Helminthiasis is ubiquitous and is diagnosed in patients of different ages. Worms can be infected by working with soil, caring for pets, or eating food that has not undergone sufficient heat treatment. Any helminthic invasion leaves its mark on the state of human health. Among the main symptoms are intestinal disorders, allergic reactions, as well as chronic fatigue. Timely diagnosed helminthiases are successfully treatable. Traditionally, the most effective anthelmintic drugs are considered a wide spectrum of action for humans. These drugs are valued for their ability to eliminate various types of parasitic worms, which is necessary for complex invasions.

Classification of drugs against parasites

Worms can settle in different organs of a person and for a long time not manifest themselves. This is due to the parasitic lifestyle of helminths. Worms most often do not have their own digestive system, and they get all the nutrients through the surface of the body. As a result, an infected person experiences a lack of organic compounds, gradually losing weight, but his appetite remains.

To cure helminthiasis, it is required to take specialized medications aimed at removing parasites from human organs and tissues. When choosing a medicine, the type of parasite that provokes the development of unpleasant symptoms should be considered. Doctors explain that all anthelmintic drugs for people are divided into several groups depending on their area of ​​action.

Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs

Medicines that are equally effective against different types of parasites are considered universal helpers in the treatment of infestations. Their main advantage is that they work when assistance is needed on an emergency basis.

One cannot do without such means even in those cases when the invasion is complex, that is, a person suffers from infection by both tapeworms and roundworms.

The working mechanism of the vast majority of drugs is associated with metabolic disturbances in worms. After the active components of anthelmintic drugs enter the patient’s bloodstream, the worms lose the ability to receive food, and then die. Then they leave the human intestine in a dead form.

The group of medicines with a wide spectrum of action includes many well-known drugs.

Most often, experts prescribe:

  • Mebendazole;
  • Albendazole;
  • Nemozole;
  • Zentel;
  • Vermox;
  • Vermacar;
  • Sanoxal.

Parasitologists warn that such drugs can hardly be called absolutely safe. The active ingredients themselves are metabolized in the liver and partially in the kidneys, practically without affecting the functioning of these organs. The threat is toxic decomposition products released during the mass death of worms inside the human body. To avoid serious poisoning, doctors advise taking safe sorbents - Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel.

Anti-cestic drugs

One of the most dangerous helminthiases is considered an infestation of cestodes, or flatworms. These parasites can exist in the intestinal lumen for a long time and grow to enormous sizes. Such worms have a long flat body, consisting of many repeating segments. The head end of the worm is equipped with hooks or suction cups, which allows the parasite to be firmly attached to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

For humans, not only sexually mature worms - lenteci or tapeworms - are dangerous. For some helminths from the cestode class, people serve as intermediate hosts, so when infected in the body, not adult worms develop, but large spherical larvae. They are tumor-like formations resembling cysts. Larvae are formed in different organs - heart, liver, lungs, and brain. This is how a person manifests infection with echinococcus or alveococcus.

The purpose of anti-cestodic drugs is not only the removal of sexually mature worms from the intestinal lumen, but also the reduction in the size of parasite larvae. It should be understood that it will not be possible to completely eliminate cysts in the internal organs with the help of medications. In some cases, only surgical intervention will help.

Against flatworms, those drugs that have a complex effect are usually prescribed. The composition of such drugs includes mebendazole or its analogue - albendazole, which contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in parasites.

Anti-trematode drugs

Not all worms live in the intestinal lumen. Parasites belonging to the class of trematodes usually affect the liver, gall bladder and their ducts. These are small flat helminths, not exceeding one centimeter in length. There are suction cups on the underside of the worm’s body. It is this feature that gave the second name to the class of worms - flukes. A striking representative of such worms is cat, or Siberian, fluke.

If laboratory tests confirm the presence of flukes in the liver, the patient wonders how to treat worms, since traditional drugs even with a complex effect will not have the desired effect.

When treating trematodoses, specialists usually prescribe praziquantel tablets, a substance that provokes muscle spasm in flukes, which leads to their death and elimination from the body. To get rid of trematodes in the liver and gall bladder, you must take Biltricid or Asinox. I drink medicines once, and the necessary dosage is calculated taking into account the weight of the patient. Usually this is 60-75 mg of active substance per kilogram of body weight.

Anti-nematode drugs

Experts note that most often in adult patients and in childhood, infestations with roundworms - nematodes, are diagnosed. These helminths include roundworms and pinworms, which usually live in the intestinal lumen.

The body of the parasites has well-developed muscles. Nematodes do not have special organs for fixation in the host body, therefore they are forced to constantly be in motion. It is precisely on these features that the mechanism of operation of most roundworm preparations is based. The active ingredients of the drugs make worms unable to move due to paralysis of muscle tissue. As a result, weakened worms leave the intestinal lumen with feces.

The list of the most effective medicines against roundworms includes piperazine and all drugs based on pyrantel - Helminthox, Nemocide. Their main advantage is a gentle action without negative impact on the human body. Such drugs stimulate the release of live parasites from the intestines, and, consequently, the patient manages to avoid intoxication with decay products.

Effective worm medicine for adults

Pharmacies offer a wide range of specialized drugs, but no doctor can give a definite answer to the question of which is better. The choice of medicine should be approached responsibly, taking into account not only the individual characteristics of the patient, but also the type of parasites that provoke unpleasant symptoms. If the remedy is selected correctly, then it is possible to cure the pathology in the shortest possible time.


Parasitologists tend to prescribe their patients the safest drugs with minimal negative effects on the body. Such tactics are appropriate for infection with nematodes - pinworms, hookworms, roundworms.

Pyrantel is available in two forms - tablets and suspensions. It is convenient to give liquid medicine to children, and capsules for internal use are ideal for adult patients. The treatment regimen will depend directly on what parasites are present in the human body.

With the help of Pyrantel, it is quite simple to clean the intestinal lumen from pinworms. Worms lose their ability to move and are excreted with the remnants of the digested food after taking one dose, calculated taking into account the weight. So, people weighing less than 75 kg should consume 750 mg of the drug. If the human weight exceeds this value, then the required amount is increased to 100 mg.

It is somewhat more difficult to fight roundworms, as there is a moment in the development cycle of these worms when the larvae migrate through the tissues of the body. At this stage, they are practically invulnerable, which means low effectiveness of Pirantel. The medicine must be taken again 7-8 days after the start of therapy. During this period, all the larvae are transformed into sexually mature Ascaris, sensitive to the active ingredient of the tablets.

If doctors diagnose hookworm infection, then the dose of the drug remains the same, but the course of treatment lasts at least three days. Only then is a complete recovery possible.


Pyrantel is not the only remedy for roundworms affecting their muscle tissue.Its analogue is another drug with the same active substance - Helminthox. If desired, tablets can be replaced with a suspension.

This medicine is effective against three types of nematodes - hookworms, roundworms and pinworms. To cleanse the intestines, an adult patient should once take 2 tablets of 250 mg each. If the patient's weight exceeds 75 kg, then he will need 4 capsules.


Not all anthelmintic preparations for humans lead to the elimination of live worms. So, after taking Dekaris tablets, parasites die due to muscle paralysis and leave the intestinal tract already in a lifeless state.

The composition of the drug is a chemical compound levamisole, which provides high efficiency against helminths. With its help, specialists treat enterobiasis, ascariasis and other infestations associated with the penetration of nematodes into the body, however, they will not succeed in destroying lentes and tapeworms in this way, since they do not have well-developed muscle tissue.

The tactics of treatment with Dekaris are simple. With invasions of roundworms and pinworms, the drug is taken once in the evening. The required dose for an adult is 150 mg of the active substance, which are contained in one tablet. Over the next day, dead parasites will come out with feces.


Anthelmintic drugs for adults can work in different ways. If Pirantel and Helminthox provoke muscle paralysis in nematodes, then Albendazole acts at a metabolic level, introducing itself into metabolic processes in worms.

Medicines with albendazole in the composition belong to drugs with a complex effect, therefore, they are prescribed for infection with flat and round worms. These tools will help reduce the size of the larvae in the tissues or internal organs.

Albendazole is part of several drugs that are actively used in the treatment of helminthic invasions. The most famous are:

  • Aldazole;
  • Zentel;
  • Sanoxal
  • Nemozol.

If such drugs are used, the treatment of worms in adults will be carried out as soon as possible. Eliminate roundworms with albendazole-based tablets is real in one day, and it takes three days to remove lentes or tapeworms from the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the dosage will be 0.2 grams of the active component. The larval forms of echinococcus or alveococcus are somewhat more difficult to treat. To reduce cysts, you need to take medicine for 15-30 days at 15 mg per 1 kg of patient weight.


Albendazole is effective against round and tapeworms, but there is another substance with a similar effect - mebendazole. It is this compound that is part of the Vermox drug, recognized as one of the most effective.

The action of mebendazole is based on its ability to influence glucose synthesis in parasites. This adversely affects their energy metabolism, which ultimately leads to death. Vermoxum is prescribed for infection with roundworms, tapeworms, tapeworms, as well as with complex invasions.

The standard duration of treatment for cestodoses is at least 10 days, and in the first three days the dose of the drug should be minimal. Vermox at this stage is taken three times a day for 300 mg. Further, this amount is increased to 500 mg of the active component.

It is much easier to remove nematodes from the intestinal lumen. For this purpose, it is enough to take 100 mg of the drug once. Treatment should be repeated after two weeks if the symptoms of helminthic invasion have not disappeared. For the most reliable control of the effectiveness of therapy, experts advise to pass a sample of feces for laboratory research.


The composition of the drug Vormil includes the substance albendazole. These are effective tablets, both for complex invasions and for helminthiases of unknown origin. The main feature of this medicine is an unusual form of release. The manufacturer suggests that patients use chewable tablets.

Fed is appreciated for being able to act not only on sexually mature worms, but also on their larvae and eggs. This means that it is possible to cure the pathology with the use of this medication as soon as possible. Albendazole as part of the medication affects metabolic processes and deprives parasites of the opportunity to receive nutrients, which leads to their rapid death.

Usually, Vormil therapy lasts from three to five days. At the same time, an adult patient should take 400 mg of the active ingredient per day.


A popular medicine based on albendazole is Nemozol - tablets or suspension. This medication is used not only for helminthic infestations, but also for infection with protozoa.

Nemozole, like its other analogues of complex action, is included in the metabolic processes in worms, disrupting their normal course. This is followed by the death of parasites and their exit from the intestine during defecation.

The treatment regimen of Nemosol resembles therapy with any drug with albendazole in the composition. So, in the treatment of nematodoses, a single tablet is sufficient, and for the removal of tapeworms, it is required to drink a capsule for three days.

Worm Suspension

Pills are not the only form of release of funds from worms. If desired, capsules for oral administration can be replaced with a suspension. Liquid medicine is usually prescribed for children, but adult patients sometimes use it. Specialists name several drugs that are produced in the form of suspensions.

  1. Pirantel. This tool works as carefully as possible, which earned the trust of doctors and patients. Such a suspension helps well with pinworms or roundworms. An adult weighing less than 75 kg should take 30 ml of syrup once, and with a mass greater than the indicated mark - 40 ml.
  2. Helminthox. This is a complete analogue of Pirantel, so doctors prescribe it in the same doses.
  3. Nemozol. In the form of a suspension, a complex-acting drug can also be purchased. The recommended dose varies from 20 to 30 ml, and the total duration of treatment is one day for nematodoses and three days for invasion by tapeworms.

The main advantage of the suspension is its faster absorption from the gastrointestinal tract compared to similar tablets.

This provides a speedy effect on parasites, which provokes their paralysis or death.

Drop Medicine

People who care about their health tend to choose the safest means for removing parasites and give preference to drops from worms. However, experts are inclined to believe that such drugs are not suitable for the treatment of helminthiases. This opinion is based on the composition of the drugs in the form of drops.

So, the well-known drug Antiglist Forte contains mainly plant extracts, including:

  • tansy;
  • centaury;
  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile;
  • buckthorn.

It is these ingredients that are among the main recipes of alternative medicine that allow parasites to be removed from the intestine, but such treatment is not appropriate for severe symptoms and poor health of the patient. It is required to apply drops with plant extracts within a month, while some pharmacy preparations help in just one day.

What can pregnant and lactating mothers do?

Women expecting a baby are also susceptible to helminthic infestations, like other people, but the approach to treatment will be fundamentally different. In this case, it is important not to harm the developing fetus and the mother's body.

Usually, during pregnancy, doctors prescribe pyrantel-based tablets or suspensions — Nemocide or Helminthox. These drugs are aimed at eliminating living worms. As a result of such therapy, a woman does not suffer from intoxication.

With breastfeeding, the vast majority of drugs are prohibited. The exception is Piperazine tablets, which cope with roundworm infestations.A single dose of the drug is from 1.5 to 2 grams. The course of treatment itself lasts from two to five days.

If a nursing woman is diagnosed with tapeworm, tapeworm or echinococcus larvae, then lactation must be abandoned and treatment should be started as soon as possible with albendazole or its analogues.


Despite the fact that many modern medicines are considered safe, you should carefully read the instructions for use. The annotation may describe situations in which the use of a particular drug is prohibited.

The minimum contraindications for those drugs that block the muscle activity of worms.

Helminthox, Nemocide and Pyrantel are prohibited only with individual intolerance, lactation and pathologies of the liver or kidneys. They should not be used in early childhood (up to six months).

For complex drugs, the list of contraindications is wider. They are not prescribed for children under two years of age, as well as for pathologies of the central nervous system, problems with hematopoiesis, pregnancy and lactation.

Preventive measures, healthy nutrition

Helminthic infestations cause significant harm to the body, but they are quite easy to prevent if you follow the recommendations made by your doctor. Prevention of invasions involves a responsible attitude to the preparation of a diet.

This is due to the fact that some helminths enter the human body when eating meat or fish that have not undergone full processing at high temperatures. This is how infection with tapeworms, lentets, flukes occurs. For this reason, you should abandon the potentially dangerous food - steaks with blood, dried fish, dishes of traditional Japanese cuisine.

Fruits growing on the earth also pose a threat to health. Vegetables and fruits may contain roundworm eggs, which are abundant in soil and fresh water. You can reduce the likelihood of invasion if you thoroughly wash the fruits immediately before use with the use of disinfectants.

Personal hygiene plays an important role in the prevention of helminthiasis. Tiny-sized parasite eggs are freely located in the environment, maintaining viability for a long time. It is impossible to predict where they are located, so washing your hands regularly is the right decision. It is especially important to carry out this procedure after visiting public places, the toilet, contacts with pets, work on the garden site.

If, despite all the preventive measures, it was not possible to avoid infection, then you should consult a doctor for help. The specialist will pay attention to external symptoms that bother the patient, and will also recommend taking tests. After receiving the results, medication will be prescribed.