Shugaring will sweetly get rid of excess vegetation on the body. This is one of the most effective, and most importantly painless methods. Many have tried this procedure in the cabin and want to repeat it on their own. The main task is to mix the products correctly. Find a homemade shugaring recipe that you like.

Shugaring at home: the pros and cons

Shugaring is an epilation based on sugar. This product is in every home. This method was first discovered in Ancient Persia. But, despite centuries, the technology has not changed and is still popular.

Shugaring is also called Persian hair removal.

The effect of sugar paste is comparable to waxing, but the main difference is much less pain. And the skin after shugaring will remain silky and smooth.


  • Availability. Thanks to inexpensive ingredients, every woman can afford this procedure. After all, you only need lemon juice (lemon), sugar and water.
  • Security. It is almost impossible to get a burn or inflammation. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for application. Together with the roots of the hairs it is impossible to peel off the top layer of the skin, which retains an attractive appearance.
  • The procedure is comfortable. It is necessary to apply a slightly warm paste to the body, which eliminates burns. Low soreness due to pulling out hairs in the direction of growth.
  • Compared with other methods of getting rid of unwanted vegetation, the effect lasts much longer. Depending on the type of skin and hair, the result lasts from two to four weeks.
  • It can be used on one skin site many times.Compared to wax, which damages and irritates the skin, sugar paste can be applied to the area with the hairs as many times as needed before they are completely removed.
  • After the procedure, it is enough to wash off the residues with water.
Shugaring is the most effective and painless way to remove hair.

As with any hair removal, shugaring has disadvantages:

  • The duration of the procedure is much longer than when removing wax or shaving. For example, for shugaring the intimate zone of a deep bikini it will take an hour and a half. At the same time, when removing wax, you will have to spend no more than half an hour.
  • Despite the fact that the recipe is simple, you need to learn how to cook pasta. If you digest it slightly, then the necessary effect will not work. Be patient and after a few workouts you will get the perfect mix.
  • It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the mass during use. Outside, the sugar paste may be warm, while inside it may remain hot. As a result, you can get a burn.

Important Tips for Beginners

An epilation session in one zone is repeated no more than 3 times.

To get a fast and high-quality effect, follow simple recommendations.

  1. Apply the paste with soft and plastic movements, and remove it clearly and quickly.
  2. In order not to injure the dermis, be sure to sprinkle the skin with talcum powder before the procedure.
  3. To reduce pain sensitivity, prevent breakage of hairs and prevent sticky paste, before removing be sure to tighten the skin.
  4. To stop the pain, immediately after removal, lightly touch the skin with your free hand.
  5. If you decide to process several areas of the skin, then you should start with the most sensitive.
  6. When removing facial hair, perform manipulations only in the direction of the massage line.
  7. Remove hair only in the direction of growth. This will help to avoid inflammation and reduce the time for the procedure.

For shugaring hands, back, legs, the bandage method is suitable, in which a soft paste is applied to a large area of ​​the skin. Special strips are glued on top, which can be replaced with a cotton cloth. Then, with a sharp movement, the strip is removed.

The manual (manual) method is used for shugaring armpits, antennae, beards, bikinis. For such a procedure, the mass will need medium and hard density.

Simple sugar paste for shugaring

Sugar caramel rolled into balls helps to get rid of unnecessary vegetation. It must be applied to the body against hair growth, then leveled and removed in the direction of growth.

Ready paste is used for hair removal only when it cools.

The paste allows you to cope even with short hair and serves as a kind of scrub - removes dead cells.


  • sugar - 12 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled water - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Prepare an enameled container. Put foods other than lemons. The mixture must be constantly mixed, otherwise the mass will burn. Cook until golden brown.
  2. Pour citric acid. The mass will sharply darken. Boil for two minutes and remove from heat.

Do not apply hot. Wait a few minutes. The mass for the procedure requires a warm, pleasant to the body.

Recipe with lemon

The mass is rather thick, so it’s better to prepare the required amount for one procedure.

With such a composition, it will not be difficult at home to independently perform the procedure.


  • sugar - 15 tbsp. spoons;
  • juice - ¾ lemon;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Sugar with water and boil until golden brown. Mix the mass constantly to avoid burning.
  2. Pour the juice squeezed from the lemon. Preferring to boil for two minutes.

With vinegar

Not everyone has a lemon on hand, then vinegar will come to the rescue.

Shugaring belongs to the category of available procedures.


  • sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. natural spoons;
  • water - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp.


  1. Mix sugar with honey. To fill with water. Cook, stirring constantly.
  2. When the products are completely dissolved, and a homogeneous mass is obtained - pour vinegar. Boil. The entire procedure, starting from the start of cooking, will have to spend a quarter of an hour.

Microwave Shugaring Paste

If you need the volume of paste for one procedure, then you can use the microwave.

It is important to pay attention to the consistency of the resulting paste.


  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • acid - 0.5 tsp lemon;
  • water - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Stir the food and put in the oven.
  2. Set the timer for two minutes. The readiness of the paste is checked by shade, the color resembles cognac.
  3. Cool and knead with your hands.

With essential oils

Essential oils contain beneficial substances that help care for your skin. Possessing bactericidal properties help relieve inflammation, heal wounds and have a light peeling effect. Many people find this option ideal for a bikini. But you can remove the vegetation with the resulting paste on any part of the body.

Essential oils in the composition of the paste have a beneficial effect on the skin.


  • water - ¼ cup;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • essential oils - 5 drops;
  • lemon juice - ¼ cup.


  1. Mix all products. Boil for four minutes.
  2. Take a glass of cold water. Dip a spoon into the mixture and drip into water. If a round ball forms at the bottom, then the mixture is ready. If not, boil for a few more seconds.

Possible cooking problems

At first glance, it seems that removing hairs on the body with caramel paste is very easy. But, at the first attempts to cook the paste on their own, many girls encounter problems.

Shugaring is a fairly economical method of hair removal at home, because it allows you to use the finished composition several times.
  1. The most common is sticking pasta. This happens because the mass is not cooked, it is necessary to hold it on the fire for a longer time, so that the mixture becomes more dense.
  2. The mass burns during cooking. Constant mixing of the paste during cooking will help to avoid this. You can’t be distracted, otherwise it will burn immediately.
  3. Shugaring sticks to your hands. During cooking, regularly check the condition of the paste on your hands. She should not stick. If it turned out to be excessively soft, then the mass will not have depilatory properties. Boil it a few more minutes.
  4. The mass is liquid or solid. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipe, if you add more water, the paste will remain liquid and not suitable for use. If less, it will harden and also will not work with it.
  5. In order not to spoil the structure of the paste, it is necessary to cook on a minimum heat and prevent the formation of large foam. Only bubbles are allowed on the surface.

Storage of Shugaring Paste

Pour the prepared hot sugar paste into a container and cover it with a lid. To achieve greater tightness, it can be placed in a bag. Do not store in the refrigerator, as increased humidity is stored there.

The shelf life of the finished paste for shugaring is not very long.

Storage temperature from 0 to +25 degrees in a dry place away from the sun.

How to use

By following the correct approach to the procedure, you will get a long result and painless removal.

Sugar paste skin treatment is suitable for small areas where thorough hair removal is necessary.
  1. Take a shower. This will help the pores open up and reduce pain as a result.
  2. Use baby powder or talcum powder. Apply to the area of ​​skin that you are going to process. The mass sticks easier to the hairs and does not touch the epidermis.
  3. Knead the paste thoroughly before use.
  4. The ideal hair length is five millimeters.
  5. Place the paste on the desired surface against the growth of hairs.A thick layer is not worth doing. Hold for five seconds. Then sharply remove in the direction of hair growth, after stretching the skin.
  6. Rinse with water.

If you follow the instructions for preparation and use with accuracy, you can easily avoid the negative consequences. The result is a silky and very smooth skin.