The compatibility of Scorpio and Aries largely depends on the elements under whose protection they are. In this union, a clash of two forces is observed: Water extinguishes the flame, and Fire evaporates the liquid. A struggle of opposites is characterized by a similar tandem, the percentage of compatibility of which as a whole does not exceed 60%.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

Thanks to the flexibility of Scorpio, able to circumvent the sharp corners of the fire Aries, this union has a chance of existence. But each of the partners needs to make an effort to find a middle ground in the relationship. Then they can turn mountains.

Aries, under the auspices of the elements of Fire, are active, energetic and impulsive. They quickly find followers whom they literally “spark” with their ideas.

As a rule, they achieve their goals. I must say that they achieve success almost always, regardless of whether they choose to serve the law or the completely opposite side.

  • Aries male independence is apparent from an early age. He needs constant rivalry, which usually prevails. This becomes the root cause of his desire for leadership positions. Aries is ambitious. It is worth noting that a guy under this sign is usually known as a womanizer, because he breaks a lot of female hearts.
  • Aries woman is an excellent tactician and, like a gray cardinal, often acts through the forces of others, while remaining in the shade. However, often the fair sex is involved in dangerous men's games, the result of which is the loss of independence of the girl.After all, she, being enthusiastic, does not notice her "captivity".

Scorpios personify the struggle to a victorious end. When others surrender, people of this sign will continue to fight and win. They are deeply emotional, remaining cool inside.

The relatives of this sign value loyalty and do not trust the first comer. To win the trust of a person under the sign of the water element, you have to pass a test.

  • The Scorpio man is an imperious owner who does not tolerate comparisons with others and pressure. Pride and emotions make the representative of this sign even brighter. In bed, this is a passionate lover, but in love he is a difficult partner, trying to fix all the flaws of the second half and requiring full dedication. A frivolous attitude to life repels him.
  • Scorpio woman is inherent in natural magnetism, thanks to which she easily rules the conquered world. She is a faithful wife, but requires the same from a partner. Cheating does not forgive. Reaching a high position in society, he remains an excellent mother. Teaches children independence from an early age. To win the confidence of a woman of this sign, it will be necessary to perform chivalrous acts confirming the purity of intentions.

Scorpio male and Aries female: compatibility

The union of Aries woman and Scorpio man is rather ambiguous, since both signs are under the auspices of the passionate Mars. However, under certain conditions, a tandem can be quite successful.

In a love relationship

Despite the fact that the relationship between Aries and Scorpio will not be enough stability, in love they are characterized as hot. Between them, at the first meeting, a kind of spark flares up, thanks to which they instantly notice each other. Both signs do not like to linger. A girl, understanding her feelings, can easily take the first step. And the Scorpio man will reciprocate.

In bed, the compatibility of people of these signs is impeccable. Their intimate life is full of passion.

Both partners will constantly experiment, going beyond the usual framework. But there is a risk that they will tire of this intensity. Although this does not matter, having a little rest, Scorpio and Aries will again dissolve in each other.


The partners of this union often decide to start a family. But due to impulsiveness, ardor, willfulness and inability to compromise each of them, this marriage will resemble an alliance of Italians - with violent scandals and vivid reconciliation.

In friendship

Since loyalty is a characteristic that each of the signs discussed appreciates, friendship between the Aries woman and the Scorpio man is entirely possible. She will be strong and long. Everyone can provide support in difficult times. But often their friendships outgrow due to physical attraction into something more.

How compatible are Scorpio women and Aries men

For the long and happy existence of the Scorpio tandem of a woman and Aries of a man, it is necessary for each of the partners to want the same thing.

In a love relationship

Their love can hardly be described as the union of two hearts beating in unison. It is bright and rich, but more like a truce in the midst of hostilities. Everyone is trying to make the other a "captive", surrendering to the will of the winner. The Aries man is conducting the “war” openly, and the Scorpio woman is trying to subdue him stealthily.

Such an alliance can be long and strong due to the fact that everyone is confident in his strategic advantage - he is strong, and it is insidious.

In bed, their relationship is perfect. Everyone wants one thing - to experiment and open new horizons. Both partners are easily excitable and quickly tune in the right way. The main thing is that in the next outburst, no one should damage parts of the body due to attempts to repeat a new pose from the Kama Sutra.


The compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage is 40 - 45% due to the ardor of each partner.Although the Scorpio woman is smart enough not to provoke the Aries man once again, yet she systematically lacks the clarification of the relationships to which she is prone to by nature.

In friendship

People of these signs are very similar in many ways, therefore they understand each other. If in friendship they seek precisely understanding, then their friendly tandem will be strong. Scorpio can relieve stress, and Aries can listen.

Positive and negative sides of the union

According to the compatibility horoscope, a strong union of these signs is generally possible, because it has a number of positive qualities:

  1. Strong sexual desire and passion - the intimate side of the relationship of representatives of these signs will be the key to a strong union, since they are unlikely to be able to realize their fantasies with others.
  2. Material well-being and the ability to idolize a partner - the Aries and Scorpio family will not lack financial resources. Each of the signs is self-sufficient and can achieve great heights, while not forgetting to thank the other half for a reliable rear.

If the partners are unable to compromise, then nothing good will come of such an alliance:

  1. If one of the partners shows excessive jealousy, which is characteristic of the owner of Scorpio, then the marriage will be destroyed very quickly. After all, Aries is prone to sexual adventures.
  2. People of these signs should not experiment with an office romance, the result of which could be the collapse of a business.
  3. The two leaders are in constant confrontation, trying to prove their superiority.

Despite the fact that for many astrologers the compatibility of these zodiac signs causes certain doubts, you should not rely only on the stars. Each person is the smith of his own destiny. And if the heart cannot be ordered in any way, then it’s better to go headlong into the pool!