The pragmatic Virgo and sensual Sagittarius are a union that is not common. Their relationship is a struggle between the two elements, the outcome of which is largely determined by the ability of partners to compromise. On the compatibility of the Virgin and Sagittarius in love, marriage, friendship and intimate life, read this article.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

To understand how compatible Virgo and Sagittarius, you should pay attention to the characteristics of their personality.

Virgo (08/23 - 09/23)

The Sign of the Virgin belongs to the elements of the Earth and personifies purity and wisdom. Virgos are naturally clean, pedantic and dubious. They carefully monitor their health, and in their house, as a rule, you can find medicines for all occasions. People born under this sign are demanding of the appearance of a loved one. They will not tolerate negligence and bad taste in the appearance of a partner. The house of Virgo reigns clean and tidy, all things are strictly in place.

Practicality and conservatism are characteristic of virgins. They do not particularly like traveling and are very upset if their usual daily routine was violated by any unforeseen event.

Virgo's finances are taken seriously. Even with a modest life, they manage to save a considerable amount “just in case”. When choosing a spouse, people born under this sign often look at education and financial situation, rather than personal qualities. In love relationships, as in all areas of life, Virgo are guided by reason, not feelings.

Representatives of this sign often have high mental abilities, good taste, ear for music and voice. They come out of excellent musicians, doctors, financial workers, collectors, mathematicians.

Virgos are great friends. They can support, console and really help in difficult times. Moreover, representatives of this sign themselves are very tired of other people's emotions. Virgos periodically need a rest, which they find in their many hobbies.

Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

Sagittarius belonging to the elements of Fire, in many ways differ from the Virgin. These people are invincible optimists, almost always they are cheerful and sociable. Thanks to wit and innate friendliness, Sagittarius easily converge with people, they are constantly surrounded by friends and pals.

Representatives of this sign are sometimes straightforward and tactless. Saying everything “on the forehead”, they sincerely do not understand that they can offend anyone. Despite this, relatives cannot long be angry with Sagittarius, because he, realizing his mistake, will certainly find a way to reconciliation.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are extreme people and adventurers. They do not imagine their life without risk and always strive to get the maximum of thrills. Sagittarius loves traveling, they are often fond of sports and simply cannot sit still. Often they go to deputies, lead social movements and find their vocation in show business or sports.

Sagittarius is often wasteful. They prefer to spend money on pleasures and entertainment, at the risk of being penniless.

Frivolous and impulsive, Sagittarius quickly fall in love, but their feelings wane when it comes to formalizing the relationship. Representatives of this sign are childishly naive, frivolous and irresponsible. They are in no hurry to tie the knot and have children, fearing that the family will make their life unbearably boring.

Compatible male Sagittarius and female Virgo

The degree of compatibility of the Sagittarius man and the Virgo woman can be different depending on what kind of relationship they are in.

In love

The love union of a Sagittarius man and a Virgo woman is not common, because she tries to choose a more serious and reliable companion. The Sagittarius can be charmed by the impeccable, talented and moderately flirtatious Virgo, who, in turn, will admire his optimism and craving for adventure. The charismatic, reckless guy will help the often yearning girl cheer up and distract from the harsh reality.

If Sagittarius and Virgo eventually have deep feelings for each other, the union may well become long and happy. Otherwise, the man will soon begin to annoy the pedantry and conservativeness of the chosen one. She would seem to him boring and too demanding. A woman may find unacceptable the excessive frivolity and irresponsibility of Sagittarius, and his tactlessness will begin to seriously hurt the already touchy Virgin.


The marriage of Virgo and Sagittarius in most cases, perhaps, can hardly be called ideal. Frequent quarrels, disputes and mutual claims in such an alliance are inevitable. Such couples often get divorced.

However, if their feelings are time-tested, and representatives of these zodiac signs are ready to slightly adjust their character traits, the Sagittarius man and Virgo woman can create a completely happy family. She is an impeccable mistress, a faithful wife and an excellent mother who can adequately raise her children and curb the extravagance of Sagittarius a little. He is a good husband and a caring father who will be happy to spend time with his child and will not let his wife get bored.

In friendship

Relationships not burdened with any obligations are ideal for a Virgo woman and a Sagittarius man. In friendship, they are not so critical of each other. The practical Virgo gives Sagittarius a lot of valuable advice and helps to understand difficult life situations.Sagittarius, on the other hand, charges Virgo with optimism and does not allow her to become discouraged. They learn a lot from each other.

Sexual compatibility

Sagittarius man and Virgo woman become good sexual partners for each other. Sagittarius likes to liberate the shy in intimate terms Virgo. He is touched by her constraint and shyness with which she is given to love joys. For a woman, a partner born under the sign of Sagittarius opens a special world where you should not be afraid of your feelings and desires.

How compatible are Virgo men and Sagittarius women

The Sagittarius woman and the Virgo man, according to astrologers, form a successful union. They are compatible in almost all areas of relations.

In a love relationship

As a rule, the relationship between a Virgo man and a Sagittarius woman does not differ in passion, but this does not mean at all that their union is impossible. They are practically opposite and complement each other perfectly. He encourages her to be more prudent and careful, she, in turn, teaches him to enjoy life and gives hope for the future.

The Virgo man sometimes lacks the determination to make important decisions, which may somewhat disappoint the lively Sagittarius woman. In general, their relationship, built on love, mutual protection and understanding, can be called successful.


Virgo's husband is notable for his cleanliness and decency. He is not prone to scandals, often makes concessions and is distinguished by his love of work. Seeing the virtues of the Virgo man, the Sagittarius woman skillfully maintains a positive emotional atmosphere in the family, trying to please him. They easily adapt to each other, and such unions are usually quite strong.

When children appear, the Virgo man tries to help his wife in everything, transferring some of her responsibilities to herself. He can safely entrust a trip to the store or send with a child to a children's clinic. He will not allow the Sagittarius woman too indulgent to her own children to spoil the offspring. Wife Sagittarius, in turn, skillfully creates comfort in the family and takes care of joint leisure.

In friendship

Sagittarius woman and Virgo man are great friends. They will always come to help each other. She will share with him emotions and experiences, without which he becomes callous, encourages and supports, helps to find positive aspects in everything. He will save her from rash acts, give a lot of valuable advice. Both of them will highly value their strong friendship.

Sexual compatibility

The Sagittarius woman and the Virgo man are perfectly intimate for each other. She tries to make sex spontaneous, stormy and passionate. He prepares for intimacy in advance, thinks through every step, enthusiastically studies love science, choosing ways to deliver an unforgettable experience to his partner.

Positive and negative sides of the union

The Union of Virgo and Sagittarius can have its pros and cons.

The positive aspects of such relations include the following points:

  • Sagittarius helps Virgo become more confident in herself, instills optimism, and teaches to enjoy life;
  • Virgo, in turn, teaches Sagittarius to soberly assess the situation and think about their actions;
  • in most cases, Virgo and Sagittarius become good lovers for each other;
  • representatives of these signs, due to the nature of their character, together I can give my children a good upbringing;
  • Sagittarius and Virgo value friendships and are always ready to help each other.

The negative sides of the relationship of Sagittarius and Virgo:

  • the almost opposite attitude to money can cause numerous quarrels and disputes regarding the family budget;
  • frequent domestic disagreements;
  • the ease with which Sagittarius converges with people, including representatives of the opposite sex, can alert the Virgin and even cause jealousy;
  • the energetic Sagittarius is often depressed by the conservativeness of the Virgin and her unwillingness to change her usual way of life;
  • Sagittarius straightforwardness can cause significant damage to the vanity of the vulnerable Virgo.

The presented compatibility horoscope reflects only the general features of the relationship of Sagittarius and Virgo. Character traits of representatives of these signs may vary significantly depending on the date and time of birth.