The popularity of rice is due to its use in a wide variety of dishes, both first and second. However the most famous and familiar dish from childhood is delicious rice porridge, for the preparation of which it is necessary to remember and observe the proportions, time and procedure.

Classic rice porridge in milk

Milk porridge from distant childhood, for the preparation of 4-5 servings of which you will need:

  • round-grain rice - 200 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • butter - 5 g per serving;
  • salt is a pinch.

Read also:rice milk porridge in a slow cooker

To prepare a wholesome healthy breakfast you will need an enameled pan and the following steps:

  1. Rice is washed until transparent and placed in a pan with cold water.
  2. The contents are brought to a boil, after which the intensity of the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  3. The porridge is cooked until the liquid completely evaporates with constant stirring to prevent the sticking of cereals to the bottom.
  4. The milk boiled in a separate container is poured into the porridge.
  5. Milk porridge is again brought to a boil, and then the fire decreases.
  6. Cooking, during which sugar and salt are added, continues until the product is cooked, which is determined by the tooth: if the rice has become soft, you can remove it from the heat.

Attention! Rice porridge with milk in a multicooker turns out to be no less tasty, without requiring a constant presence: all ingredients are placed in a bowl, and the multicooker is placed in the "Milk Porridge" mode. After a beep, a rice milk breakfast is ready for dinner.

How to cook liquid milk rice porridge?


Fans of more liquid milk porridge can use the classic recipe described above, but with an increase in the volume of water by 100 ml and milk depending on the wishes: the less consistency is needed, the more milk should be added.

Important! The degree of density can also be controlled by the amount of rice, preserving the volume of milk and water from the recipe, and reducing the amount of the main ingredient.

Rice porridge with raisins

Another recipe for everyday, at first glance, dishes. Porridge with raisins is very popular among children. The set of products and the method of preparation of the classic milk porridge from the recipe, but with the addition of 100 g of raisins, which are well washed and soaked, are taken as the basis. Prepared dry berries are added 3 minutes before the end of cooking rice with milk.

It is interesting: funeral rice rice with raisins, recipe

Cooking on the water

Rice porridge on the water with accurate proportions is very friable.

To prepare the perfect meal for nutritionists such products will be required:

  • polished rice - 200 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt to taste.

The cooking process is very simple:

  1. Rice is thoroughly washed with running water and boiled over with boiling water.
  2. Salted water is brought to a boil, where the cereal is then poured.
  3. After 3 minutes, when it warms up, the fire decreases, and rice is cooked under a closed lid.
  4. After it swells, oil is put in the pan.
  5. Porridge continues to steam under a closed lid for another 20 minutes.

Important! Rice porridge on the water of friable structure perfectly turns out in the multicooker on the "Cereals" mode. It is only necessary to lay the above ingredients and wait for the sound signal informing about the readiness of the porridge.

With the addition of dried fruit

To cook sweet cereal with dried fruits, which is a full breakfast, giving enough energy for the whole day, you can use the recipe for making rice porridge on the water. Two minutes before the dish is cooked, 100 g of chopped dried fruits are added to it: dried pears, peaches, apples, prunes, dried apricots in proportions to taste.

Rice is easily digested and completely absorbed by the body.

Apple Recipe

Rice porridge with apples is especially good in the autumn-winter period, when the body so needs additional vitamins.

To execute this recipe you will need:

  • round-grain rice - 120 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 40-50 g;
  • medium-sized apple - 1 pc.;
  • chocolate - 2 pieces;
  • salt to taste.

To obtain porridge with apple flavor:

  1. Washed rice is mixed in a pot of water and placed on a medium-high heat.
  2. Rice with constant stirring is cooked until the liquid disappears completely.
  3. Then milk is poured into it and brought to a boil.
  4. A peeled and diced apple is added to the rice, after which the porridge is cooked for another 3 minutes over low heat.
  5. Before serving, butter and pieces of chocolate are laid out on plates.

With pumpkin

A beautiful, bright porridge containing a large amount of nutrients is perfect for unloading the stomach after the holidays.

To create a pumpkin dish you will need:

  • round-grain rice - 120 g;
  • pumpkin (peeled and diced) - 200 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 80-100 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • salt to taste.

To cook rice porridge with the addition of pumpkin, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Separately, the pumpkin is boiled until soft, removed from the water, which should not be drained.
  2. Washed rice is boiled in a liter of water until tender, discarded in a colander, and then returned to the stewpan.
  3. Groats are poured with milk and brought to a boil.
  4. Slices of pumpkin, salt, sugar are placed in the boiled porridge and 120 ml of the liquid in which the vegetable was boiled are added.
  5. After 3 minutes, rice porridge with pumpkin is ready.

Advice! If there is time, then you should let the porridge brew, after having wrapped the pan in advance: the dish becomes more aromatic, and the taste is more saturated.

Hearty Chicken Recipe

Rice groats with chicken breast is a fragrant dish of a beautiful golden color. Due to its fullness, such porridge becomes an integral part of the daily diet.

To create porridge with chicken from 200 g of round-grain rice you will need:

  • chicken breast - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt and spices (pepper, basil, turmeric, zira) - to taste.

Before starting to cook rice with chicken, foods are prepared: washed rice is soaked for an hour, chicken breast and onions are diced, and carrots are grated on a coarse grater.

When everything is prepared:

  1. Oil is poured into the pan and warmed up.
  2. Pieces of chicken meat are placed in the oil, to which onions and carrots are added after the formation of a whitish crust.
  3. Meat and vegetables are fried over medium heat until they are tender, seasoned and salted.
  4. Rice, from which water is previously drained, is laid out to the meat and vegetable mass.
  5. After the rice is saturated with fat and becomes transparent, hot water is poured into the pan, and the rice is hidden under the water by 1.5 cm.
  6. For 15 minutes, during which porridge should be cooked, the process is constantly monitored: rice can burn if the water evaporates ahead of time.

Advice! You should not serve such a dish immediately upon completion of cooking to the table: after 15 minutes, when the rice has cooled slightly, the porridge will become more aromatic.

With vegetables

Rice with vegetables is a great side dish for delicious juicy meat. But the dish can be served independently as a lean dish, which is important for religious people during fasting.

To execute the recipe you need:

  • long-grain rice - 200 g;
  • water (boiling water) - 400 ml;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • salt and spices (pepper, basil, saffron, coriander, paprika) - to taste.

To make a nutritious meal from this set of products:

  1. Olive oil is poured into a deep pan, on which chopped onions and carrots are fried for 5 minutes.
  2. Peas are added for another 5 minutes.
  3. The mixture is salted, seasoned.
  4. Rice is evenly distributed over the contents from above and is poured with boiling water.
  5. Rice with vegetables is cooked for 15-20 minutes over low heat until the liquid completely disappears.

Important! Any vegetables are added to the rice: canned corn, broccoli, green beans and others.

Thus, the taste of rice porridge, which is familiar to everyone since childhood, can be changed beyond recognition through the use of auxiliary products. Rice dishes, which can be sweet, dietary, hearty, will appeal to both adults, regardless of gender, and children.