Hand sugaring is one of the most common ways to get rid of excess hair. This relatively painless procedure is available to everyone, because it can be done both in the salon and at home.

Types of hand shugaring

Hand hair does not remove everything. For most girls, they are very thin and almost invisible. Such methods are most often resorted to by women whose vegetation on their hands is too dark and long, which spoils the general impression of the lady's external attractiveness.

There are two main types of shugaring depending on the mass used:

  1. Sugar Waxing. Reminiscent of waxing. An already prepared hot paste is applied to the skin, and then removed using strips of fabric.
  2. Sugaring. Cleansing takes place in balls of soft sugar paste. First, they are distributed in the desired area, then torn off in the direction of hair growth.

And there is also a classification according to the method of applying the paste:

  1. Manual shugaring. In this technique, fingers are used. The use of compositions of any hardness is allowed.
  2. Application. Particles of elastic mass are applied to areas requiring epilation.
  3. Bandage method. It can be used for pastes of any hardness, using the help of special devices - spatulas, bandage, strips of fabric.

The advantage of shugaring is that it is also an additional peeling. The viscous sugar mass perfectly removes dead cells, as a result of which the skin becomes soft, soft and velvety.

Do it yourself pasta

Required Products:

  • sugar - 6 tbsp.l;
  • citric acid - 2 tsp;
  • bottled water - about 3 tbsp. l .;
  • some honey or essential oils - optional.

Pasta for shugaring at home can be done like this:

  1. Pour sugar into a suitable container, add water, cook the composition over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. As soon as the mixture begins to acquire a brown tint, conduct a test. Leave a drop of syrup on a plate. If the liquid is caramelized, then everything was done correctly, and the paste is ready.
  3. Add citric acid to the resulting solution, remove the container from the stove.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to cool in room conditions.

You can immediately cook a lot of pasta and use it for its intended purpose, when necessary. To do this, prepare 1 kg of sugar, 7 tbsp. l citric acid and 8 tbsp. l water. Cook the resulting mixture for at least ¾ hour. After this, transfer the mass to a suitable container, store in a cool and dark place. If necessary, just heat a piece of pasta in a water bath to make it plastic.

How to do sugar depilation at home

Before epilation for several days, it is not recommended to sunbathe or apply self-tanning. To make the effect of the procedure noticeable, it is better to let the hairs grow back. The optimum length is from 2 to 5 mm.


  1. Prepare the skin, clean your hands with a damp cloth, doing this against hair growth. Treat the places for the upcoming procedure with an antiseptic and a degreasing agent. You can additionally powder your skin.
  2. Knead the cooled composition in your hands until it acquires the consistency of plasticine, form a ball.
  3. Apply the mass strictly against the growth of hairs, remove the composition with them. It is necessary to ensure that the hair is pulled out with roots, and not just break off.
  4. Finally, wash your hands with warm water, removing the remaining sweet sticky mixture. Apply moisturizer.

However, not everyone can recommend the presented method of getting rid of excess vegetation.

The list of contraindications is quite extensive:

  • burns (including sunburn);
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • protruding moles, papillomas and warts on the hands;
  • overly protruding veins;
  • minor scratches, cuts, wounds and other skin lesions;
  • chronic diseases of the skin;
  • infectious diseases.

In such cases, you need to contact a specialist who can recommend another method of hair removal, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Shugaring hands in the cabin, advantages and disadvantages

To do hand-shugging at home, you need to practice the session. We must learn not only how to cook pasta, but also how to properly carry out the procedure. If you do not have time, it is better to go to a salon where the master will quickly and skillfully carry out sugar hair removal. In such an institution they offer shugaring of hands to the elbow or completely.

The advantages of using the method for the face:

  • better hair removal;
  • saving of forces and time;
  • convenient conditions for events;
  • causing minimal skin injuries;
  • no risk of ingrown hair;
  • reduced discomfort and pain.

There are no shortcomings as such. The cost of the procedures is also quite reasonable. However, each has its own pain threshold. In women, this indicator often depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, which must be discussed with a doctor. If the sensitivity is quite high, you can use special painkillers.

Skin Care After Procedures

Within a few days after hair removal, you must refuse to visit the pool, sauna and bath. And also do not overly get involved in physical activity.

Treated areas should be periodically lubricated with cream or lotion for proper hydration.If the skin is very sensitive, and the redness and irritation after epilation does not go away, it is necessary to use antiseptic ointments, compresses from decoctions of chamomile or sage, healing essential oils.

How long does the smooth effect last?

Of course, such a procedure will not save hair forever. After at least 15-20 days, the unwanted “fluff” will begin to appear again, but removing it will become easier each time. Hair will grow thin and weak. Subsequent sessions pass with less pain.

The procedure should be performed approximately every 3-6 weeks, depending on the intensity of hair growth.

The bioepilation method is very ancient. Even Cleopatra herself used it. Therefore, if there is an opportunity and time, you can try a simple and natural way to get rid of unwanted hair on the skin.