Chocolate icing made of chocolate is a fragrant, bright, self-sufficient decoration of confectionery and pastries. In comparison with the analogue, cooked from cocoa, it is much thicker and richer, and besides, it freezes quickly, does not drain on the sides, therefore it is suitable not only for eclairs or cakes, but also for Easter cakes, Lviv cheese cakes, Mushrooms cookies and others "Goodies." The ingredients for its preparation are publicly available, and the process itself does not require special culinary skills. Nevertheless, here there are subtleties that are worth considering.

What is important to know in the preparatory phase

Firstly, it is necessary to observe the technology of melting chocolate, because this confectionery product is quite capricious:

  1. Make it better in a water bath.
  2. The utensils used must be perfectly dry.
  3. A stirring spoon is suitable only for wood or silicone.
  4. We set the fire extremely small.
  5. The diameter of the bowl in which the chocolate is melted should not be radically less than the diameter of the container with water, otherwise the steam will fall into the icing, which will affect the quality and the required elasticity of the final product.
  6. The bottom of the chocolate bowl should not touch boiling water.
  7. It is forbidden to cover the prepared glaze with a lid, this will create favorable conditions for the formation of condensate, and even a tiny drop of water is our worst enemy.

Secondly, it is important to remember that chocolate is not suitable for the preparation of this product:

  • porous - due to the oil secreted during the melting process, the glaze does not turn out liquid, but turns into a large lump formed from small chocolate grains;
  • with fillers - nuts, fruit layers, raisins, caramel intersperses (because of them, a treat for decorating cakes will not come out homogeneous and flowing);
  • cheap, dubious quality - the final product will be of the appropriate type and taste.

Culinary or dessert chocolate, fondant or couverture is suitable for covering baking.

Milk chocolate glaze

Delicious milk tiles from proven TM are ideal for melting in a water bath. It is this variety that is used in the basic recipe.

To make chocolate icing:

  1. We take from 100 to 300 g of milk chocolate (based on the size of the surface of the pie or the number of cookies, cakes).
  2. Breaking it into small pieces.
  3. The bottom of the dishes in which the confectionery is planned to melt, lightly grease with oil - so the chocolate does not stick, and it will subsequently be easy to wash.
  4. We heat the composition in a water bath, stirring every 40 seconds, until there are no lumps and a uniform flowing structure.Note! To milk chocolate began to melt, just warm it up to 45, a maximum - up to 50 degrees.
  5. We give time to the finished product to cool to 35 - 36 degrees, cover it with dessert, fruit or pastries.

The temperature of the glaze at the time of application is extremely important: if it turns out to be hot - it will spoil the confectionery product and will spread, cold - it will become excessively thick and unsuitable for coating due to loss of ductility.

White chocolate

This type of chocolate has a peculiar, mild taste, and the white chocolate icing for the cake looks elegant and original. In addition, it is an opportunity to experiment by adding food colors of the desired colors during the melting process. Powdery, turquoise, or maybe even neon glaze is an excellent solution for baking made for children's parties, theme parties, and color weddings.

The specifics of the preparation are no different from the method described in the previous embodiment. With only one difference - after the bar of white chocolate is melted, from 2 to 5 tbsp are added to it. l milk or cream to obtain the desired consistency of the finished product. Stir until complete mass uniformity. It is cooled to the desired temperature and applied warmly to baking.

Such glaze is also suitable for Easter cake, instead of traditional protein fudge. Easter baking will turn out unusual, with a delicious crunch of chocolate “crust”.

With butter

Chocolate glaze from chocolate in combination with butter turns out brilliant, providing the cake with a beautiful glossy surface. At the same time, below it is very tender, melting in the mouth. Such a composition is applied evenly and easily, it cooks quickly.

Ingredients for the classic recipe:

  • 125 g of any chocolate (choose according to the recommendations!);
  • 50 g of good quality oil.

The last component is introduced gradually into the melted mass of chocolate. The fire is turned off, but the containers used for the water bath are left in place to achieve the desired consistency and to prevent delamination of the oil. Glaze is thoroughly mixed to the desired density.

How to make chocolate icing with chocolate and cream

Experienced culinary experts advise this recipe when the cupcake is cracked during baking, or the pie / top layer of the cake turned out with a bumpy surface.

Such chocolate glaze is thick, viscous, well solidifying, and if you add a tablespoon of sugar syrup to it, it will also be mirror-shiny.

Ingredients for coating one cupcake or cake of medium size:

  • 170 - 200 g of chocolate (dark is best)
  • 2/3 Art. cream 33% fat;
  • 1 tbsp. l sugar syrup (optional).

Stages of preparation:

  1. Heat the cream in a saucepan over medium heat. Do not boil!
  2. Cooking sugar syrup.
  3. We break the chocolate bar into pieces of the same size.
  4. In hot cream, which must first be removed from the heat, add the remaining components. Leave for about 5 minutes, so that the chocolate has time to melt.
  5. Stir until smooth with a whisk.
  6. Pour the cooled icing onto the surface of the dessert, level it with a knife or a pastry shovel.

With the addition of sour cream

This fudge is especially tender, and in consistency resembles chocolate cream or Nutella. It does not dry out and does not crumble after completely hardening on the dessert.

Read also:chocolate icing for the cake - recipe


  • 100 gram bar of chocolate;
  • 100 g of sour cream with a fat content of 20 - 25%;
  • a piece of butter;
  • sugar syrup, sugar or powder - if desired and to taste.

To make chocolate icing with sour cream:

  1. Beat the dairy product with a whisk with sugar (syrup or powder) in an enameled bowl.
  2. A piece of soft oil is added to the resulting mass, again slightly beat.
  3. Pour a bar of chocolate previously broken into pieces, mix.
  4. Cook over low heat until the first signs of boiling.

You can use another recipe: pre-melt the chocolate in a water bath, and beat the remaining ingredients and gradually introduce them into a warm mass, intensively stirring with a whisk or a wooden spoon.

A simple recipe with milk

This glaze is ideal for eclairs, custard cakes and other similar delicacies. It is prepared elementarily from chocolate and milk (100 g + 3 tbsp. L.), Which are mixed and heated in a water bath. Upon reaching a homogeneous pouring consistency, the chocolate mass is applied with a silicone brush to the finished confectionery.

It is necessary to spread quickly, because the decoration begins to harden almost immediately.

Microwave chocolate icing

This method is optimal if the chocolate mass is not prepared for coating or pouring, but for mixing with other ingredients (for example, nuts to make a sweet sandwich paste). A broken chocolate bar is poured with several tablespoons of milk and sent to the microwave for 3 - 7 minutes. The exact time depends on the power and features of the microwave oven. The melted mixture mixes well and is then used as intended.

Helpful hints:

  1. It is better to set the temperature and power to the minimum so that the chocolate mass does not overheat.
  2. If you want to get a softer mass for the glaze, add soft chocolate butter to the broken into pieces tile (you can replace it with a mixture of ordinary butter and cocoa powder).
  3. Experienced culinary specialists claim that defrosting is the most suitable function for heating chocolate in the microwave.

Dark chocolate

A delicious coating is being prepared to decorate baking according to any of the proposed recipes. It is important to remember that the temperature suitable for melting this kind of chocolate is higher than that of the milk analog, and is 55 degrees.

For glaze, it is better to buy a tile of 72 percent bitter goodies.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of recipes. Chocolate icing for the cake can also be prepared with the addition of condensed milk, gelatin, honey and even alcoholic beverages - for example, cognac or rum. Each mistress uses her own version, the closest to her.