Chebureks with crispy tender crust and juicy fragrant filling will not leave anyone indifferent. The most delicious dish is always prepared by yourself at home. Indeed, in this case, the hostess will use only the highest quality ingredients, and invest in the refreshment of the soul. The main thing is to be able to prepare a delicious crunchy pastry for pasties, because the result of the whole culinary experiment depends on it.

Tasty and crispy pastry for pasties - a recipe for flour and water

The classic recipe for crispy pasties suggests using a minimum of products. Indispensable among them is melted butter (6 tbsp), also used: 450 ml of water, 10 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. sugar and salt.

  1. Salt, sugar and melted butter are poured into a warm liquid.
  2. Flour is sifted into a separate deep container, a depression is made in the middle of the resulting pit, into which oil water is poured in minimal portions.
  3. The dough is thoroughly kneaded on a powdery surface.
  4. When the mass becomes elastic and homogeneous, it must be put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

The amount of sugar in the dough should be minimal. Otherwise, the crust will burn quickly, and the internal contents of the dish will not have time to reach readiness.

Recipe with vodka

Vodka is added not only to sweet brushwood. This ingredient also makes pasties crispy. It will be enough 1 tbsp. alcoholic drink. In addition to it, it is taken: 420 g of flour, 220 ml of water, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and sugar.

  1. Sugar and salt are added to the water. After infusion of vodka, the components are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Sifted flour is gradually poured into the liquid.It’s best to add just a few tablespoons of it.
  3. Last but not least, oil is added to the mass.
  4. The dough should turn out steep and dense. As soon as it begins to stick off from the hands, the mass is transferred to the bag and sent for half an hour to the cold.

Such a dough will turn out to be rather bland, so the main amount of spices and seasonings should be added to the filling.

On a mineral water

Using mineral water allows you to cook the dish exactly as in the most popular cheburek. Water should be highly carbonated (450 ml). Also used: 2 eggs, 8 tbsp. flour, 4 tsp sugar and 2 times less salt.

  1. Mineral water, which has just been opened and has not yet been disposed of, is poured into the bowl. Salt and sugar immediately go there.
  2. After stirring, eggs are driven into the liquid with a whisk. You just need to mix the ingredients thoroughly, but do not beat the mass until a thick foam appears.
  3. The flour is sifted into a wide container, and a depression is made in the center of the formed embankment, into which water and eggs are poured.
  4. Then you can start kneading the dough with a wide spoon or with your hands greased with any vegetable oil.
  5. When the mass ceases to stick to the fingers, it is transferred to the table and carefully missed. This will add an elasticity test.

The finished mixture is removed in the cold for about 25 minutes. To do this, you need to wrap it in a plastic wrap or bag.

On kefir

Many housewives prefer a cheburek test for kefir. His recipe is very simple and understandable even to novice cooks. To prepare such a test you need to take: 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir and about 4 times more flour, 1 egg, a pinch of salt.

  1. Kefir is slightly heated and poured into a deep bowl.
  2. An egg is driven into the liquid and salt is added.
  3. When all the components are thoroughly mixed with a whisk or mixer at minimum speed, you can introduce the sifted flour a couple of times to them a couple of times.
  4. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, it must be transferred to the working surface and continue to knead there.

Ready-made crispy dough for pasties on kefir will be elastic and not sticky to the hands.

In milk

The most delicate cheburek dough is prepared with the addition of fat cow's milk. In addition to this ingredient (230 ml), also used: 3 tbsp. flour, large chicken egg, 2 tbsp. oil, 2 pinches of salt.

  1. Milk is slightly warmed up, after which salt and any vegetable oil are added to it. It can be not only sunflower, but also olive, corn. Some housewives even use walnut oil.
  2. An egg is driven into the liquid with a whisk. The mass should become homogeneous.
  3. Flour is poured into the dough in small portions, and the products are kneaded by hand. When it becomes difficult to continue the process in the dishes, you need to move to the work surface.
  4. The mass is thoroughly missed by hands in different places. The main thing is not to overdo it at this stage, so as not to make the dough too tight.
  5. The resulting mass is covered with a towel and left at room temperature for half an hour.

Next, you can wrap the filling in the dough and fry pasties.

Choux pastry for pasties

Such a recipe is somewhat more complicated, but the result will definitely please the hostess and all the households. Choux pastry for chebureks goes well not only with meat, but also with cheese filling. To prepare it, you will need to use the following products: 4 tbsp. flour and 2 times less boiling water, chicken egg, 40 g butter and 2 tbsp. vegetable, a pinch of salt.

  1. If the house has a food processor, it will greatly facilitate the task of the cook. Flour, salt are poured into the device and vegetable oil is added. The harvester will handle the dough.
  2. Butter is cut into pieces and put in boiling water. As soon as the milk product has melted, it must be poured with a thin stream still hot along with water to the flour.
  3. An egg is driven in there, and the mass is brought to uniformity.
  4. The delicate elastic dough from the combine is shifted to a clean surface and slightly kneaded by hands. Extra flour is not needed, since the mass already should not stick to your fingers.

You can use the dough to sculpt chebureks after it lies in the cold for at least half an hour.

Crispy Egg Dough Recipe

Cheburek egg dough is usually cooked in boiling water. It can be called budget, since the composition of the recipe includes only the simplest available products. Among them: 3 eggs, 450 g of premium flour, 170 ml of boiling water, 2 tbsp. sunflower oil, salt to taste.

  1. Well-sifted flour is poured into a deep bowl.
  2. Salted boiling water from a freshly boiled kettle is poured into the same container. The ingredients are carefully mixed with a spoon, as they will turn out to be very hot.
  3. Once the food has cooled slightly, you can add eggs and butter to the mass. The ingredients are mixed again so that their consistency is homogeneous.
  4. Ready dough should not stick to your hands. At the same time, it retains its softness and elasticity.
  5. The mass must be covered and left for 25 minutes at room temperature.

After the specified time, you can begin to sculpt chebureks.

How to sculpt and fry chebureks?

While the dough will be infused for 20-25 minutes in the refrigerator or at room temperature (it will become softer, more elastic), it's time to start preparing the filling for them. If the products have undergone heat treatment, then they will need to be cooled before they are stuffed with the chosen ingredients of chebureks.


Flat round billets are rolled out from slices of dough. They should be thin enough. Stuffed meat with various additives is placed on half of each piece, after which it is covered with the second part of the dough. It remains only to reliably close the edges with your fingers. To make the treat more appetizing and attractive, you can use special curly knives to cut dough pieces. They are usually used in large cheburek and make the edges of the dish ribbed.

When frying the pies discussed, oil will be used in large quantities. Chebureks should swim in it. It is very convenient to cook them in a cauldron or deep fryer.

So that the dough is covered with bubbles and a golden crust, and the filling has time to cook well, you need to lower the pasties only in hot oil. The lid does not cover the container, otherwise the condensate will fall into the heated fat and “shoot” strongly.