Syrup of licorice or licorice - one of the most ancient and unusual medicinal plants - a wonderful medicinal potion, saturated with beneficial properties and pleasant taste.

Since ancient times, healers have used licorice root products to treat many pathological conditions - from coughing and constipation to removing worms and strengthening the body. Modern doctors confirm the effectiveness of this natural remedy and successfully prescribe licorice in the form of syrup in the treatment of groups of patients of different ages.

Licorice root syrup: release form, composition

The therapeutic form of licorice root syrup looks like a chocolate-colored liquid with a pleasant aroma and sweet taste, poured into dark glass bottles of 125, 100 and 60 ml.

100 ml of the product includes: therapeutic base - an extract from the root of the plant in the amount of 4 grams, auxiliary ingredients - sugar syrup (86 ml) and 10 ml of ethyl alcohol (90%).

The bottle with the liquid is packed in a cardboard box with enclosed instructions for medical use.

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

Licorice root contains many pharmacologically active natural substances, which makes it a universal medicine.

Healing components and properties

In the root of the medicinal plant found:

  • vitamins, sugars, valuable trace elements, mucous substances, antioxidants, oleic and palmitic acid, essential oils, pectins;
  • about 30 plant pigments of flavonoids, including lucuraside, which can reduce inflammation and fragility of blood vessels, reduce pain and spasmodic syndrome, accelerate tissue repair;
  • glycyrrhizic acid, which provides an original and sweetish taste and is particularly active against microbes, viruses and allergens.

Due to the healing properties of these substances, licorice root syrup is able to have a pronounced medicinal effect.

Among the main pharmacological actions of the medication:

  1. Stimulation of the motor functions of the respiratory tract, increased secretion of mucous secretion, decreased density of sputum and its ability to stick and accumulate on the mucosa, expectorant effect.
  2. Suppression of the multiplication and activity of microorganisms and viruses, including herpes viruses (Varicella zoster, Herpes simplex), papillomavirus, including its strains, causing malignant processes.
  3. Reduction of inflammatory phenomena, pain.
  4. Relaxation of muscle tissue and the elimination of spasm in the bronchi, stomach, intestines, biliary tract, ureters.
  5. Inhibition of allergen activity, relieving itching and swelling.
  6. Bracing effect on all body systems, strengthening defenses.
  7. It has a wound healing and soft enveloping effect (due to mucous substances in the composition).


Due to the healing properties, licorice syrup is actively used, prescribing it to patients of different ages, starting with infants, in the following pathological conditions:

  • infectious inflammation of the respiratory system (tracheitis and tracheobronchitis, pneumonia and bronchiolitis) as an expectorant to increase secretion and thinning of mucus (as a single drug for catarrhal conditions, or as part of complex therapy for severe processes);
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, as a means of eliminating swelling and pain, softening the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx;
  • in order to improve the drainage functions of the lungs and bronchi, to prevent pneumonia and pulmonary edema in bed patients;
  • tuberculosis, lung tumors, asthma (in complex treatment);
  • gastrointestinal pathologies, including gastritis, gastroduodenitis and ulcerative lesions (exclusively during the acute symptoms subside) - relieves pain, reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid, envelops the gastric mucosa, eliminates spasm, pain, heals ulcers;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (as a diuretic);
  • chronic constipation (as a natural mild laxative);
  • Addison's disease, decreased adrenal function (in complex treatment);
  • helminthiasis (suppression of helminthic aggression);
  • overfatigue, decreased immune defense - licorice increases the ability to withstand infectious aggression, allergens, stress factors, including patients with HIV;
  • postoperative condition (for the speedy healing of tissues).

At what age can children be given?

One of the main advantages of licorice medicine is the natural composition, safety for children and a pleasant taste. The tool facilitates breathing in a child, relieving bronchopulmonary spasm, reduces the viscosity of mucus and promotes easy coughing.

Despite the fact that a delicious cough syrup is considered as one of the most effective expectorants, in pediatrics they try to prescribe it for babies no younger than 12 months old. According to certain indications, it is allowed to use it in infants, but only from 2 to 3 months of life, and in a very small dose.

In addition, although the volume of ethyl alcohol in the composition of the medicine is insignificant, this factor should be taken into account in the treatment of the younger generation.

What cough should be taken with dry or wet?

Licorice root syrup, like any expectorant medication, has the greatest therapeutic effect with a dry form of cough, when sputum does not cough at all, or with a wet, but unproductive cough with difficult to separate sputum clots.

Licorice root syrup: instructions for use, dosage

General admission rules for all age categories:

  1. Exact adherence to therapeutic doses is required according to the instructions or as directed by a doctor.
  2. Contraindications should not be neglected to avoid complications.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the high degree of allergenic activity of licorice.
  4. It is considered correct to take the medicine, diluting the desired dose with a sufficient volume of boiled water - this enhances the expectorant effect and facilitates the passage of mucus.
  5. The standard course of treatment (unless the doctor has determined a different duration) is 7 to 12 days.
  6. The need for re-treatment is also determined by a specialist.
  7. For any infections, bronchopulmonary diseases, difficulty coughing up, the patient needs to drink more warm liquid in the form of fruit drinks, decoctions, compotes, tea.

For children

If the pediatrician has not determined a specific dose of the medicinal syrup, you can study the instructions or apply the well-known rule: for each whole year of a baby’s life, a single dose of a medicinal product is not more than 1 drop of medicine. The standard frequency of taking the medicine is 3-5 times a day after meals.

According to the instructions for use, single dosages for young patients are prescribed in accordance with age:

  1. Babies 1 - 2 years old are given 1 - 2 drops of the medicine, which is added to 1 teaspoon of boiled warm water.
  2. Children 3 to 6 years old should receive 3 to 10 drops diluted with water (approximately in a tablespoon).
  3. Children 7-12 years old can take from 12 drops to a teaspoon of medicine, washing it down with 50 ml of water.
  4. Patients over 12 years of age are prescribed a single dose in an amount from 1 teaspoon to 1 dessert spoon. The medicine is diluted or washed down with 100 ml of water.

For adults

A single dose for patients older than 16 years is from 1 full dessert spoon to 1 tbsp. spoon, which is washed down with 150 ml of water.

The largest single dose for adult patients: 1 tablespoon, the highest daily dose may not exceed 5 tbsp. spoons.

Is it possible and how to take licorice syrup during pregnancy and lactation?

Like many other medicinal plants, licorice in all forms, including syrup with extract, is contraindicated for use during the period of gestation.

At this time, the body of the mother and fetus is extremely vulnerable, and any concomitant reactions and complications that can cause medication can lead to serious conditions that disrupt the course of pregnancy.

High probability:

  • acute allergic reaction with unpredictable consequences;
  • increased blood pressure and development associated with this factor of complications, up to preeclampsia, placental insufficiency, early detachment of the placenta;
  • hypokalemia (falling potassium levels) with further tissue dystrophy in the myocardium;
  • changes in water-salt metabolism, leading to edema, toxicosis, impaired functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • fluctuations in hormonal activity due to the effect of licorice on adrenal cortex function and hormone production.

Abrupt changes in hormonal status during gestation pose a threat of abortion.

Cleaning the lymphatic system with syrup

The lymphatic system serves as a filter for the body, since the lymphatic fluid absorbs infectious agents, poisons, allergens.

When the movement of lymph is difficult, the load on the liver, kidneys increases, the immune defense weakens, the body is poisoned with bacterial poisons, salts of heavy metals, allergens, and viral toxins.

Cleansing lymph starts the process of curing many chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and respiratory system, hepatitis, allergies, cholestasis, metabolic pathologies and obesity, candidiasis, dysbiosis, skin diseases, including eczema and furunculosis, conditions caused by circulatory disorders.

Cleaning the lymphatic system with the combined use of licorice root syrup and sorbent is considered one of the most effective ways.

Licorice improves the flowing properties of lymph, accelerating the elimination of toxic substances in the intestines, and the absorbent absorbs poisons and removes them from the body naturally (along with feces), preventing the reverse absorption into the blood.

It is often recommended to use licorice syrup and Enterosgel (as a sorbent). However, the maximum sorption capacity - that is, the ability to absorb the largest amount of toxins - does not belong to Enterosgel, but Polysorb. This drug absorbs 2 times more poisons than Enterosgel, and at the same time captures 4 times less vitamins and substances needed by the body.

Application technique

1.5 to 2 hours after eating, in an age-specific dosage, drink syrup mixed with boiled water. They wait another 2 hours and take the sorbent, also dissolved in water.

After that, you can eat only after 2 - 3 hours. Afternoon time is best - just before dinner.

Important! At the same time, syrup and sorbent are not drunk, otherwise the treatment will not work, since the sorbent will reduce the therapeutic effect of licorice.

A full course of cleansing the lymphatic system takes 2 weeks.

Doses of syrup and sorbent during lymph cleansing:

  1. For adult patients from 16 years, 2 large tablespoons of syrup, mixed in 200 ml of warm water, are required.
  2. For children from 12 months of age, doses are calculated taking into account age, weight in accordance with the instructions for the medication.
  3. The required amount of Enterosgel or Polysorb is also stirred in boiled water (1 to 3). For babies older than 12 months who are breastfed, you can dissolve the sorbent in breast milk.
Age / Weight in kgDosages in spoons
Adults and teenagers weighing 40 - 601 to 2 full tablespoons
Children 5 to 14 years old or weighing 20 to 401 dessert - 1 dining room1 - 2 full teaspoons
Children under 5 years old or weighing up to 200.5 canteen1 full teahouse
1 - 2 years or weighing 10 to 151 - 2 teaspoon1 teahouse

Contraindications, side effects

For more than 2 millennia, licorice root has been used as a medicine, but, like any medicine, sweet medicine has contraindications:

  • special sensitivity to licorice, auxiliary ingredients of syrup or other pharmaceuticals with licorice;
  • diabetes;
  • the period of waiting for childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer, gastritis;
  • chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholestasis (impaired secretion and outflow of bile);
  • severe renal failure;
  • rhythm disorders of myocardial contractions, heart disease (myocarditis, pericarditis);
  • hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood);
  • electrolyte imbalance.

With caution and under the supervision of the patient's condition, licorice syrup is prescribed:

  • patients with diagnosed asthma;
  • people with arterial hypertension.

Undesirable associated reactions

In some cases, medication may be accompanied by:

  • allergic manifestations in the form of a rash, redness, skin itching, swelling of the lips, tongue;
  • the development of diarrhea, attacks of nausea (very rare).

With prolonged use of the medication, especially with an excess of the dose, develop:

  • hypokalemia, imbalance in electrolytes;
  • steady increase in blood pressure;
  • swelling, disturbances in the work of the heart.

In the case of long-term use of syrup with periodic overdose, the following occurs:

  • decreased sex drive and testosterone levels in men;
  • violation of diuresis, irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

Particular attention should be paid to the parallel use of the pharmaceutical product with other drugs, especially for a long time.

Licorice syrup is prohibited to combine:

  • with antitussive agents, since suppression of coughing can lead to obstruction of the bronchi with intensely excreted sputum;
  • with cardiac glycosides (anti-arrhythmias), since licorice is able to enhance their toxic effect;
  • with medications that lower blood pressure;
  • with loop and thiazide diuretics that remove potassium salts (Furosemide, Bumetanide, Torasemide, Dichlorothiazide, Indapamide, Clopamide, Chlortalidone) to avoid potassium loss.

Proper storage conditions for the drug

The bottle with licorice syrup should be stored in a dark place inaccessible to children, in the temperature range of 5 - 20 ° C.

The shelf life of the product is indicated on the package and does not exceed 2 years. If the expiration date is over, it is highly not recommended to use the medicine.

You can buy licorice syrup at any pharmacy, a prescription is not required.