The speech apparatus of an adult is similar to the musculoskeletal system: it works much better if you exercise regularly. But training cannot be understood as our communication with other people. The tongue, like any other muscle, becomes stronger and more resilient in the conditions of overcoming inconveniences and obstacles. The classic exercise in this regard is tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction of adults, creating the conditions for overcoming the difficulties that the elements of the speech apparatus encounter.

Tips for Improving Diction and Speech Clarity

Good diction is important for many professionals whose activities are related to public speaking and active communication with other people. Pure speech holders do not encounter distorted interpretations of their own statements due to misunderstanding, endless requests to repeat what was said, they do not need to spend effort on emphasizing the most important thoughts. It’s worth it when the audience’s attention is focused on understanding the meaning of what was said, and not on deciphering the words.


There is a whole range of techniques for developing speech clarity.

  • Since the cause of the erroneous pronunciation of sounds is the incorrect operation of the elements of the speech apparatus, one of the basic methods for correcting diction is gymnastics. It includes exercises for the movement of the lower jaw, lips, tongue, soft palate. If there are no congenital pathologies of development or serious injuries, gymnastics corrects speech errors well, because the most common cause is weakness of the muscles of the tongue. In some cases, the bite is also subject to correction, which affects the way we pronounce sounds.
  • Respiratory gymnastics and posture correction.Entire complexes have been developed that combine a straight back with breathing exercises. They accustom to the correct position of the organs involved in oral speech. Breathing with exercise is also trained: reading poems with inclines, while jumping, walking fast.
  • Acting techniques in which individual sounds are pronounced with obstacles in the mouth as clearly as possible. It can be a pencil, several small balls or a large object, sandwiched between the teeth. The purpose of such classes is to achieve the clearest articulation in difficult conditions.
  • Numerous speech exercises. You can learn to read tongue twisters, prosaic passages of texts, pronouncing every word as clearly as possible, singing verses, making speeches in motion, chanting, etc.

The longest tongue twister in the world

There is a champion in the world of tongue twisters called Liguria, which includes many short texts. Such long tongue twisters are aimed at thoroughly developing the skill. If once a day you manage to pronounce it more or less smoothly and at the right pace, then the training was successful.

Here is an approximate (non-original) text, where the components are strung on an existing one, like beads on a thread:

“On Thursday, the fourth day, at four and a quarter, the Ligurian traffic controller in Liguria regulated, but 33 ships were maneuvered, maneuvered, not caught. Then the protocol protocol was recorded by the protocol, as an interviewer, the interviewed Ligurian traffic policeman reported cleanly, so much so that the weather was inclement so that the incident would not become a precedent for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic policeman acclimatized in a lounging, crested smoked with a pipe: “Don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, better buy a pile of rush, better buy a pile of rush. “It’s not that the scorer from Brandeburg will come, he will bombard with bombs because someone black-nosed at him dug, dug and blew a half-yard with a snout.” But in fact, the Turk was not in business, and Klara-krala was creeping towards the chest at that time, while Karl stole corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl. Then, in the courtyard of the barbaric widow of Barbara, these two thieves stole firewood. But sin is not laughter, it cannot be buried in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in a fight, it wasn’t up to the scorer to the thieves, but not to the tarry widow and not to the tarry children. But the angry widow removed firewood into the barn: once firewood, two firewood, three firewood in the yard. Since the goldfinch, the goldfinch found a box of rubble, and the pike rustled in the crack, the chipped pike dragged the case to sew trousers out of it. The goldfinch quickly nipped her cheek with forceps and smacked it with a slotted spoon, without delaying, dragged this bag, but suddenly the lacing rustled. And she went out, chirping and squinting, the punks were puppies, but in rough bristles, and quickly they scolded the Goldfinch minx so that he would no longer roam in the hollow. Due to shock, our goldfinch lost its charm, itch was scratched under the feathers of a skin. Now he guards the gates of the barracks, in a sailor's chic jacket. Two lumberjack-woodcutter for the sympathetic Varvara pushed firewood into the yard back into the wood-burning yard, where the heron was withering, the heron was drying, the heron was dead. The heron's chicken clung tenaciously to the chain. Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep herself, who Senya carries hay in a sled, then carries Senka Sonya and Sanka on a sled: sledges - skok, Senka - sideways, Sonya - on the forehead, everything - in a snowdrift, and from there only a cone hat knocked down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found Sasha on the highway. Sonya walked along the highway and sucked the dryer, and besides, Sonya-turntable had 3 cheesecakes in her mouth - just like a honey cake, but she wasn’t interested in honey cake - Sonya would re-populate with seafood cheeses and re-populate: buzzing like a ground beetle, buzzing, yes spinning. Was at Frohl - Frolu lied to the Lavra, will go to the Lavra on Frola The Lavra will lie, that - a wahmister with a wahmistrash, a captain with a ringleader.At a snake's dinner, at a hedgehog's hedgehog, and a high-ranking guest took the cane away, and soon again five children ate five honey mushrooms and a half-quarter of a lentil four without a wormhole and 1666 pies with curd from yogurt curd. They rang the bell with a ringing ringing, so much so that even Konstantin, a Salzburg unpromising bomber from under the armored personnel carrier, stated: no matter how many bells are perekolovyvat, not perekolokovyvat, so all tongue twisters are not re-negotiated, not re-negotiated, but the attempt is not torture. "

In different sources, this tongue twister is found in various ways.

Challenging tests for adult diction

Complicated tongue twisters are one of the common ways to improve your articulation skills. In these rhymed or rhythmic rhymes or sentences to facilitate memorization, combinations of sounds are used that are not easy for a person because of the different places of education.

These are pairs and triples: zhr, dr, sp, ln, lp, rte, cru, lra, nte, nro, shra and others. A person in everyday speech is inclined to “swallow” part of the sounds in order to facilitate his work. The purpose of their distinct pronunciation is to learn not only to fully pronounce the words, but also to bring this process to automatism.

All difficult cases of articulation are concentrated in tongue twisters. Therefore, one should not immediately strive for high-speed pronunciation. It is much more important to pronounce all words in full. When this goal is achieved, you can train to read them at an accelerated pace.

Top most effective tongue twisters

We present a list of the most effective tongue twisters for improving the diction of adults who are easy to remember:

  • Pop Polykarp Polikarpovich came to sprinkle dill. Dill is soaking, Polycarp is silent.
  • A very sensitive teacher is oversensitive and subtly sensitive.
  • Good beavers in the forest were awake, beavers were volunteering, beavers were awake.
  • The witness is re-examined and rechecked.
  • Tatar weaver weaves fabrics on Tatyana's homespun shawls.
  • A shaman, scarred with a sword, entered the temple.
  • Difficult tongue twisters involved in self-improvement.
  • When buying a parrot, do not scare the bird with simplicity.
  • The Staffordshire Terrier is too zealous, and the black-coated Giant Schnauzer is faster.
  • The radio operator and the ensign reported, reported to the lieutenant colonel - but did not report.
  • Cleverly tacking in otolaryngology, the doctor easily cured laryngitis and tracheitis.
  • His mouth trembles with alarm, demonstrating the nature of the curve, friend.

These sentences contain both long words, which are often difficult to pronounce clearly, and those that contain combinations of sounds that are problematic for pronunciation. When speaking, you should pay attention to the statement of stress in words, intonation in accordance with punctuation marks, and emphasis in problem areas.