Cancer and Virgo compatibility is very high. Representatives of these two signs cause each other great interest even at the very first superficial acquaintance. They can easily and comfortably communicate both in friendship and in love relationships.

Characterization of Cancer and Virgo as zodiac signs

The main character traits of Cancer of any gender are sensitivity, fidelity, homework, emotionality.

The life of representatives of such a sign would not be happy without a strong family and a cozy home. But, if a person is strongly offended, he will seek peace and security in solitude. The cancer will hide in its carapace and remain in it until it completely heals its wounds.

  • Stability and safety are the main goal of such people. Crayfish cautiously handle money and do not like debt. If they have to borrow a large amount, you can not be afraid of fraud on the part of this person.
  • Cancer does not like to take risks. He will always choose a tit in his hand.
  • Representatives of the watermark often face complex emotional experiences. From the outside, they may seem strong and impenetrable, but in the soul they are vulnerable, like children.
  • Cancer mood depends on the position of the moon. They are either friendly, sociable and cheerful, then reserved, restrained, melancholy. Crayfish are great diplomats. In most cases, they quickly achieve their goals. Of course, if a person with a firmer assertive character does not get in the way.
  • You can lead the representative of this sign exclusively in a kind way - gently and gently.If Cancer feels the pressure, it will become motionless or simply become locked in itself. He is afraid of responsibility and does not like to follow other people's advice.

The main features of Dev are practicality, reliability, thoroughness.

Women born under this sign also have amazing beauty. They are romantic, loyal, gentle.

  • Virgo are afraid of poverty. They are ready to work hard to avoid financial problems. Moreover, such people do not need luxury. They try only to surround themselves with the quality things necessary for a comfortable life.
  • Virgos are quite quiet people who often seek solitude. They like to be alone with themselves, reflect on life. Interestingly, at the same time, representatives of this sign (unlike, for example, from Crayfish) are not at all dreamers. They try to avoid illusions and “castles in the air”.
  • By nature, Virgo are single, therefore they often decide to live without a couple. At the same time, if desired, they may well build strong long-term relationships. True, the Virgin will never fall in love without memory. They clearly see all the shortcomings of the partner and immediately decide whether they are ready to come to terms with them.
  • Virgo love order in everything. In work, they are responsible, but do not strive for leadership positions. Representatives of the earthly elements hate to be obliged to someone, therefore they try not to accept services from others, not to borrow and not to lend.

Compatible Cancer men and Virgo women

Paired with a man Cancer - a woman Virgo good compatibility.

Their only problem is his desire to be around all the time, and her - to be alone periodically.

If lovers find a compromise on this issue, then no other serious omissions between them will arise.

In love

Cancer Man is vulnerable, impressionable, romantic. But usually he has to hide his thin nature under an impenetrable shell. It is in front of a gentle understanding Virgo that he can fully open up and show himself as he really is. Already only for this opportunity, the guy will be ready to do everything to stay with the chosen one forever.

Virgo will be attracted to his partner by his home-style, ability to earn and spend money wisely, tenderness and attentiveness. He will teach his beloved to be frank, and sometimes even complain about life and cry on a strong male shoulder. Next to Cancer, the girl will always be comfortable and calm.


Raku and Virgo are comfortable, pleasant, interesting together. In marriage, the compatibility of zodiac signs is almost perfect.

The couple will spend free evenings talking with each other or watching their favorite films. Virgo will never taunt her partner’s excessive sensitivity and vulnerability, but, on the contrary, will try to protect him from the rudeness of others.

The main thing is that a man sometimes allowed his soul mate to be alone and reflect on his own life. If he is too active and assertive to care, his wife will sooner or later get tired of it.

In friendship

Cancer and Virgo can become good friends. They will be able to maintain their strong trusting relationship for many years. Both people in such friendship will reliably protect common secrets from prying eyes and ears and will never dare to betray.

Sexual compatibility

To achieve perfect compatibility in sex, first of all, a Cancer man will have to work on himself. The girl wants him to be more open, relaxed in bed. And also surely offer him erotic experiments.

Cancer will have to forget about its conservatism and go to a meeting partner. Together they will be able to overcome the internal barriers of men and achieve sexual harmony.

How compatible are Virgo men and Cancer women

The opposite version of the pair (Cancer woman and Virgo man) also has excellent compatibility.

This applies to all areas of relationships. They are perfect for each other, including in intimate life.A man easily manages to adjust his beloved for himself.

In a love relationship

In a love relationship, Cancer and Virgo understand each other literally.

Quarrels can arise only at the very first stage. Girl-Cancer delights her partner with her femininity, tenderness, sexuality. And the Virgo man conquers his beloved with a strong character, the ability to discreetly solve piled-up problems, to remain calm in any, even the most difficult situation.


In family life, Cancer and Virgo will be truly happy. Their union is based on sincere feelings. A man in a pair practical, understanding, ready to sacrifice many for the comfort of his beloved and his family. A woman is neat, domovita, knows how to surround her husband with care and attention. Her intuition is well developed, which also attracts her husband.

Any quarrels in such a pair are settled by a sincere frank conversation. Spouses are always ready to support each other.

The Virgo man and Cancer woman become wonderful parents. Children adore them, grow up worthy, well-mannered people, surrounded by warmth and care.

In friendship

To make friends with a man-Virgo and Cancer-woman is not easy for only one reason - their friendships always quickly flow into love affairs. If a man and a woman were already married at the time of meeting, then their spouses will have a negative attitude towards such friendship. Jealousy from the second halves can not be avoided, because it will not be easy to hide the tenderness and warm feelings between Virgo and Cancer.

Sexual compatibility

At first glance, it seems that in sex, representatives of the zodiac signs under discussion are completely incompatible. Virgo needs passionate frequent sex, which is not accompanied by any manifestations of tenderness and love. Girls-Cancers, on the contrary, are extremely conservative, do not like experiments and need affection and increased attention from their partners.

But lovers very quickly manage to adjust to each other in bed. More often it is a woman who goes towards her lover. At first she just tries to please him, and then she gets a taste.

Positive and negative sides of the union

If you study the modern horoscope, you will be able to understand that the union under discussion has practically no negative sides. You can add to this list, perhaps, the “unsociability” of a couple.

Lovers are so good together that they prefer to spend time together, forgetting about friends and relatives.

But such a union has a lot of advantages:

  • Cancer and Virgo in any combination become excellent parents.
  • Quarrels in pairs are extremely rare. Lovers perfectly understand each other and are able to find the right words of support in difficult times
  • Cancer and Virgo have similar interests.
  • For representatives of both signs, homeliness, cleanliness, a delicious dinner and other household trifles are important.

Even when paired with perfect compatibility, conflicts can periodically occur. So that they do not spoil the relationship of lovers, you just need not to withdraw into yourself, but to discuss the problems that have arisen. Solving them together after a frank conversation will be much easier.