Soy asparagus (fuju) has long ceased to be an outlandish delicacy, firmly entering the diet of European people. Delicious salads are prepared from it or simply consumed as a finished dish, previously pickled. Find out what the benefits of this product are.

What is soy asparagus and what is it made of

Soy asparagus is called Chinese semi-finished product of plant origin.

This product is in no way associated with the plant of the same name.

Her name is soy, as it is made from soybeans, crushed and digested. The soybean foam formed during the cooking of bean milk is removed and hung to give it a fibrous structure. Dry fuju is being poisoned for sale.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Soy asparagus can be purchased in two versions: ready-to-eat or dried. At the same time, the nutritional value of the products will be different, however, as the dry treat is soaked, its mass also increases. The calorie content of soy asparagus also varies to the finished product.

100 g of dry asparagus includes 280 kcal, in the same amount of soaked product - 120 kcal. Fuju contains 40% protein and the same number of carbohydrates, and the remaining 20% ​​is occupied by fats.

Contains dried asparagus vitamins (A, C, PP, group B) and trace elements: copper, zinc, iron, etc.

Product Benefits

The health benefits of soy asparagus are truly invaluable:

  1. Fiber normalizes the functionality of the digestive tract, allows you to fight constipation.
  2. Soy protein lowers blood cholesterol.
  3. Fatty acids prevent heart disease.
  4. Isoflavones in asparagus stop the unpleasant symptoms of endometriosis and menopause.
  5. A calcium-rich product protects the body from osteoporosis.
  6. Amino acids slow down aging, improve muscle tone, participate in the process of cell regeneration.
  7. Soya product prevents hair loss, contributing to its further growth.

Fuju fits perfectly into the diet of vegetarians. Soy protein in terms of nutritional value is equal to the animal, but the first is absorbed much easier.

Cooking Fuju at home

It is difficult to eat dry asparagus, which is why it is soaked in water before cooking delicacies from fuju.

This is done in the following ways:

  • pouring boiling water for 2 hours;
  • soaking in cold water for 24 hours;
  • soaking and boiling a little.

Marinated fuju

Includes the following ingredients:

  • 250 g asparagus;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  • 3 tooth. garlic
  • 5 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l balsamic vinegar;
  • paprika, salt, sugar.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Asparagus is steeped, squeezed and cut into pieces.
  2. Garlic is minced and mixed with oil, sauce, vinegar and spices.
  3. The boiled asparagus plates are poured with the resulting marinade.

Dishes with fuju are wrapped with cling film and sent to the refrigerator overnight.

Fuju low-fat salad

The dish is ideal for those who are losing weight, and therefore monitor their diet. The salad has few calories and a sufficient amount of vegetables, and fuju allows you to get enough and interrupt the feeling of hunger for a long time.

A salad is prepared from the following components:

  • 200 g soy asparagus;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 100 g celery;
  • 1 tooth garlic.

How to cook a salad:

  1. Asparagus is soaked in water for 24 hours, squeezed and chopped.
  2. The product is mixed in one container with bell pepper and cucumber, a clove of garlic (chopped), celery.
  3. The salad is seasoned with salt and vegetable oil to taste, you can add sesame seeds and chopped cilantro.

Tip. Since soy asparagus lacks a pronounced taste, dishes from it require dressing with sauce or spices.

The most commonly used soy sauce. But ready-made store gas stations are not always useful and not for everyone because of the content of flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives.

How to choose asparagus in a store

On the shelves of stores often found dried product, called fuzhu, rather than its finished counterpart. On the packaging of a dried product, the usual one is FUJU, FUJU Asparagus, Korean Asparagus, Soy Asparagus Noodles, Soy Asparagus. In the selection process, you should definitely consider the expiration dates.

Tip. It’s best to buy dry asparagus and cook it at home. Ready fuju may contain multiple spices and additives, as well as flavor enhancers that do not always positively affect the human body. In addition, it is almost impossible to track the expiration date of such a product.

After opening the packaging, asparagus can be stored for no more than a month. In order to extend the shelf life of fuju, you should remove it from the packaging and place it in a sealed container, sending it to a cool dark place. So it does not absorb extraneous odors and can be stored up to 1 year. Ready asparagus is kept in the refrigerator for no longer than 4 days.


Despite all its useful ingredients, soy asparagus can be harmful if consumed excessively, so a number of restrictions should be considered:

  1. You can not uncontrollably treat asparagus to children, this can lead to deviations in the development of the genitourinary system.
  2. The abuse of fuju is fraught with the development of stomach ulcers.
  3. Asparagus is not recommended for people suffering from kidney problems. The reason is soy oxalates, which are deposited in the kidneys and disrupt their functionality.
  4. Soy products are considered strong allergens, and therefore allergy sufferers should use them with caution.

Completely abandon asparagus or use it little by little should be people prone to cystitis, pancreatic diseases, prostatitis.

Soy-based products are gaining in popularity all over the world. Soy asparagus and soy cheese tofu-skin are considered the champions. But, despite its spicy taste, in large quantities, these products can cause health problems. Therefore, when using them, gourmets should adhere to the principle of moderation.