The day on which the beloved daughter was born, will never be forgotten by either mom or dad. On this holiday, they also deserve warm beautiful words. Therefore, going to a celebration, it is worth preparing congratulations on the birthday of the daughter and for the parents.

Daughter's happy birthday greetings for mom and dad in prose

On the birthday of children, they often undeservedly forget about mom and dad. But it was they who nth number of years ago rushed to the maternity hospital with excitement and realized that in just a few hours, life would radically change. Parents eagerly awaited the birth of their little princess and realized that they would never forget this important day.

To touch the adults, it is worthwhile to prepare beautiful wishes for them. For example, sonorous touching options in prose. You can separately write a congratulation to mom on her daughter's birthday and wishes to dad or combine them into a common text.

Happy birthday to your wonderful girl - your daughter. I wish that your beauty be happy and healthy, that her dreams will always be fulfilled, that her success will be great. Rejoice at life with your little daughter, believe in your baby and give her an amazing world of love and joy. All the best to your family, incredible miracles in the life of your beauty.


Happy birthday to my little daughter. I wish to always be kind, understanding, sincerely loving and patient parents. Let the daughter rejoice with her victories and achievements. Let your success and happiness be the best reward of life for you.


I congratulate you on the birthday of your beloved, dear, wonderful daughter. Let only good things happen in her life, may love always live in her heart, may she hold in her hands the key to the doors to great victories. I wish that parents always had wise advice for their daughter and time for good conversations with her.

How to congratulate your parents in your own words

Always the most pleasant for the heroes of the occasion are wishes written in their own words. They sound especially warm, sincere sincerely. In such texts stumbles, clerical errors, mistakes are forgiven.

The main thing is that the congratulator really feel and let through all the words spoken.

Of course, the main girl at the celebration will be a girl / girl / woman’s birthday girl. At the very end of the congratulations to the hero of the occasion, you can turn to her mom and dad. Surely they will be pleasantly surprised and moved.

For example, it will be possible to beautifully congratulate parents on their child’s birthday with the following words: “Today you can truly be proud of yourself, because you managed to raise such a beautiful girl. She is beautiful, successful, happy, happy with her life. Of course, this is your merit. Let you parents continue to have enough strength and money to be with your daughter, to help her in everything and support our birthday! ” Or: “So I want to congratulate not only our beautiful birthday girl, but also her parents on this beautiful day. Mom and Dad, you have come a long way. Behind you are sleepless nights, illnesses, sorrows, and sorrows. So let ahead of your family expect only happiness, joy, prosperity! And, of course, good health for many years to come. ”

Dear parents, happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! This day will always be the most important holiday for you, because he once presented you with a beautiful little princess - your future! I wish you health for many years to always be near her, patience, to listen to and understand her, and boundless love, so that she always warms her!


Happy birthday to my lovely daughter. I want to sincerely wish family happiness and joy, mutual understanding and love. May your beauty grow cheerful and cheerful, may she please you with her victories and wonderful talents.


Happy birthday daughter, I sincerely congratulate you. Let your joy walk the path of happiness to your dream, let the angel accompany her on the way, let the maternal prayer protect the daughter from troubles and sorrows, let daddy's strength protect from evil and insults. Peace to your family, well-being and constant pride in your princess.

Short greetings and short poems

The birthday girl herself should also not forget that her birthday is also very important for parents. Be sure to take care of a small congratulation for them from the very early morning.

For example, it will be relevant to prepare mom and dad a festive breakfast of dishes that they especially love. And to the treats attach a note with the words: “Thank you for your life, thank you for being around, thank you for your love and support. I really appreciate you, parents, I love and want to be there for many more, many years to come! ” You can come up with other interesting options for such a text.

Mom on her daughter's birthday will certainly be pleased to receive congratulations not only from the girl herself, but also from her husband. Indeed, several years ago, she made him the most valuable gift in the world - her beloved daughter. A woman definitely deserves to receive a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from her husband or an even more expensive welcome present - jewelry, brand perfumes, a certificate for visiting a spa salon, etc. And, of course, she will again be pleased to hear words of gratitude for her wonderful daughter.

Dear parents, we congratulate you on the birthday of your daughter, let her please you with her beauty, intelligence, successes and victories.


Today is not an easy day

And for you it is golden.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart

Happy birthday to your daughter!


May he live happily

And the beauty is growing.

To her and to you - love, kindness,

Happiness, faith in miracles!


Among many thousands of daughters

Your daughter is like a flower

Of course, all the sweetest

Brighter, sweeter, more beautiful!


Happy Birthday. Let the flower

Will be the best among others

Let it grow and bloom

You are not upset about anything!

Touching Happy Birthday to a Child

Touching a beautiful congratulation for parents on a child’s happy birthday can be difficult to write. If you can’t do it yourself, it’s worth simplifying your task and using the ready-made version. Today, in the vastness of the Web, you can find many bright, original texts that are dedicated specifically to mom and dad of the birthday girl. Among them, there are personal ones (for each parent) and common ones for the family.

It happens that the congratulator wants to not only congratulate the mother and father of the hero of the occasion verbally, but also to give them a gift. The best solution would be to create a family portrait. It’s convenient that for this it’s not necessary to call all the relatives to the artist’s studio. Modern masters are able to draw a gift portrait even from a photo. Interestingly, in this case, you can use three separate pictures at once, if you did not find a common photo with the birthday girl, her mom and dad.

I hasten to congratulate you on what once

A joy appeared for the mother in the family,

For dad, delight in the family appeared -

And the world overnight has changed.


Wonder girl, fairy tale girl ...

Laughter and smiles, tenderness and affection.

Her birthday is a celebration for you

And I want to wish you at this hour:


May the girls not be more beautiful in the world

Let your best develop in it,

Let her walk boldly through life

Let happiness not know its limits.


Your daughter is older

Amazing and more beautiful.

May it grow even nicer

Healthier and kinder.


Happy Birthday.

All the wishes of fulfillment,

Best of all

Much will be given.


Smiled so that more often

Life seemed sweeter.

Every moment was beautiful

Adventures brought.


Congratulations, dear ones, on the birthday of your daughter. Let her guiding star always burn brightly, let your princess be sincerely happy, let this world give a lot of wonderful moments and wonderful days for a girl, let parents always be able to share great joy for any success and any victory of their little daughter.

It remains only to beautifully pack the resulting portrait, and write your wishes on wrapping paper. Immediately - for the birthday girl, and for her parents. Such a common gift for all involved in the holiday will surely take pride of place in the family home.

Funny and funny greetings for mom and dad

The congratulator noticed that the mom and dad of the birthday girl were sad? Most likely, they just remember the past, think about how fast time flies and children grow up. Cool congratulations will help to raise the mood of the whole family.

If a person knows for a long time both the hero of the occasion and her parents, he will easily be able to recall a couple of interesting funny stories from their life. Perhaps related to the pregnancy of the mother or the first years of her birthday. You can make them the basis of your funny congratulations.

Parents will amuse themselves with cake and pastries with funny inscriptions dedicated to the whole family, and a bunch of balls with a funny design, and an unusual bouquet, for example, made up of items related to the hobbies / profession of each family member.

You can come up with a huge number of options for original gifts. The result depends on the guest’s imagination.

Happy birthday to you daughters

Let it grow beauty

To dresses - the highest class,

Fashionable tights.

It helps let in everything

To family and friends.

And does not ask in stores

Chewing gum and toffee.

Let the braid grow to the heels

And the mind is the chamber.

Let the portfolios carry her

The best guys.

Let mom and dad daughter

Pleased with success

And meets difficulties

Courage and laughter.


The house bows, flowers,

And the cat trembles all the time.

Your daughter has matured,

Becoming older by another year.

We wish her happiness in life

And luck in everything

Loudly joyfully laugh

Growing up every day.


Parents - you are happy

And happy forever

It's birthday again

Your sweet daughter.

Years fly by air

The heiress is growing up


May they warm you.

Health to you, patience,

After all, you have something to be proud of,

So happy is there

As the sun sparkles.

Mom and dad of the birthday girl on her birthday deserve beautiful congratulations no less than the girl herself. Indeed, thanks to parents, the hero of the day was born and became exactly who he is. Do not miss the chance to once again please a man and a woman, reminding them of those pleasant vivid emotions that they experienced many years ago on the birthday of dear daughter.