Razor, wax, laser and photoepilation ... What modern women do not resort to in order to maintain the smoothness of their legs for a long time! But many centuries ago, oriental beauties knew the secret of sugar paste, with the help of which they did shugaring of their legs. After this procedure, they could enjoy smooth skin for about a month. The effectiveness and accessibility of shugaring makes it popular in our time.

What sugar paste do shugaring on my feet

“Sweet” depilatory formulations include four main components: granulated sugar, purified water, citrus juice (or acid) and honey / molasses. As concomitant components, extracts of various plants and ethers can be introduced into the composition.

The first difference between shugaring pastes lies in their consistency and purpose, there are:

  1. Ultra-soft and soft sugar compounds that are suitable for the “happy” owners of sensitive skin and light cannon hairs. Such mixtures are applied by means of a spatula, and just a tissue wipe is removed.
  2. Masses of medium density, having the consistency of jelly. They are used to remove medium hard hairs, applying and removing the paste is carried out in a manual way, that is, with hands.
  3. Solid consistency sugar pastes require preheating (in a steam bath, microwave, or warm hands). This density allows you to remove very stiff hairs located on sensitive areas of the skin, for example, in the bikini area and armpits.

In most women, the hair on the legs has medium stiffness, so pastes of medium hardness are suitable for shugaring them. But if in the process of hair removal some pastes turn out to be too soft and others too hard, then they can be mixed to achieve the desired consistency.

To do foot shugging at home, it’s easy to make sweet pasta yourself.

It’s enough to take:

  • 6 tablespoons of sweet sand;
  • 2 tablespoons of cold filtered water;
  • 2 teaspoons of regular lemon.

Making shugaring paste at home:

  1. Pour sugar into a stewpan with a thick bottom and pour water. While stirring, bring the mixture to complete dissolution of sugar.
  2. Then add citric acid to the mixture and cook the paste for 10 - 15 minutes until a beautiful amber color.

The longer you cook the pasta, the more dense its consistency will be. After cooling, the mass is ready for further use.

Preliminary preparation for the procedure

Regardless of whether the shugaring procedure will be carried out in the salon or at home, the skin needs to be prepared for it.

For hair removal to be as painless as possible, and the effect to be longer lasting, you need to:

  1. A week before the session, refuse hair removal in any way. The ideal length of hair for shugaring is 4 - 5 mm. The maximum allowable, not entailing severe pain, is 8 mm.
  2. The day before the procedure, the keratinized layer of the skin should be gently exfoliated with a gentle scrub.
  3. Immediately before shugaring, you need to take a shower, wash away all dirt and dust from the skin. In the interior, wipe the skin of the feet with wet wipes.

In order to prepare the skin for hair removal using sugar paste, you can not apply oily creams or tanning creams that create a film 24 hours before the session, as well as sunbathe or visit a solarium.

Technology description

The algorithm for performing foot shugaring includes the following steps:

  1. Cleansing and degreasing of the skin.
  2. Treatment of prepared skin with talcum powder.
  3. Warming and applying sugar paste to the skin.
  4. Hair removal while removing a layer of paste.
  5. Apply an antiseptic to the skin or a special soothing lotion.

Let us dwell in more detail at each stage.

  1. To cleanse the skin, at home it will be enough to take a shower, and before the session in the salon, wipe the epilated area with wet wipes. For degreasing, the master wipes the skin with a special composition, and at home it will be enough to treat the legs with alcohol. If you take Menovazin instead of alcohol, you will be able to achieve an analgesic effect.
  2. Talc is applied to the skin to remove even moisture invisible to the eye and improve the adhesion of the paste to the hairs. With an independent procedure, talc can be replaced with baby powder.
  3. Before applying to the skin, the sugar paste must be heated and enriched with oxygen. To do this, a small piece of mass (the size of a walnut) is stretched and folded in your hands until a soft plasticine is reached. Then, with hands or a spatula, apply the composition to the skin against the growth of hairs.
  4. Ten seconds after applying the paste, it is removed by a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth. Beginners can do this as with waxing with a tissue or special paper strip.To remove unwanted hairs from the knee, all manipulations on applying and removing the paste are best done on a bent joint.
  5. A special disinfecting lotion must be applied to the epilated skin. At home, it can be replaced by regular hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine.

Home Benefits

In pursuit of smooth legs, many women prefer to master various methods of hair removal at home. What are the advantages of the fair sex in self-removal of hair with sugar paste?

  1. Possibility of carrying out the procedure in comfortable home conditions at any convenient time. The familiar atmosphere and the lack of the need to pre-register for a session have a beneficial effect on the general mood.
  2. The high cost of salon services makes home hair removal more attractive, since it eliminates not only the need to pay the master for work, but also the payment for the material. The paste itself can be cooked on its own, having spent mere pennies on it.

Despite the obvious pluses, it is better to start mastering the technique of sugar hair removal from the lower legs, where the hairs are not too stiff, and the skin is not too sensitive. And when the skill of removing excess hair will be more honed, you can rise higher.

Sugar depilation of legs in the salon

In order not to be disappointed in shugaring, experts recommend the first procedure to be carried out in the cabin. After all, a master professional in his field will be able to choose the right paste and remove hair as painlessly as possible.

And what to look for when choosing a salon:

  • There is no need to be shy and you should definitely meet with the master before the start of the session to ask what materials he works with, whether he has the appropriate education and medical documents.
  • It is worth monitoring reviews about the quality of the services provided in the salon. Ideally, if a familiar person shares his feelings.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the extent to which sanitary standards are adhered to in the cabin.

Another important point: you always need to listen to yourself. And if something in the master or salon is not pleasant or alarming, you should not hesitate to refuse to carry out the procedure and look for another option.


To maintain the effect of the “sweet” hair removal procedure for a longer period, it is important to properly care for the skin after shugaring.

In the first two to three days after the session:

  • you can not be in the sun or go to the solarium, since ultraviolet light can cause age spots;
  • You can not play sports and visit the pools and open ponds, as sweat and water in public bathing areas can cause skin infections;
  • It is worth refraining from visiting the sauna and bath, even the usual bath is better to replace with a warm shower, because temperature changes can cause inflammation and a rash.

After hair removal with sugar paste, you should cleanse the skin of dead cells with a scrub once a week and regularly use moisturizers after hair removal (creams and lotions). It is great if these products contain complexes that slow down hair growth.

Contraindications and side effects

Sugar depilation, like any other cosmetic procedure, has its own contraindications.

You can not do shugaring:

  1. Women with diabetes, because the peculiarity of this disease is the fragility of blood vessels. This can lead to microtrauma and the appearance of ulcers, which will heal for a long time.
  2. In chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, herpes and various dermatitis, the procedure is contraindicated, since in this case, removal of unwanted hair can trigger exacerbations.
  3. Moles, warts, papillomas, keloid scars and any neoplasms on the skin are also a contraindication for "sweet" hair removal.
  4. With epilepsy, pain (even minor) can provoke a seizure.
  5. If you are allergic to honey, you cannot use pastes containing this beekeeping product.

Many beauties are also interested in the answer to the question: is it possible to do shugaring of legs with varicose veins and during pregnancy?

Varicose disease of the legs of the third and fourth stages, like thrombosis of the extremities, and dilated vessels (rosacea), is a contraindication.

But shugaring in expectation of a baby, if a woman did this procedure before pregnancy, will not harm the baby, although in the first trimester, doctors still recommend to refrain from this method of hair removal so as not to provoke a miscarriage.

It is interesting:rosacea on the face

If the procedure of sugar hair removal is carried out correctly, then it has practically no side effects, even redness on the skin disappears after a few hours. In violation of technology, you can get a whole bunch of problems from irritation to pustules and ingrown hairs.