Pythagoras was not only a great mathematician, but also was fond of numerology. As a result, the “psychomatrix of Pythagoras” appeared, which originates from the teachings of the Egyptian priests. The philosopher systematized the knowledge gained, expanded the wording of determining the character of a person, added target lines and their meanings.

The great thinker was sure that the character of a person can be determined by the date of his birth, thereby providing irreplaceable help to the child in the future to choose the right direction in life. Knowing your numbers, it is easier to overcome difficulties and improve your positive qualities.

What is the psychomatrix of Pythagoras

“Psychomatrix by date of birth” and “Pythagorean square” are different names for similar methods of researching a person as a person. They can be evaluated separately, but a greater result and understanding can be achieved only by knowing the totality of the values ​​of these two methods. In a comprehensive assessment of the matrix and the square lie the full characteristics of the psychological portrait of an individual. Such estimates will be as accurate and detailed as possible.

Detailed calculation by date of birth

In order to make a detailed calculation on the Pythagorean matrix, you need to write down the numbers of your birth date. Take for example the following notation - 04/12/1976.

  • add the digits of the day and month: 1 + 2 + 0 + 4 = 7;
  • then all the dates of the year a person was born: 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 23;
  • add the resulting numbers: 7 + 23 = 30 - get the first working number;
  • the numbers of this number must also be added: 3 + 0 = 3 - this is the second sought;
  • the third working number is obtained by subtracting from the first (30) first digit of the series (1) multiplied by 2, in the presented example it will look like this: 30-1 * 2 = 28;
  • to get the fourth number, you should add the third: 2 + 8 = 10.

Now the figures of the date of birth and received numbers need to be entered in a square consisting of 9 cells. Zeros do not count. In the above example, we take the values ​​from the numbers:

04/12/1976 and

The result of these calculations will look as follows:


It can be seen from the resulting table that not all numbers are present, some only one, others two, sometimes more. This affects the general characteristics of a person and personality. It is necessary to take into account all the data obtained, the only way it turns out is to see the most complete and complete picture.

The value of working numbers

In order to decipher the result, you should know what each of the numbers says.

At the same time, a specific number acquires certain values:

  • the first working number tells about those qualities that need to be developed in order for the goals to be achieved;
  • the second will tell about the purpose of embodiment and the main quality;
  • the third represents personality traits inherent in birth;
  • the fourth will reveal the secret about the main thing - that ability that is given to an individual at birth.

Each of the numbers inscribed in the matrix is ​​also endowed with certain functions.

The meaning of numbers in numerology:

  • 1 - will tell about the character of a person;
  • 2 - amount of energy;
  • 3 - interest of the person in the sciences;
  • 4 - speaks of health given from birth;
  • 5 - whether intuition is intrinsic to a given individual;
  • 6 - the ability to manual labor and interest in power;
  • 7 - indicates the presence of talent;
  • 8 - this figure can be used to judge the responsibility of a citizen;
  • 9 - how much has endowed human nature with memory and mind.

It is worth mentioning that all qualities can be developed by applying certain efforts and working on oneself. The square of Pythagoras does not claim that nothing can be changed, but thanks to this knowledge, you can make some efforts in the right direction and achieve your goals.

Deciphering the results

Pythagoras established the dependence of character traits not only on the numbers squared, but also on their number in rows, verticals and horizontals of the psychomatrix. They will reveal enough additional information, their decoding is no less important, from them one can draw a conclusion about the compatibility of partners, and see difficult or crucial moments in fate.

The value of numbers is considered by their number:

  • the first row of the matrix means the determination of a person, the ability to achieve goals and not to throw everything halfway. A small number of numbers indicates a person’s exposure to external influence;
  • the second line tells about the need and desire to create a family, the need to be in constant contact with loved ones;
  • the third row of the matrix tells about habits and attachments, answering the question of how easily a person changes his life: the fewer numbers, the more frequent some kind of transformation;
  • the first column tells about self-esteem. At the same time, 4 and 5 digits will be good indicators. A smaller number means that it is underestimated, a larger one - on the contrary, about a clear overestimation of such quality;
  • the material independence of the individual can be judged by the second column: the fewer the numbers, the less the person is interested in the financial side of life;
  • the third column will tell about talent;
  • the diagonal going from left to right and from bottom to top tells about physical needs. Do not forget that not only carnal pleasures relate to them;
  • the diagonal, going from left to right and from top to bottom, tells about the spirituality of the personality: the fewer numbers, the worse this beginning.

An important factor is that for each line the presence of 6 or more digits means “going off scale” of a particular characteristic. This usually leads to negative consequences. For example, with 6 or more digits of the third row of the matrix, it is believed that a person is surrounded by a very large number of habits and, unable to cope with their burden, is trying to cancel everything in the future.This gives rise to an unreasonable fight with self. And more than 5 digits of the first column, leads to fixation on the exterior, a person will degrade as a person, not caring about the internal content. In all lines, the best number of digits is 5. This is the optimal number, indicating the highest point in this area.

When calculating, all factors must be taken into account. Only through such an analysis can you help your child choose a profession that he will like, reveal the abilities of his child and overcome some weaknesses.