When planning a pregnancy, it is very important to know the time that is right for conception. The ovulation test helps in this, the instructions for the use of which we will consider in this article.

What is an ovulation test?

The product is a modern device for measuring the volume of luteinizing hormone (LH) contained in urine. In a small amount, it is constantly present in this medium, however, its concentration sharply increases 1–2 days before a possible ovulation.

Egg maturation lasts about two weeks (deadlines are from 8 to 30 days). This indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as its ability to produce estrogen at a certain rate. In turn, this hormone affects the increase in another of its "colleagues", under the influence of which the egg breaks out of the ovary.

Fertilization is possible if sperm is in the female body at the same time as the egg is released from the follicle.

For all its apparent simplicity, this process is quite difficult to implement, which, moreover, is given a limited period of time - the egg, leaving the follicle, remains only one day, and the sperm remain functional only a few days.

In view of the nuances indicated above, for a woman who dreams about pregnancy, it is important to calculate the date of the future ovulation as accurately as possible.

Types of express tests

These diagnostic devices are very similar to pharmacy tests to determine pregnancy. As a control material, along with urine, saliva can also be used.

There are several models of indicators that differ in the accuracy of the data received and the price.

  • Strip test. Its appearance and procedure are identical to the test strips revealing pregnancy. The indicator is made of paper, has a control strip and a zone covered with a reagent. To get an answer, you need to collect urine and place a strip in it. After 10 seconds, it can be removed. After 5 minutes, the result will appear. With a positive ovulation test, the second line will be noticeable, both bands will become brighter and more noticeable. At low hormone levels, one dull line will remain on the test.
  • Tablet test. This device is equipped with a housing with two openings. One is for placing biological fluid, the second is for inferring an answer. In the case of a positive reaction, two bands appear. This option is more accurate than the previous one.
  • Inkjet test. The indicator is presented in the form of a strip with the area on which the reagent is applied. For its use, the preparation of biological material is not required. The product is simply placed under the stream at the time of urination. A positive result will also be shown by two distinct bands.
  • Reusable test. An electronic device that also works on the principle of two bands. And it also needs to be placed in urine. This model has established itself as one of the most reliable tests that produce reliable results.
  • Digital test. A rather unusual device, in fact being a mini microscope. Produced by the manufacturer in the form of a regular lipstick. To get an answer, you need saliva. The result is determined by its drawing, seen with the help of a magnifying device. If it resembles winter patterns on a window or veins on a fern leaf, then ovulation will soon begin.

Instructions for use

To get a reliable answer, it is important to know how to do the ovulation test correctly.

There are a number of rules that should be observed at the time of testing and some time before it:

  • You should refrain from drinking a large amount of water before testing. Otherwise, an incorrect result is possible.
  • High levels of LH during ovulation persist throughout the day. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out the procedure in the evening and in the morning. This is the only way to be sure of the reliability of the data.
  • The moment of exit of the female cell from the ovary itself is not established. The principle of action of any test is based on the establishment of an increase in the concentration of the hormone. Therefore, a positive answer means that ovulation can occur after a couple of hours.
  • During the independent electronic ovulation test, it is important to carefully compare the resulting pattern with the drawings of the instructions.
  • Diagnostics can be carried out at any time of the day, but it is more convenient to do this in the morning. This is due to the need to restrain urination for 4 hours before the procedure.
  • The tip of the absorbent is placed for half a minute in a bowl with urine or just under the stream for a few seconds. Then the product must be given a horizontal position and wait for the result. It will take no more than 3 minutes.

The choice of day for the procedure is determined by the duration of the cycle. At the same time, the date of the beginning of menstruation is taken as the first day. Accordingly, the entire cycle is the total number of days between the previous and next menstruation.

With a stable cycle, the first test can be carried out on the 17th day before future periods. This is due to the fact that the yellow phase (the period after the end of ovulation) lasts about 14 days.

If the cycle is unstable, it is necessary to take its shorter duration for half a year and calculate the date of testing.

The use of pharmacy indicators on a daily basis, combined with ultrasound, gives excellent results. Also, undergoing an ultrasound examination, it is reasonable to wait until the follicle grows somewhere up to 20 mm and after that start regular use of the tests. Only in this state is he capable of ovulation.

Definition of Result

The answer is displayed in the box.The line that is closer to the arrow on the test is an indicator. It is she who indicates the amount of luteinizing hormone. Further from the arrow, the control line is displayed. It serves as confirmation of the correct test and the health of the device.

  • If the second strip is weak and barely noticeable - the concentration of LH is still low.
  • If they have the same saturated color, or the indicator band is more noticeable than the control one, the hormone content has already increased, and ovulation will begin literally in 2 or 3 days.

The ideal period for conception is the first days after the release of LH determined by the test. With a full sexual intercourse in this time period, there is a very high probability of pregnancy.

Review of the best ovulation tests

Tests of all models should show a reliable result, subject to the rules for diagnosis. However, some of them have proven themselves better than others.

Clearblue digital

This indicator is considered the most reliable, yielding a result close to 100%. It includes a portable device and 7 pieces of test strips - each in a sealed package.

There is also an instruction that describes this procedure:

  1. Unpack one test and free it from the cap.
  2. Send the control strip to a special opening so that their arrows fit together.
  3. Wait until the test readiness message appears.
  4. Submerge the product. You can drop it into a container with prepared urine and stand it for about 15 seconds. It is important to ensure that the drops do not appear on the body itself.
  5. Put the test to the surface. After 30 seconds, a ready alert appears, indicating the correctness of the action.
  6. After 3 minutes, the result will appear.

A negative answer will be displayed in the form of words or an empty circle. A positive value looks like a laughing emoticon. It is stored on the monitor for 8 minutes. When you see a funny face, you should try to conceive a baby within 10 hours. In this case, the probability of becoming pregnant increases several times.


The kit contains strips (5 pieces) and an attachment with instructions.

The test should be applied as follows:

  1. Free one strip.
  2. Place it under the stream and hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Put on the cap and give the strip a horizontal position.
  4. The answer will be displayed after 7 minutes in the form of one or two lines.

The result obtained thanks to this model can be trusted.

It is easy to determine ovulation by test. The main thing is to be patient and perform the procedure without missing a day. There are other ways to identify the best days to conceive. But pharmacy tests have established themselves as the most reliable option with a maximum percentage of accuracy.