Potatoes fried to a crust remain one of the most beloved dishes for many years. Cooking is simple, and the process is quick, resulting in a hearty and tasty dinner. But everyone who follows the beauty of the figure is worried about the nuance - how many calories are in fried potatoes. The energy value of the treat will vary and depend on how much fat it was cooked on, what was added. Today we will figure it out.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

If you fry the tubers according to the traditional recipe, taking only a vegetable, sunflower oil and salt, then the calorie content of 100 grams will be approximately 200 kcal.

But in addition to this, in food there are other substances necessary for the body, these are:

  • fats - about 10.5 g;
  • proteins - an average of 3.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 24.8 g;
  • dietary fiber - 2.7 g;
  • organic acids - 0.3 g;
  • ash - 2.1 g.

There are also a number of vitamins and minerals, we will talk about them later in the article.

How many calories in fried potatoes

The calorie content of fried potatoes depends entirely on the constituent products and the method of preparation.

You can reduce or increase energy value. Women who follow a diet understand that you need to abandon such a dish for active weight loss, since vegetable oil (884 kcal) or lard (787 kcal) is used for frying.

If you take only 70 g of fat per kilogram of vegetable during frying, then the calorie content will be about 150 kcal per 100 grams.

And the beloved fast food, called french fries, during the diet under the strict "not", because it already contains 312 kcal! Now let's try to figure out how many calories in fried potatoes cooked in different ways.

Many people like to cook potatoes with additives.

So, using some products, the energy value (kcal) of 100 g can be as follows:

  • with mushrooms - at least 200;
  • ground beef - from 250 to 290;
  • using fat - not less than 400;
  • eggs - 187 kcal.

There are no calories in salt and pepper, so these ingredients are not calculated.

The content of vitamins, trace elements

Both potatoes and sunflower oil have in their composition a mass of substances necessary for humans.

Of the vitamins, the following are available:

  • BUT;
  • PP;
  • thiamine;
  • IN 2;
  • AT 6;
  • AT 9;
  • FROM;
  • E;
  • N.


  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine;
  • aluminum;
  • lithium;
  • nickel;
  • rubidium;
  • cobalt;
  • boron;
  • vanadium;
  • sulfur;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • molybdenum;
  • copper;
  • fluorine;
  • manganese;
  • chromium.

Do not forget that harmful cholesterol is also present here. For people who have to adhere to a diet for health reasons, fried vegetables will do more harm than good.

Useful properties and harm to the body

The nutritional value of potatoes lies in the fact that it contains such necessary components as globulin, protein, albumin. These substances enrich raw tuber and partially remain in the dish after hot processing.

The nutritional value of fried potatoes is determined by the presence of a high starch content, and this is one of the most valuable components of a vegetable. But culinary experts strongly recommend getting rid of it as hard as possible by soaking it, because when frying the tubers will crumble, which is unacceptable for the dish.

Despite the presence in the root crop of a large number of useful trace elements, it is possible to eat it in a fried state no more than 1 time per week, and only in this case the benefit will exceed the harm. Potato tubers are endowed with antispasmodic and diuretic properties, and potassium eliminates excess fluid in the body.

Undoubtedly, fried potatoes are an attractive-looking and unsurpassedly delicious dish, but they cannot be classified as dietetic at all. Therefore, the consumption of such a dish should be abandoned to everyone who suffers from overweight, poor metabolism, as well as diseases of the digestive system.

The human body per day on average needs 2500-3000 kcal, and fried potatoes, as we have found, are very high in calories. Unspent energy, which becomes the consumed calories, will certainly be deposited in reserve on the sides and hips.

Carcinogens are the main source of evil, which we absorb along with any fried dish. That is why eating every day is very harmful.

How to reduce the calorie content of fried potatoes

Many people believe that frying in olive oil can significantly reduce the number of calories.

This is a mistake, because this vegetable fat is exactly the same as that of sunflower oil, its energy value is 884 kcal.

There are other ways to get rid of a few calories when cooking fried potatoes:

  1. Soak peeled and sliced ​​tubers so that part of the starch can be removed.
  2. Fry the vegetable in a small amount of oil, which must be heated before putting the potatoes. A crust forms immediately on the slices, which does not allow a large amount of fat to be absorbed.
  3. Use a thick-walled or teflon-coated pan; in such dishes, potatoes will not stick to the bottom, which eliminates the need to add oil.
  4. When ready, put the dish on a paper towel, it will take the maximum amount of vegetable calorie fat.

We found that the energy value of potatoes cooked during frying is high. But this information does not indicate that you have to completely abandon its use in the menu.Just prepare food no more than once a week and use our recommendations to reduce calorie content. Bon Appetit!