Male pattern baldness, or alopecia, is a serious problem that absolutely anyone can face. It is impossible to stop intense hair loss with conventional cosmetics, it is important to use the achievements of pharmaceuticals. One of the most effective drugs is Regein for hair. The product contains active ingredients that may be unsafe if used improperly, so it is recommended that you consult a trichologist before starting use.

Composition and release forms

Previously, alopecia was considered an incurable disease, since not a single remedy gave a lasting effect. So it was before the discovery of minoxidil, a vasodilator that stimulates hair growth. This component is the basis of the drug Regein.

The drug for hair loss in a pharmacy is presented in two forms - foam and spray. Regein Foam 5% contains 50 mg of active ingredient in 1 ml of the composition. Additionally, it contains foaming components (polysorbate, cetyl and stearyl alcohol, etc.), food supplement E 321, citric and lactic acid.

The solution for external use is available in the form of a lotion or spray, 1 ml of the product contains 20 mg of the active substance (2% solution). Auxiliary components are propylene glycol, water and ethyl alcohol. The original drug is made by an American company.

The mechanism of action against hair loss

On the head of a person is several hundred thousand hair follicles.Not all of them are active at the same time, some are in the so-called sleeping or inactive state. Normally, each follicle goes through several stages. During this period, the hair grows, weakens and falls out. After, the follicle goes into a state of sleep, but another follicle is activated at the same time, so normally the amount of hair on the head does not change. With alopecia, the follicles die, and those that are in a sleeping state, without entering the phase of active work, gradually atrophy. The action of minoxidil is aimed at awakening inactive follicles, as a result a new cycle of hair growth begins. This is due to the vasodilating and irritating effects of the drug. In other words, Regein stimulates the flow of blood to inactive follicles, activating them and provoking the growth of new hair.

Interestingly, minoxidil was originally introduced as a medication for the treatment of hypertension. Intensive hair growth was a side effect of the drug, which forced to reconsider the form of release and change the scope of the drug.

Despite all the positive properties, the drug for baldness is not a panacea.

It works well in the following cases:

  • small area of ​​baldness;
  • short duration of active hair loss;
  • prolonged use of the spray.

The agent shows the best effectiveness against baldness on the crown, both in men and women. It is recommended to use it in the early stages of alopecia. If the process began more than five years ago, the substance is not able to awaken inactive follicles and its use is almost ineffective.

And it is also noted that after the termination of the course of treatment with the drug, hair loss resumes in half of the people. To minimize the risk, you should use the medicine for a long course. Its recommended duration is 4-6 months for men and 3-6 months for women.

Instructions for use for men and women

Regardless of the form of release, the drug for the treatment of alopecia can be used by patients of both sexes. However, trichologists recommend a solution for women, since it has a lower concentration of the active substance. Especially for men, a foam has been developed that can be used daily and regularly for a long course. Damam foam is indicated for a long course, but in smaller quantities.

The treatment of androgenetic alopecia must be agreed with a trichologist. In order for the therapy to be truly effective, it is first necessary to eliminate the cause of intense hair loss, provided that it can be identified. Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, androgenetic alopecia is a genetically determined disorder.

Foam Reigen 5%

The product is applied to clean and dry scalp. The cylinder should be turned upside down, then press the sprayer and squeeze the drug on the arm. The recommended amount for one application is half a cap or 1 g.

The drug must be carefully distributed over the desired area, and the foam is applied specifically to the scalp, and not to the hair, otherwise the medicine will be ineffective.

After treating the affected area, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.

Men are ordered to perform the procedure twice a day, with a twelve-hour break. Women are recommended to use the medicine once a day. The duration of treatment is 4 months for men and six months for women. You can evaluate the result about two months after the start of the drug.


The composition is applied using a complete nozzle (applicator) and distributed over the area of ​​hair loss. As a rule, in men it is the crown, in women - the middle parting. Processing is carried out twice a day, it is necessary to use 1 ml of the drug. Spray should be applied only to dry scalp, otherwise its effectiveness is reduced.

To achieve a quick result and with severe alopecia, it is better to stop on the foam, as it contains a larger amount of the active substance. The spray is better for women with minor hair loss in the middle part of the parting.

During pregnancy and lactation

The mechanism of the effect of the drug on the fetus is unknown, because pregnant women can not use the baldness remedy. And you should also refrain from using drugs based on minoxidil during lactation.

Contraindications and side effects

A pharmacy for hair growth refers to medications, not cosmetics, and therefore requires careful use.

Restrictions on the use of spray and foam for these purposes:

  1. age under 18 and over 65 years old;
  2. intolerance to the main active substance or auxiliary components of the composition;
  3. dermatoses of the scalp;
  4. abrasions and damage to the integrity of the scalp.

The mechanism of action of the drug on blood vessels has not been precisely studied, therefore, the elderly are not recommended to use the drug because of the potential risk of high blood pressure.

Side effects are very rare and are associated with a local reaction to the drug.

These include the following phenomena:

  • erythema;
  • dermatitis;
  • peeling and itching;
  • dandruff;
  • hypertrichosis.

Hypothetically, the drug in small quantities is able to be absorbed through the skin, exerting a systemic effect on the body. This can be manifested by symptoms of increased blood pressure - peripheral edema, headache, increased heart rate. In this regard, the medicine is prescribed with caution to people with arterial hypertension.

With the right approach, Regein can really restore the previous density of hair, but it is recommended to use it only after consulting with a trichologist and eliminating conditions in which a vasodilator can harm health.