In pharmacies, there are many different immunomodulators, among them candles "Polyoxidonium". Therapists and pediatricians for the most part give preference to this medicine, because it has a minimum of contraindications and almost no side effects. The application scheme and other useful information about this tool we have posted in this publication.

Description of the release form and composition

Suppositories have the usual form for rectal use - in the form of a torpedo. The color is yellowish, the appearance of the candle is oily, the presence of a subtle smell of cocoa is allowed. Consistency and color must be uniform.

A pack with a preparation of cardboard, it contains a dense contour package with five candles. The dosage of one suppository may be 12 or 6 mg.


  • base: azoximer bromide;
  • auxiliary components: cocoa butter (it gives the aroma to the product), povidone, mannitol.

Indications for use are quite extensive, we will consider them further.

What helps candles "Polyoxidonium"

The main substance is universal in action. Azoximer bromide and immunomodulator, and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying agent. The drug is prescribed not only as an assistant in the fight against diseases in general therapy, but also for the prevention and maintenance of the immune system in people with oncology.

The drug is applicable to restore immunity from taking certain medications, hormones, after radiation and chemotherapy.And also the substance helps the tissues of the body regenerate faster, which accelerates the healing of wounds from cuts, injuries, burns, surgery.

Candles "Polyoxidonium" are endowed with a high antiviral property, which makes them powerful helpers in the fight against influenza and SARS. Azoximer bromide accelerates the production of antibodies that are detrimental to disease-causing microorganisms.

The drug is indicated for adults, children from 6 years old and adolescents. The doctor may prescribe a medication in the following situations:

  • ARI, SARS and influenza, complicated by the inflammatory process of the disease caused by infections, fungi, bacteria;
  • prophylaxis;
  • chronic diseases caused by infections, viruses and bacteria, with exacerbation of ailments and at the time of remission;
  • urogenital diseases;
  • various types of tuberculosis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • prolonged use of immunosuppressants;
  • rehabilitation of people with ARI and ARVI more than four times a year;
  • injuries and wounds of any nature;
  • before, during and after chemotherapy, radiation therapy (reduction of intoxication of the body, which leads to a decrease in the manifestations of side effects);
  • allergy.

The drug can be safely called one of the safest, because it does not cause allergies, does not accumulate in tissues, does not have mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. "Polyoxidonium" in the form of suppositories will not harm the stomach, because it is applicable rectally or intravaginally, it is recommended to prescribe it to people with ulcers and gastritis. The described agent is perfectly tolerated at any age.

Instructions for use for adults and children

To eliminate infections, inflammation, as a preventive measure, different doses and patterns of use of the drug are shown. It is necessary to clearly follow the instructions prescribed in the annotation to the medicine, or the one that the doctor prescribed individually, based on the nature of the ailment. If after two or three days of treatment a positive result of therapy is invisible or new symptoms appear, you need to talk with the doctor about the appointment of another immunomodulator.

Suppositories can be used every day, once every two days or twice a week - it depends on the disease. Rectal administration is possible only after bowel cleansing. Intravaginally prescribed for gynecological ailments (introduced in the evening).

Recommended instructions for patients over 18 years of age:

  1. Chronic infections and inflammatory processes during exacerbation, gynecological diseases: suppositories "Polyoxidonium" 12 mg / day. - three days in a row, then 10 pcs. 1 pc. once every two days. For injuries, exacerbation of urological infections: 12 mg / day. - 10 consecutive days.
  2. Pulmonary tuberculosis: 3 days / 12 mg, then every other day - 40 days. Supportive therapy is possible: 6 mg twice a week (2-3 months).
  3. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy: 3 mg / day 3 days before therapy. Then you need to enter 12 mg only twice a week, the general course of suppositories is 20 pcs.
  4. Allergy: 10 days at 12 mg / day.

Prevention for adults:

  1. Chronic herpes, urological diseases: 10 pcs. / 12 mg (course) every other day for 1 pc.
  2. SARS, ARI and influenza: 12 mg / day. lasting 10 days.
  3. Immunodeficiency of the elderly: twice a year in courses of five weeks - 12 mg twice a week.

Candles "Polyoxidonium" for children are recommended only in a dose of 6 mg. The standard scheme of use for patients 6-18 years old looks like this (doses of 6 mg):

  1. Exacerbation of chronic ailments: 3 days. 1 pc. / Day., Further treatment - once every two days. The entire course is 10 suppositories.
  2. Injuries, urological diseases, with acute inflammation: 6 mg / day. 10 days.
  3. Tuberculosis: 1 pc / day. three days in a row, then 40 days every other day.
  4. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy: three days before therapy, 1 pc / day. Then a course of 20 pcs. one per day, but in a day.
  5. Allergy and rheumatoid arthritis: 10 days, 6 mg each.

Prevention in children:

  1. Chronic diseases caused by bacterial, fungal or viral microflora: 10 suppositories (one each day).
  2. Influenza, ARVI and ARI: 1 pc. for 10 days.

Long-term maintenance therapies are recommended for patients of any age with HIV or a malignant tumor, which can last from one month to a year or more. It is necessary to enter twice a week on a candle in the dose recommended for age ("Polyoxidonium" for adults of 12 mg, for children of 6 mg).

During pregnancy and lactation

It is very difficult for expectant mothers to choose medicines, the doctor must evaluate the possible harm and benefits of even simple vitamins. Experiments to identify the possibility of prescribing the drug to pregnant women were carried out only on animals. No abnormalities were found in the females and the fetus during the treatment period. But in humans, there is no clinical experience, so the tool is prohibited to expectant mothers.

The effect of the substance that fell into the milk of a woman, and then into the baby's body, was also not revealed, since experiments were not carried out. Due to the lack of information about possible problems, the medicine is prohibited for nursing mothers. If there is no alternative treatment option, and therapy with Polyoxidonium is required, then breast-feeding is canceled, the child is transferred to artificial.

Drug interaction

The described immunomodulator consists of substances that are compatible with many other medicines. Therefore, "Polyoxidonium" can be used with enhancing immunity means, antibiotics, drugs against fungi. But all the same, it is impossible to combine medication without consulting a doctor, as some of them may have contraindications and side effects that will reduce the effectiveness of the Polyoxidonium therapy.

There are also medications that are not recommended for combination with immunomodulators, and this is also worth considering. Therefore, self-medication is not welcome, each drug should be prescribed by a specialist.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Contraindications include very few points. The drug is not applicable in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • intolerance to some of the components of the drug.

In case of impaired liver and kidney function, the drug should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, since there have been no clinical studies in this area.
Only one of the side effects can be distinguished: very rarely, due to the individual reaction of the body to the drug, redness near the injection site, itching can form. If this happened, then the medicine is canceled, you need to use another.

There are no cases of overdose.

Important notes:

  1. Stop taking the medicine immediately, you do not need to gradually reduce the dose.
  2. If the drug was missed, then the next time the dose is not doubled to compensate for the omission, but treatment is continued according to the specified scheme.
  3. The medicine is not applicable after the expiration date.
  4. If you visually noted defects in the packaging, the candles themselves, then they should not be used.

And one more important information: “Polyoxidonium” does not affect attention, speed of reaction and thinking, memory, therefore it is possible to drive vehicles during the treatment and perform dangerous work.

Analogs of candles "Polyoxidonium"

The described drug has a unique structure, and similar immunomodulators do not exist. Therefore, if “Polyoxidonium” is prescribed for you, but it is not in the pharmacy, do not buy another product issued by the pharmacist as an analogue.


There are synonyms for "Polyoxidonium" - these are drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect, but a different composition. Synonyms include candles:

  • “Galavit”;
  • "Methyluracil";
  • "Imunofan."

Although drugs are dispensed without a prescription, they should be purchased only after consulting a specialist. Each of them has its own characteristics, limitations in use and a list of side effects.Immunomodulators are not completely safe medicines, like any other medical means. They can be harmful if used improperly or used unnecessarily.