Teratozoospermia is a condition of ejaculate due to the formation of a large number of sperm cells with pathological abnormalities. This abnormality of seminal fluid leads to miscarriages, miscarriage and various fetal pathologies.

What is teratozoospermia

Teratozoospermia - what is it and how to treat it, you can find out by studying such a sensitive and extremely important problem.

In addition to fetal abnormalities and difficulties with bearing, this ailment is also the main cause of infertility in men. If a large number of damaged spermatozoa (more than 50%) are found in the semen analysis, the patient is diagnosed with teratozoospermia.

Causes of the development of pathological forms of sperm

Teratozoospermia, the causes of which are still not precisely established, may be due to genetic problems.

And also the main factors of the development of pathology include:

  • chronic stress;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the testicles, prostate and appendages;
  • bad habits;
  • harmful environmental effects;
  • self-medication with certain drugs;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • varicocele;
  • cryptorchidism.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of factors for the development of teratozoospermia and they all have a different kind of origin, the treatment of the disease can also be varied, as well as the outcome of therapy.

Forms of Violation

Pathological forms of sperm are divided into 3 degrees, which depend on the symptoms and development factor.

Degree of violationIndicators
1 - easy view of impaired fertilityOAT syndrome is expressed and indicated by the following indicators:
"Oligo" - in 1 ml of male ejaculate contains less than 20 million sperm.
"Asteno" - less than 25% of sperm cells move at the right speed, or less than 50% of sperm cells carry out targeted movement.
"Terato" - more than 97% of sperm cells have an abnormal structure.
2 - expressed form of impaired fertilityIndicators are several times worse than in the first degree.
3 - acute degree of violationIndicators are several times worse than in the first degree.

Also, in abnormal sperm there is a division into several groups:

  1. Pathology of the flagellar apparatus or neck.
  2. Violations of the head.
  3. Pathology of the tail.

There are also polyanomal spermatozoa, in which several pathologies are collected at once.

Teratozoospermia Index

The teratozoospermia index must be calculated to make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe appropriate treatment, consider the possibility of IVF or ICSI and predict the chances of a natural recovery. It is calculated by dividing the total number of identified pathologies by a quantitative indicator of “non-standard” spermatozoa.

For a better understanding of the principle of calculating ITZ, you should refer to the example:

  1. 300 sperm cells were studied.
  2. 190 of them had pathologies (each sperm can have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 defects).
  3. A total of 290 defects were detected in 190 objects.
  4. 290 must be divided by 190.
  5. The result is 290/190 = 1.5.
  6. ITZ - 1.5.

The normal index ranges from 1 to 1.6.

Diagnostic measures

The cause of male infertility can only be resolved during diagnostic measures.

The main stages in the diagnosis of teratozoospermia include the following:

  1. Examination by a highly specialized doctor - an urologist andrologist.
  2. Conducting spermograms.
  3. Blood test for hormones.

When visiting a specialist, it is important to remember all the nuances that the doctor will ask about. This may concern both sexual relations at the moment and infectious diseases in early childhood. The urologist will also conduct a palpation of the prostate gland, evaluate the condition of the genitals. Already at this stage it will be possible to talk about a preliminary diagnosis.

The next step is to conduct a spermogram. A simple test to detect the presence of motile sperm and a number of other problems. Material sampling is best done directly in the clinic. If this is done at home (this is allowed by many experts), then the diagnosis of teratozoospermia can be made incorrectly, since it will be problematic to ensure the correct and timely transportation of biomaterial.

Important. Before conducting a spermogram, you must refuse to visit baths and saunas, drink alcohol, have sex for a period of at least 48 hours.

According to sperm analysis, the doctor can more accurately talk about the presence of pathology and the degree of violation. A blood test for hormones is able to identify the cause of the development of the ailment.

Traditional treatments

Teratozoospermia, the treatment of which depends on the development factors of the pathology itself, is usually carried out by the use of anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs.

But experts identify several treatment options:

  1. If the problem was caused by inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, then drugs are prescribed to eliminate this pathology.
  2. Teratozoospermia caused by the presence of constant stress is treated with sedatives and a visit to a psychologist (in some cases, showing a psychiatrist examination).

Regardless of the origin of the disease, the patient is prescribed drugs that improve sperm quality - zinc, folic acid, verona, selenium, tribestan, spermactin, etc.

Folk remedies

As practice shows, alternative methods of treatment in this case do not harm the patient if he does not neglect the medications prescribed by the specialist. The most important thing during therapy is to establish your diet, give up everything that harms the body and stimulate it with vitamins.

If the doctor allows the use of alternative methods, then you can take the following traditional medicine:

  • Tincture of birch buds - 1 glass per day, prepared according to the instructions on the box.
  • Oil and pumpkin juice - drink 2 weeks twice a day. You can use only freshly squeezed juice in quantity - one glass for a single dose.
  • Tea made from currant leaves - they can completely replace regular tea for at least a week.
  • A mixture of nuts, dried fruits, lemon and honey. The products are taken in equal parts, mixed thoroughly and consumed 3 times a day, 2 teaspoon each.
  • Pears - you can eat in unlimited quantities in a day.
  • Onions or green - daily use in volumes that do not cause discomfort.
  • A decoction of dandelion and nettle - components in equal proportions are poured with boiling water, insist and drink every day for 1 tbsp. l twice a day for 2 weeks.

Many experts also recommend eating any fruits that are available seasonally, drinking freshly squeezed juices, and consuming as many vegetables as possible.


Any man can face this pathology. Given the rhythm and lifestyle of a modern person, problems with sperm can begin in early childhood. Therefore, preventive measures should start from the very birth of the baby.

Until the child reaches puberty, the responsibility for prevention rests with the parents. The boy should not catch a cold, wear tight underwear, engage in complex physical work (out of year). It is important to correctly draw up a child’s diet, in which all the necessary trace elements and vitamins must be present.

In adulthood, the guy should be aware that promiscuous sexual intercourse, the abuse of tobacco products, alcohol and especially drugs, can cause serious complications in the future.

In the diet of men, products such as:

  • greenery;
  • red meat;
  • cereals;
  • seafood.

It is important to monitor your own weight. It is scientifically proven that in men whose body weight exceeds the norm by more than 15 kg, sperm quality deteriorates by a quarter.

It is worth remembering that teratozoospermia is not a sentence. If treatment is started in a timely manner, then in 90% of cases the pathology can be corrected. Even when the problem is chronic and it is not possible to become a father in a natural way, there are several methods, including insemination, fertilization of the female egg. Complete infertility occurs only in 5% of patients with this diagnosis.