The original Ramen soup is a delicious and satisfying dish of Japanese cuisine, which is especially popular in Korea and China. It is a thin noodle with the addition of meat, eggs, vegetables, sauce and aromatic spices. Thanks to well-chosen components, the treat has an unforgettable aroma, exquisite taste, mouth-watering appearance and is available for cooking at home.

Classic recipe

An oriental dish, cooked in a classic way, is the basis for other varieties of Ramen soup.

All the ingredients for it must be prepared separately, following a certain sequence, and then put on plates and pour hot broth.

Required Products:

  • wheat noodles - 0.2 kg;
  • two eggs;
  • pork - 0.28 kg;
  • chicken - 0.35 kg;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • soy sauce, herbs, hot pepper - to your taste;
  • celery - 3 stalks;
  • ginger - 23 g.


  1. Rinse the chicken and pork meat well, then place in a pot of boiling water and cook together.
  2. After a quarter of an hour, add chopped garlic, several rings of hot pepper, celery, some fresh herbs and a slice of ginger to the broth.
  3. Continue cooking over low heat for about 45 minutes until the meat is tender.
  4. Pass the prepared broth through a sieve, and transfer the meat to a separate plate. Then add soy sauce to the hot liquid and stir.
  5. Hard-boiled eggs, then cool, peel and grease with soy sauce, so that they turn light brown.
  6. Boil the noodles until half cooked, then cut the pork into plates and chop the greens.
  7. Now put an equal amount of noodles in deep plates, add to each of them several pieces of meat, an egg cut into two parts, greens and pour hot broth.

Japanese ramen soup is ready. Serve it in a warm form with special chopsticks. It is advisable to offer a cut of ripe cucumbers and tomatoes.

With pork and japanese noodles

The recipe for this dish is quite simple, so even a novice cook can master it. For pork soup you will need Japanese noodles Soba or Somen: both varieties look beautiful in finished form and have an amazing taste.

Required Products:

  • pork meat - 1.2 kg;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • ginger - 25 g;
  • Japanese noodles - 0.7 kg;
  • salt - 18 g;
  • granulated sugar - 15 g;
  • cilantro, parsley - 5 branches;
  • soy sauce - 0.2 l.


  1. Chop pork into square pieces, wash thoroughly and place in a container of water. Then boil the meat for half an hour, then remove and transfer to another container, and salt the broth.
  2. In the pan with boiled meat, add ginger, pour cinnamon and pour a little broth.
  3. Then place on the stove, boil, pour sugar and add soy sauce, and then continue cooking in a sealed container for about three hours.
  4. Now fill the heat-resistant bowl with water, bring it to a boil and fill in the noodles. Five minutes later, drain all the liquid, get the noodles, divide it into portions and put in plates.
  5. After that, again pour water (1 liter) into the pan, and when it boils, pour in the remaining broth. Then add a slice of pork fat, boil for three minutes and turn off the oven.

Pour fragrant broth into plates with noodles, then put slices of chopped meat and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Pork soup is recommended to eat fresh and hot.

How to cook with beef

It will take a little time to cook Ramen with beef, since you do not need to cook the broth separately for it. A fragrant decoction, in which egg noodles were prepared, will be used as a fill.

Required Products:

  • beef - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • three eggs;
  • egg noodles - 0.32 kg;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • ginger - 23 g;
  • nori - 12 g;
  • soy sauce - 75 ml;
  • salt, green onions, hot spices - as needed.


  1. Wash and cut the beef into small cubes. Then put them in a pan with oil and fry for an hour. At the end, add salt, season with spices and add nori.
  2. Boil the eggs, then remove the shell from them and cut into circles.
  3. Boil water in a pan, then pour soy sauce in it, put ginger and garlic, cut into slices. Then add the noodles and boil for five minutes.

Serve Japanese soup in portions, putting slices of fried beef, egg slices and coarsely chopped green onions in plates with noodles. A wonderful treat will cheer you up and fill it well during the lunch break.

Tory Ramen Chicken Soup

Another simple recipe for Ramen soup with chicken, which is prepared in just ten minutes. Such a dish will help quickly feed the family when there is no time for long cooking.

Required Products (per serving):

  • boiled chicken - 120 g;
  • soy sauce - 20 g;
  • Ramen noodles - 170 g;
  • carrot;
  • chicken broth - 0.4 l;
  • clove of garlic;
  • sea ​​salt - 2 g;
  • two feathers of green onions;
  • bell pepper - 40 g;
  • half boiled egg.


  1. Wash peppers, carrots and garlic under running water, then chop long and narrow strips. Cut the chicken into large cubes.
  2. Place the chopped meat in a boiling broth, add chopped vegetables, pour the sauce, add salt and cook for four minutes, then set aside.
  3. The noodles must be cooked separately, then put on a plate and season with broth.

It is recommended to decorate the finished dish with rings of green onion and lay the egg cut in half.Tory Ramen soup with chicken is nutritious, mouth-watering and can be a great alternative to fed-up first courses.

Cooking with squid

A Japanese squid dish will help surprise family and friends during dinner. It usually contains different types of seafood, and treats are served with specially prepared sauce.

Required Products:

  • sea, scallops, shrimp, mussels, squid - 0.32 kg;
  • Ramen noodles - 0.3 kg;
  • small zucchini;
  • carrots, sweet peppers - 45 g each;
  • leek, cilantro - 50 g;
  • soy sauce, rice wine - 60 ml each;
  • sesame, ginger, garlic - at your discretion.


  1. Place the seafood in a frying pan with olive oil, add ground ginger, chopped garlic and fry for five minutes.
  2. Cook the noodles following the instructions on the packaging.
  3. Combine rice wine with soya seasoning, then add finely chopped greens and mix.
  4. The resulting sauce, pour the noodles laid out on plates and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Piquant seafood soup Ramen is ready.

It is advisable to use it right away, because the cooled treat loses its aroma and will not be so tasty.

Japanese first course with fish

This soup is very popular with lovers of fish dishes. It consists of many vegetables that are in perfect harmony with the delicate broth of cod, carp or trout.

Required Products:

  • onions, broccoli, carrots - 50 g each;
  • corn - 180 g;
  • fish (any) - 0.32 kg;
  • eggs (boiled) - 2 pcs.;
  • Japanese noodles - 55 g;
  • soy sauce - 25 ml;
  • ground pepper, sea salt - to your liking.


  1. Gut the fish, rinse and cook. Remove the prepared meat, separate the fillet from the bones and cut into square pieces. Strain the broth and pour again into the pan.
  2. Peel onions and carrots, rinse with running water and cut into small rectangles. Chop cabbage into thin strips.
  3. Place chopped vegetables together with corn in a pan and fry in fat until golden brown.
  4. Then boil the noodles and put it in portioned bowls.
  5. Boil the fish broth, add salt, sauce and other spices to it. Boil for about a minute, then extinguish the burner.
  6. Now fill each portion of noodles with stewed vegetables, put a few fish pieces, pour the broth and garnish with half the eggs.

Japanese Ramen soup with fish put on the table and invite everyone present to try. Serve it with wooden chopsticks.

Tasty recipe:shrimp soup

Asian Kimchi Ramen Soup

The recipe for this treat includes the use of spicy kimchi cabbage, which is added to the dish to give a peculiar pleasantly spicy taste. Asian soup does not include meat, so it is suitable for vegetarian meals.

Required Products:

  • Ramen noodles - 0.43 kg;
  • kimchi cabbage - 200 g;
  • champignons - 130 g;
  • nori - 60 g;
  • water - 2.6 l;
  • tofu cheese - 0.4 kg;
  • spicy seasonings, green onions, coarse salt - to taste.


  1. Pour water into the pan, then boil it, salt and put the noodles.
  2. After a minute, add tofu, sliced ​​mushrooms, introduce spices and cook for another four minutes.
  3. After that, place the soup in volumetric plates, put kimchi, nori and chopped greens on top.

Kimchi Ramen Asian soup can also be prepared on veal or pork meat broth, then supplemented with boiled eggs - it will also be very tasty. Bon Appetit!