Getting acquainted with the basics of proper nutrition, a person learns to evaluate not only the appearance and taste of food, but also its effect on the body. One of the important components of a healthy menu is foods with a low glycemic index (GI). Everyone who cares about their health needs to know about them.

What is the glycemic index of foods?

Due to self-regulation processes, a certain level of sugar is maintained in the bloodstream. This is necessary for normal life. After carbohydrate foods, blood sugar rises. The glycemic index is the amount of glucose in the bloodstream 30 minutes after carbohydrate intake.

Empirically, the glycemic indices of all products were calculated, where the glucose breakdown rate was taken as 100%. Three main groups with high, medium, and low GI were identified. The faster the carbohydrates are absorbed, the higher the GI it has.

For convenience, tables have been compiled that help determine the GI of any product. Their use helps to effectively lose weight and maintain sugar levels in diabetes. Unfortunately, on the packages in supermarkets there are no GM products, only the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which does not give a complete idea of ​​their benefits.

Benefits of Low GI Products

When a person eats foods containing fast carbohydrates, blood glucose levels increase dramatically. The brain sends a signal to the pancreas to produce insulin, which lowers blood sugar.After a sharp rise and surge of energy, the same sharp decline sets in, a person begins to feel severe hunger. Excess sugar is deposited in the form of fat.

Low GI foods are digestible for a long time. Their use does not lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. Appetite does not increase, so it is easier to control the amount of food eaten.

When preparing a diet for weight loss, it is important to choose foods that have a low GI.

Factors Affecting the Glycemic Index of Products

Its GI depends on the content of carbohydrates in food. This indicator determines the saturation of the body with sugars. Proteins and fats do not affect the level of GI. Therefore, high-calorie foods, such as boiled pork, have an average GI, and foods containing a lot of sugar (boiled carrots) are high.

The glycemic index may vary depending on the method of cooking the product. Raw vegetables in which carbohydrates are in a difficult to digest form have a lower GI than cooked or baked ones. This is due to the conversion of complex carbohydrates to simple ones during the cooking process. Complex carbohydrates do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar, and insulin in a large dose is not produced.

The cooking process increases the GI of not only vegetables, but also cereals. Therefore, when dieting, steamed oatmeal is more useful, rather than boiled in water or milk. Crushing food also increases GI. Whole grain cereals have a lower glycemic index than crushed grains, they are more useful.

The temperature of the food served on the table also affects GI. If the dish contains starch, then in the cold it will be less digestible, which means that its GI will be less.

Table: Low Glycemic Index Products

Foods with low GI, below 50%, are considered dietary. A table describing such products will help you make the right menu.

GI = 10%GI = 15%GI = 20-25%GI = 30-35%GI = 40-45%GI = 46-50%
green pepperolives and olivesboiled lentilsgarlicdry red and white winenatural grapefruit juice
White cabbageleekcucumberspearsnatural carrot juicedry champagne
onioncauliflowerprunesdried apricotsnatural orange juicenatural grape juice
tomatoesbraised cabbagelingonberrypeachesground coffee without sugarnatural pineapple juice
salted mushroomsasparaguswild strawberriesapplesnatural apple juicechicken egg
broccolidillcherryStrawberrycocoa in milk without sugaromelet with meat
leaf lettuceRed peppergrapefruitsea ​​buckthorncoconutcooked sausage
avocadoBrussels sproutsapricotRed currantswholemeal breadfried beef liver
sauerkrautsweet cherryraspberrycolored beansbrown rice
radishcherry plumdietary fibercerealskiwi
spinachblackberryyogurt 1.5%wholemeal pastaspaghetti
black currantplumcream 10%grapebulgur
fat-free soy flourlemonsoy milkfresh green peassherbet
tofu cheesepearl barley porridge on the waternatural milkwhite beans
Champignon mushroomslow-fat kefircottage cheese 9%Rye bread
hazelnutpeeled barleylow-fat cottage cheesebuckwheat
physalisblueberrieswholemeal bread

Sunflower seeds, parsley, basil, cinnamon and vanillin also have a low glycemic index (less than 10%).

It is interesting:all about asparagus

Low GI Slimming Products: List

Following a healthy diet for weight loss, you need to pay attention to the glycemic index of food. Foods that have low GI can be eaten calmly.

These include:

  • fresh green vegetables;
  • meat products (except for the liver);
  • milk products;
  • greenery;
  • whole grain steamed cereals;
  • mushrooms.

It is difficult to change taste preferences at once during a diet. But it was proved empirically that a strong craving for habitual food passes through 3-4 weeks, if you maintain this period, then it will be easier.Then, observing the selected diet and limiting the use of harmful foods for another 8 months, you can defeat addiction to sweets and starchy foods.

Looking at the amount of carbohydrates in a product, it is impossible to determine its glycemic index. For this concept, it is not quantity that matters, but the quality of carbohydrates. If they are simple, quickly cleavable, then a product with high GI. The presence of complex carbohydrates indicates an average or low GI. With an equal amount of carbohydrates in foods, preference should be given to the one in which carbohydrates are complex.

Table for diabetics

Patients with diabetes should not eat sweets. Sugar is bad for the health of all people who monitor their health. Instead, stevia and sucralose are suitable for creating a sweet taste - these are natural sweeteners that can be consumed even by children and pregnant women.

Low GI Diabetic Table

Low GI 10-40%Average GI 40-50%High GI Over 50%
onionpeasfried zucchini
tomatoeskiwiboiled, fried potato, chips
peppergrapeboiled carrots
mushroomsraisinspumpkin, melon, watermelon
radishbranbananas, mangoes, pineapple
cucumbersbran breaddates
black olivesRed winespaghetti
lentilscakes, cookies, buns
raspberryice cream, condensed milk
applesbeer, shop juices, sugary drinks
StrawberryHot Dog
cherryfast food dishes

The table containing the glycemic indices of all products included in the daily menu must always hang on the refrigerator door. This will help a person with diabetes to effectively control their blood sugar. The lowest glycemic index for fresh vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, spices. In addition, there are foods that lower blood sugar due to the special chemical composition.

These include blueberries, table vinegar and cinnamon. A very small amount of black berries (about 1 tbsp. L.) Is needed to make the body's cells more susceptible to the produced insulin. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day also has a beneficial effect on sugar levels and the state of the vessels of the body. Salads can be seasoned with vinegar to reduce glycemia after eating foods that contain carbohydrates.

Low GI, High Nutrition Index Products

It is difficult to understand immediately what the nutritional value of foods is. Some people find nutritious, fatty and sweet foods high in calories. But from the point of view of nutritionists, this is not true. Especially harmful is the simultaneous use of sweet and fatty for those who want to lose weight, all the extra calories will be successfully deposited in the body's fat reserves.

The nutritional value of the product is its vitamins, mineral salts, antioxidants. The content of proteins and fats in this concept is not taken into account.

The highest nutritional index of such foods;

  • fresh vegetables of green color;
  • leaf salads;
  • greens;
  • green peas;
  • white radish.

Green and leafy vegetables also have the lowest GI, they can be included in the daily diet for weight loss. In the healthy diet menu, these foods take pride of place for the most nutritious.

Create a menu for weight loss will help the GI table. Preferring products with a low glycemic index and high nutritional value, you can lose weight, gaining health instead of extra pounds.