. In this case, an additional provoking factor is increased salivation during teething. In a humid environment, the development of pathogenic flora is more active, and the healing process is delayed.


This reason is often directly related to one or two previous ones.

Anything can serve as a source of infection:

  • dishes, towels and other household items;
  • violation of hand hygiene;
  • poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • lipstick;
  • old toothbrush;
  • kisses
  • concomitant oral health problems - caries, pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Even the normal microflora of the skin, which usually does not manifest itself aggressively, with a decrease in immunity and injuries of the corners of the lips, can trigger a pathological process. However, most often observed "jams" of streptococcal nature. Microcracks can also be infected by candida fungi, the same ones that cause the well-known thrush.

It is interesting:jams in the corners of the mouth, causes

Streptococcal zaeda is scientifically called "slit-like streptococcal impetigo." Fungal - "Candidamycotic angulitis." By nature, they differ among themselves:

Symptoms and course of the slit streptococcal impetigoSymptoms and course of candidiasis angulitis
Against the background of dry lips, redness appears in the corners with small vesicles - conflicts. After a while, they open, releasing purulent watery contents. In their place, erosion remains, which become crusty. Crusts often crack and bleed. The corners of the lips take the form of one large ulcerIn the corners of the lips there are bright red shiny erosion with a pale fringing. White plaque develops on it. The skin under plaque is covered with many small cracks. Bubbles and crusts are absent.

With adequate therapy, both types of "jams" pass in 5-7 days. In adverse conditions, the course of the disease can become chronic. Candidamycotic angulitis is especially prone to relapse.

The action of microbes and fungi is a prerequisite for the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips. All other causes are concomitant.

Lip diseases

Relatively rare can be found "seizure" of herpetic nature. For its occurrence, the presence of the virus in the blood is required. Herpetic inflammation can be localized on any part of the lips, including in the corner. Its distinguishing feature is the ability to grow in any direction. Cracks in herpes appear after opening the vesicles and the formation of crusts.

Such a lip disease as cheilitis, an inflammation of the red border, can also provoke a “bump”. One of the most rare causes of cracks is the manifestation of Fordyce's disease - blockage and hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands. Since the sebaceous glands on the lips are located mainly in the corners, the pathological process sometimes leads to the development of “jams”.

Bad habits

A certain role in the occurrence of cracks is played by some bad habits:

  • The habit of biting and licking lips. The microflora that lives in the mouth, with saliva, easily penetrates the wounds and microcracks, causing an inflammatory process.
  • Smoking. Few people wash their hands before putting a cigarette in their mouths, so pathogens entering the epidermis of the lips are inevitable. In addition, nicotine adversely affects the absorption of vitamin B2. Both of these circumstances make smoking a risk factor for cracks in the corners of the lips.
  • Excessive use of sweets. It is noted that sweet tooth and diabetics are more likely to suffer from “jamming”. Elevated blood sugar leads to metabolic disorders and a decrease in immunity.

Drinking alcohol can also trigger cracks in the corners of the mouth. Ethanol causes general dehydration. Dried epidermal cells lose their elasticity, and wounds and cracks easily appear on the lips.

Allergic, weather

Sometimes the corners of the lips may crack due to allergic skin inflammations. They often arise as a response to the use of any products or the use of cosmetics. In such cases, the corners of the lips begin to itch and turn red. Cracks appear on them if the affected areas are constantly scratched and touched with your hands.

Rounding out the list of conditions under which “jamming” develops, some climatic factors. These include dry and hot air and the scorching sun. They actively dry the skin. Loss of moisture in the epidermis leads to cracking.

Diagnosis of the disease

To find out why cracks appear in the corners of the lips, you need to visit a general practitioner. Only a qualified specialist will determine the exact cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

Diagnosis usually begins with a smear, which is taken from the affected area. After seeding and microbiological examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe the right drug.

In addition to smear, the following tests may be required to clarify the diagnosis and identify concomitant diseases:

  • general tests of urine and blood;
  • blood test for sugar;
  • analysis for herpes virus;
  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis for HIV and syphilis.

The latter are needed in order to conduct differential diagnosis. Often with secondary syphilis in the corners of the lips, hard papules with cracks and erosions are formed, resembling a banal “jamming”.

With constantly recurring cracking of the corners of the mouth, the therapist can send a consultation to a dermatologist, dentist, ENT doctor and endocrinologist.

How to treat cracks in the corners of the lips in adults, in children

The treatment plan for cracks in the corners of the mouth in adults and children is no different and looks like this:

Treatment stageDrugs and procedures
Topical antiseptic treatmentSolution furatsilina, "Miramistin", an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. Used in the form of irrigation or applications.
Topical treatment with antibiotics or antifungal ointmentsWith a fungal infection - nystatin or levorin ointment, "Clotrimazole".
In case of bacterial infection - tetracycline or erythromycin ointment, "Baneocin".
Local treatment with wound healing preparationsCreams "Bepanten", "Pantoderm", "Dexpanthenol".
Immunity RecoveryChildren under 3 years old - Viferon candles.
For children over 3 years of age - Immunal, Anaferon, Viferon, Arbidol, Imunofan suppositories.
For children over 12 years of age and adults - preparations “Imunofan”, “Amiksin”, “Galavit”, “Viferon”.
Elimination of Vitamin DeficiencyChildren under 2 years of age - preparations "Baby Plex" or "Smart Omega Baby."
For children over 2 years old - “Sana-Sol”, “Vitrum Kids” preparations.
For children over 12 years old and adults - “Centrum from A to Zinc”.

In parallel, the treatment of concomitant diseases is mandatory. Also, during the treatment period, it is necessary to exclude from the diet spicy, sour, salty, sweet food and alcohol.It is important to monitor the temperature of the food - it should not be too hot or cold.

Traditional medicine for cracked corners of the lips

The experience of traditional medicine has accumulated a lot of information about how to treat cracks in the corners of the lips.

A combination of medication antiseptics and folk wound healing products gives an excellent effect:

  • Infusion of aloe leaf. Cut off the old leaves of aloe for 4 hours, keep in the refrigerator, chop, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a dark place for a day. After that, make applications with a cotton swab moistened with infusion.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Obtained after squeezing the juice from the berries of sea buckthorn, cake is poured with vegetable oil (0.5 l per 3 cups of cake). Insist for several days in a dark, warm place, then strain and process the affected areas. You can also use pharmacy sea buckthorn oil.
  • A decoction of chamomile and string. 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of each herb pour 1 cup boiling water and bring to a boil. Cool under the lid, strain and make applications with a cotton swab.
  • Green tea. Brew strong green tea, cool, strain and make compresses on the affected area.

It is important to have a reasonable approach to the use of folk remedies. Do not try to lubricate cracks and ulcers with earwax, cigarette ash or a cut bulb. Such exotic recipes as holding a knife or hair over a sore area are also better left aside. Honey, often recommended for the treatment of this disease, will not help either.

It is important to understand that cracks in the corners of the lips are a complex problem requiring an appropriate solution. If you simply treat the wounds, ignoring the cause of the phenomenon, the disease will return again and again.