Many, for weight loss, replace sugar intake with honey. The sweetness of this product allows you to use it in a small amount. And bee products are very useful for the body. In this publication we find out how many calories are in honey, about its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The composition of honey cannot be called multicomponent. There are no proteins and fats in the product, only carbohydrates, which per 100 grams can be from 70 to 85 (almost 70% of the daily requirement), and this depends on the type of honey.

But nevertheless, this delicacy is of high value for the body, because of the trace elements here is almost the entire periodic table, and we will consider the content of vitamins a little later.

Honey is famous for the fact that it contains several important organic acids (oxalic, nicotinic, malic, citric, lactic and cherry) and enzymes (phosphatase, amylase, diastase, invertase).

Fructose crystallizes worse than glucose. Sucrose, which is sugar, refers to disaccharides: it is almost absent in honey (content from 0 to 2%), since it is almost completely broken down into glucose and fructose due to the action of the invertase enzyme.

How many calories in honey

Calorie content of honey varies from 300 to 400 kcal. The indicators for the types of product vary.

Consider the energy value per 100 g of popular varieties:

  1. Buckwheat - 301 kcal.
  2. Linden - 323 kcal.
  3. Flower - 322 kcal.

But we do not consume the product in kilograms, so many want to know how many calories are in a teaspoon of honey and in the dining room.

Liquid Product Indicators:

  • 1 tbsp. l holds about 10 g of honey, so the calorie content will be in the range of 30-40 kcal;
  • in 1 tsp5 g of the product can be, and the energy value is 15-20 kcal.

If the honey has time to thicken, then its mass will be greater, as the density also increases. Accordingly, the caloric content of 1 liter will also increase.

You need to understand that the information provided in the publication applies only to natural honey. If beekeepers sprinkle sugar in the apiary, then the calorie content will change, as well as the chemical composition of the product.

The content of vitamins, trace elements

The body absorbs honey almost completely, so the product gives all the beneficial properties. The combination of micro and macro elements makes the product similar in composition to human blood!


  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • chlorine;
  • chromium;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • sulfur;
  • molybdenum;
  • vanadium;
  • boron;
  • tin;
  • sodium;
  • titanium;
  • phosphorus;
  • aluminum;
  • silicon;
  • nickel;
  • cobalt.


  • group B (1, 6, 9, 2, 5);
  • PP;
  • FROM;
  • BUT;
  • E;
  • TO.

Vitamins can be more or less, it again depends on the type of honey.

Medicinal properties for the body

A natural beekeeping product is extremely beneficial for people. It contains many substances that beneficially affect immunity, digestion, and organ function. Honey is productive in the fight against many diseases, as it is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent. But this product cannot completely replace traditional medicine, but becomes a doctor’s assistant when ridding a patient of a number of ailments.

Consider the main list of ailments in which the doctor will recommend the use of honey:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • anemia (in this case, buckwheat product will be of great benefit);
  • arrhythmia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • high blood pressure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • rhinitis;
  • cough (colds caused by chronic diseases or smoking);
  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • inflammatory processes in the throat and larynx (for example, tonsillitis);
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • inflammatory processes.

It is important to remember that honey affects the bronchi in an expanding way, so you can not use it before going out (whether it's a frost or a dusty summer day). The product is endowed with a strong expectorant property, sputum begins to be excreted quickly and in large volumes. In order not to provide the patient, and even himself, a sleepless night, honey should not be consumed before bedtime.

To get the maximum benefit, honey should be eaten 2 hours before or after a meal (on an empty stomach). As for the possible dosage, it is not recommended for adults to exceed consumption of 150 g per day, and for children from three years old - 50-70 grams. Under the age of three, no doctor will advise honey, as this is a very allergenic product.

They use honey not only inside, but also use for massage, compresses. The product very well helps with brittle hair, you need to make masks out of it.


Honey can be harmful. Here are the cases in which you should not use the product:

  • allergy to flowering plants;
  • pregnancy from the end of 2 trimesters (causes allergies, can cause the uterus to tone);
  • children under 3 years old.

It is also worth paying attention to where the honey was collected. If the zone is not environmentally friendly, then chemicals that have fallen on plants may also be in the product of beekeeping. Be sure to check this information with the seller.

Honey does not belong to low-calorie foods, but it does not contain fats and sucrose, so this product is not very harmful to the figure. Consuming it in small quantities, it is impossible to gain extra pounds. The benefits of honey have been proven, it has been used for the treatment of diseases and their prevention for more than a thousand years. And also, this is a very tasty treat!