What to do if no diet has helped in the pursuit of an ideal body, and there is no time to visit the gym? The answer is simple - separate meals! Find out what this technique implies, how to comply with it and what results you can count on.

The main principles and rules of separate nutrition

The most important and not violated principle is faith in one's own strength in achieving the desired result.

If you violate this rule, it is impossible to achieve the desired body shape. So tune in to positive and go towards the dream with confident steps.

Obtaining the perfect body will help you comply with the following principles:

  • Flour and protein-fortified foods are prohibited. This restriction involves mixing different concentrates, because the stomach needs to be provided with high-acid food to digest protein, and the processing of flour requires other juices that can ferment. As a result, due to excessive load, your stomach will not be able to fully process all the products, and they will "settle" on your sides.
  • One meal should consist only of proteins of one group. When there is an excess of protein in the body, the production of uric acid is significantly enhanced. Its increase can trigger the development of rheumatism or gout.
  • A snack may contain only one flour product. To fully get enough, this is enough for our body.Excessive consumption of such food leads to rapid weight gain, which is especially harmful for people with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Sugar and living proteins are prohibited. Sugar starts the fermentation process in the stomach, which prevents the proper processing of protein.
  • Flour and sour fruits should not be combined. These products are digested at various levels, so when combined, the stomach will not be able to fully digest the flour product. As a result, you will gain weight.
  • Melon or watermelon is consumed before the main meal strictly in a single copy. They only seem light in appearance, but in reality the stomach spends a lot of energy on their transformation into nutrients. If after eating them you eat something else, the berries will not be fully digested. As a result, flatulence, gastritis, belching and other unpleasant conditions can develop.
  • Drink milk separately from other products. This drink is allowed to be consumed only with salads or fruits, since milk is enriched with protein, and it is difficult for the stomach to process it. If you do not like or do not perceive milk, drink yogurt or kefir instead.
  • Use only vegetable oil. Cooking and salad dressing should be based on olive, corn or soybean oil. These products are very nutritious for the human body and are easily combined with protein foods.
  • It is impossible to combine dried fruits and flour products.

Separate nutrition has strict principles regarding product compatibility. For the convenience of users, specialists created a special table of product compatibility for separate meals.

Product compatibility chart and how to apply it

Product Name / Number1234567891011121314151617181920
1. Sweet fruitDDD3D33333DD33DD333
2. The fruit is half-sourDR333333RDDR3333333
3. Sour fruitDRD3D33DDDDD333D333
4. Vegetables (not starch.)D3DRRRRRRRRR3RR3DRR
5. Vegetables (starch.)333RRRRRRRRRDRRR3RR
7. Legumes333RRRDRD3D33333333
8. Mushrooms333RRDDDDDR33333333
9.Rast. oil33DRRRRD33D33DD3333
10. Drain. oil3RDRRRDD3DD3D33D333
11. Cheese3DDRRD3D3DDR3DD3333
15.Bread / cereal333RRR33D3DD33DD333
16. NutsD33RRD33D3DDD3DD333
18. Sugar333D333333333333333
19. Egg333RRD33333D3333333

P - allowed; D - allowed; Z - prohibited

How to use it

The table below the numbers shows the main product groups. To understand whether it is possible to combine them for cooking, you need to find them, see the corresponding digital value and the letter on which these products converge. For example, animal protein (20) (meat / fish) goes well with non-starchy vegetables (4) (cucumber, asparagus, cabbage). If the products you have chosen intersected in cell “Z”, they are strictly forbidden to combine.

Menu for the week

We bring to your attention a sample menu for the week.

DayBreakfastLunchDinnerSecond lunchDinner
1stTea without sugar, oatmeal on the water, a couple of kiwi.Salad with olive oil.Hard cheese, boiled chicken breast, broccoli.One big pear.Protein omelet, vegetable soup
2ndBuckwheat with orange slices, unsweetened tea.Large apple.100 grams of boiled fish with salad.Low fat yogurt.Vegetable salad and soup
3rdRye porridge with milk, 100 ml of fresh / water, tea without sugarLarge apple.100 grams of boiled veal with salad and steamed vegetables.Five walnuts.Baked cauliflower with cheese.
4thUnsweetened tea, wholemeal toast, two small tangerines, barley porridge with diet milk.Two small apples.Squid with steamed eggplant, 50 grams of hard cheese.5 prunes.Fried eggs with vegetables.
5thOatmeal with fruits, yogurt, tea.ApplesVegetable salad with boiled chicken breast.Two bananasHard cheese, tomatoes, vegetable soup.
6thToast, buckwheat porridge, orange, tea.Apples, bananasCheese, fish soup, vegetable salad.A handful of almonds.Omelet with mushrooms, stewed vegetables.
7thOne and a half kilograms of apples

Important! This menu, of course, can be changed. The main condition is to check the compatibility of products in the table.

Recipes for separate meals for 21 days

If you decide to follow a diet for 21 days, then keep in mind that this time period will be divided according to the following principle: two protein days / two carbohydrate. They will replace each other until the end of 21 days.

When developing this food system, specialists tried to make all the dishes as tasty as possible. We bring to your attention recipes for 21 days for protein and carbohydrate periods.

Protein dishes:

  • pickled mushrooms, chives, vegetable oil;
  • boiled eggs, greens, fresh cucumber (products can be consumed in the form of a salad with olive oil dressing);
  • chicken stock with onions, carrots and sweet peppers;
  • baked beef with garlic mustard dressing;
  • bean stew with tomatoes and onions.

Carbohydrate dishes:

  • barley with vegetables;
  • chopped fresh carrots with dressing of garlic, corn oil and salt;
  • diet vegetable soup;
  • cabbage and carrot cutlets in breadcrumbs;
  • fried zucchini with herbs and garlic.

In addition, on protein days, the use of cottage cheese, eggs, meat and fish is allowed. And during the carbohydrate period, you can eat a variety of salads and fruits, drink fruit drinks and fresh juices.

Diet for weight loss for 90 days: menu

A 90-day diet is based on four cycles that constantly alternate. Each cycle consists of one day, during which only certain foods can be eaten. Let us consider in detail each of them.

Protein day

It is allowed to eat protein-fortified foods:

  • morning: tea, protein omelet, salad;
  • 2nd breakfast: low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch: chicken broth, baked chicken fillet, whole grain bread;
  • 2nd lunch: apples / pears;
  • dinner: boiled fish fillet, non-starchy group vegetables.

Starchy day

The menu should only contain starch dishes:

  • morning: fruit sliced;
  • 2nd breakfast: two oranges;
  • lunch: boiled cabbage with mashed potatoes, tea without sugar;
  • 2nd lunch: baked apples;
  • dinner: vegetable salad.

Carbohydrate day

Allowed to eat cereals, baked goods and dark chocolate.

The diet should not contain yeast, eggs and milk:

  • morning: fresh fruit;
  • 2nd breakfast: 150 grams of dried fruit;
  • lunch: spaghetti with tomato dressing, fresh cabbage salad;
  • 2nd lunch: fresh vegetable;
  • dinner: pastries without eggs and yeast, tea, dark chocolate.

Vitamin day

In small portions, you can eat fruits and drink juices:

  • morning: 150 grams of fruit or berries;
  • 2nd breakfast: two medium unsweetened pears;
  • lunch: fruit salad or sliced;
  • 2nd lunch: two green apples;
  • dinner: 200 grams of melon or watermelon.

To consolidate the achieved result from the diet you need to refuse gradually.

Over the past 90 days, your body has completely rebuilt metabolic processes. You have learned to satisfy hunger in small portions and now you need only a small amount of food. In this case, you note an unprecedented lightness and are full of strength. In order not to lose this sensation and not begin to gain weight, try to eat in small portions five times a day.

Prohibited Separate Foods

The list of prohibited products consists of:

  • canned food;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • refined oil;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • sausages;
  • sweet soda.

This insignificant list proves once again that with separate nutrition, you can really eat almost everything.

Physical activity with separate nutrition

As the correct physical activity, you can use:

  • long, leisurely walks in the fresh air;
  • fitness;
  • aerobics
  • hiking trips;
  • swimming.

If you go to the gym, try the first weeks of observing separate nutrition to overdo it with power loads.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most diets are based on limited use or a complete rejection of certain foods. As a result, serious violations begin in the functionality of the body, which negatively affects the human life.

Separate nutrition should not be taken as a diet. It is better to say that this is a generally accepted principle of proper eating, which can be observed throughout life.

In addition to losing weight, the main advantages of this technique include:

  • Improvement of metabolism. The impaired functionality of the digestive organs often leads to the accumulation of extra pounds. Normalization of metabolic processes ensures timely processing of food, due to which all unnecessary substances leave the body, without having time to accumulate in it in the form of fat.
  • Normalization of the cardiovascular system. Compliance with a separate diet minimizes the likelihood of the development of rotting or fermentation processes in the stomach. As a result, decay products, which are one of the reasons for the development of atherosclerotic vascular damage, do not enter the bloodstream. Also, "bad" cholesterol is excreted from the body and no longer accumulates.
  • A varied diet. You can eat almost all foods. The main thing is to combine them correctly. With separate meals, you will not feel hunger. The size of the allowed portion varies from 300 to 400 grams, and this is enough to eat hearty.

Despite the undeniable advantages, many experts consider separate nutrition to be unhealthy.

They argue their point of view with the following facts:

  • Meat protein is poorly digested if consumed without carbohydrates (bread or vegetables). These products stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes, which are actively involved in the digestion of protein by the intestines.
  • Sour fruits ensure the proper absorption of iron, so they need to be combined with cereals.
  • Fiber, contained in all vegetables, ensures the proper functioning of the intestine and its timely cleansing. Vegetables have long been considered an ideal side dish for meat, as they help the body more likely digest this product.

As for consumer reviews regarding the disadvantages of separate food, among them are:

  • low taste value of cooked dishes;
  • the need for physical activity.


According to user reviews, separate nutrition for weight loss really helps to get rid of extra pounds and fat accumulations. But the result does not come right away, and for the full effect you need to “work hard” for at least three months. Subject to all the rules of separate nutrition, you can lose 5 - 16 kg of weight without harm to the body.

Also, do not forget that the use of separate nutrition for weight loss should be carried out correctly, otherwise the lost kilograms will return very quickly. When you get the long-awaited result, try to return to your normal diet very slowly. Otherwise, you can harm your health, and all efforts will be in vain.