Treasury of folk wisdom - sayings and proverbs in which negative qualities of character are sharply condemned and virtues are extolled. Of particular interest are proverbs about work, which, like the advice of wise parents, guide their children on the right track. Hardworking people are always held in high esteem - glory, prosperity and prosperity to them, and lazy people deserve only ridicule and censure.

Famous proverbs about labor and laziness

The Russian language is rich and diverse. Over the centuries, with its help and life situations, time-tested, proverbs and sayings were created. It is interesting to understand the meaning of some stable expressions that seem familiar and understandable at first glance. Many proverbs exist about labor and laziness. They reflect the negative attitude of ordinary people to such a human vice as laziness, and praise the virtue of work. Often an instructive form is given an ironic assessment of lazy people as talkers, gluttons, fearful or stupid people. One vice entails many others.

Hardworking people who do their job well, but are upset, tired and sick, can find great consolation in the proverbs of the common people. Based on observations of life, our ancestors saw what a reward is given for hard work, and reflected this in proverbs and sayings. So, a hardworking person will certainly be happy, healthy, successful, independent, endowed with skill, well-fed, lucky. There are also sayings of warning, which speak about the incompatibility of hard work and some qualities of character, for example, talkativeness, impatience, desire to sleep long or to put off everything.

The loafer is always hard.


Without work and the car rusts.


It’s easy to live - just smoke the sky.


Without labor, rest is not sweet.


Without labor, you can’t even take a fish out of a pond.


Without labor, there is no fruit.


Idleness is the mother of all vices.


White pens love other people's labors.


More action, less words.


Where work is, there is thick, and in a lazy house empty.


Two hours going, two hours washing, an hour wiping, dressing day.


Doing hastily - you will make a laugh.


Finished business - walk boldly


Whoever says little does more.


He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.


Who does not work shall not eat.


Who gets up early, he will collect the fungi, and drowsy, but lazy go after the nettle.


Lazy is always a holiday.


The lazy person is not looking for business, but is scouring from business.


Loafer and loafer are celebrated on Monday.


Do you like to ride - love and carry a sleigh.


Small business is better than large idleness.


Mastery is perfected by hard work, but lost


To lie on the bed, and not to see bread.


Do not open your mouth to a strange loaf, but get up early and get yours.


Looking at someone else's work, you won’t be full.


No gods burn pots.


Do not be afraid of work - let it be afraid of you.


Do not take up your work, and do not be lazy for your own.


Not a needle, but hands.


Do not be lazy after a plow - you will be with a pie.


Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.


Do not blame the neighbor, if you sleep before dinner.


Without bowing to the ground, you cannot raise the fungus.


Do not get used to idleness, learn needlework.


Do not sit back, so there will be no boredom.


I could not sew with gold, so hit with a hammer.


They get better from work, and from laziness they get sick.


While the lazy hesitates, zealous from work will return.


She wants to swallow, but chew laziness.


Work is with teeth, and laziness is with the tongue.


Do not put off today's work tomorrow!


Seven one straw is raised.


Bored day to evening, if there is nothing to do.


Labor always gives, and laziness takes.


Labor money is tight, the stranger sticks out with an edge.


Labor feeds, and laziness spoils.


The lazy and the roof is leaking, and the stove does not bake.


The loafer is lazy every day.


The slut and the sloppy have no worthy shirt.


Know how to do things, know how and have fun.


If you want to eat kalachs - do not sit on the stove.


Purely reapers are reaping what will be served on the table.

Sayings revealing the importance of hard work for a person

Unlike proverbs, sayings are short, stable phrases, the meaning of which may not depend on the meaning of the words that make up their composition. For example, the proverb “When the cancer hangs on the mountain” means an event that will never happen. In the English language, the saying corresponds to the phrase “when pigs fly,” which literally means “when the pigs fly.”

A characteristic difference of the saying is incompleteness, in the sense it can be attributed to any area of ​​human relations. For example, the sayings “The lazy will start when the cancer on the mountain hangs” or “The greedy will give alms when the cancer on the mountain hangs”, etc. The sayings are often part of or associated with proverbs. They do not carry the semantic load drawn up to the end, but rather are emotionally-expressive assessments of the surrounding reality. Since sayings by definition cannot have a generalizing instructive meaning, only proverbs are able to reveal the significance of hard work for a person.

Without good work, there is no fruit.


More science is smarter than hands.


If there was only hunting, every work will be adjusted.


There is no nonsense in big affairs.


During working hours - the language on the deadbolt.


Will and labor give wonderful shoots.


To get up earlier is to step further.


Any land is good if you do not spare your hands.


Every person in business is cognized.


Every business ends well.


All skill is given by labor.


Where labor is, there is happiness.


The case of the master is afraid.


Business - time, fun - an hour.


A tree is valued for its fruits, and a man for business.


A good start is half the battle.


Income is not without hassle.


If there is patience, there will be skill.


To undertake everything - to do nothing.


Earth is colored by the sun, and man by labor.


Gold is not gold without being under the hammer.


Gold is known in fire, man in labor.


Whoever is a jack of all trades does not have boredom.


What a master is, such is the work.


He who is accustomed to work does not sit idle.


Whoever rises early, God gives.


Strike while the iron is hot.


Love the matter - you will be a master.


Love for work is in full view of people.


On the world and work is arguing.


To work with joy, and from work with pride.


No wonder it is said that the work of the master is afraid.


There is no bad land - there are bad owners.


From the works of the righteous do not acquire stone chambers.


Put off idleness, not put off business.


The poor master begins ten works, not one ends.


The plow from work glistens.


Worship Mother Earth, reward you handsomely.


Field loves work.


Work until sweat, sing in the hunt.


Hands work - a holiday for the soul.


With mastery, people will not be born, but they are proud of their mastery.


Sweeter than all fruits is the fruit of human labor.


Break a tree - a second, grow - a year.


Judge a man by his work.


There happiness is not marvelous, where they work not lazily.


Patience and a little effort.


Haste does not help.


Labor conquers everything.


Human labor feeds.


Labor, labor and labor - these are three eternal treasures.


Labor penny lives up to a century.


The ability to work more than gold.


Work hard - there will be bread in the bins.


The morning hour gives us gold.


Bread is not given for nothing.


The owner is the one who works.

Popular sayings of different nations

Proverbs and sayings about labor can be found in different languages. These statements briefly, succinctly and figuratively convey teachings on the good of labor and the danger of laziness. Many expressions have lost their ethnic color, becoming just catchphrases that are understandable to people of any nationality. When translating into Russian, a special semantic effect is maintained that arises as a result of the use of certain literary devices:

  • concurrency
  • rhythm;
  • brevity of sentence, etc.

It is interesting that proverbs often become quotes from great people or literary characters, excerpts from children's songs, poems. For example, the saying: “Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today! - so lazy people say ”- this is a translation of a line from a children's song in German called“ Deferral ”. Proverbs are well remembered, they are informative and figurative. Often, different peoples of the world have similar statements. For example, in English they say “To work with the left hand”. In Russian, there is a similar expression - "work through the sleeves." Proverbs of all nations of the world reflect similar situations, have a similar logical content, they differ only in the images and realities characteristic of each individual culture.

Looking at a man carrying a rocker, you yourself will not get tired. (Whale.)


During the day he walks around the village, heals heels at night. (Azerb.)


He will take up a hoe - his hands hurt, he will begin to plow - his knees bend. (Vietnam.)


For food - with a big cup, for a current - less pitchfork. (Whale.)


He’s going to the bath tomorrow, so he’s not washing himself already today. (Azerb.)


Play zeal, spin lazy. (Udm.)


And the loafer wanted to mow, but no one to wear a braid. (Ukr.)


When does a lazy person work: in winter - a cold, in the spring - puddles, in the autumn dirt, and in the summer - once. (Finnish.)


A lazy dog ​​and sitting tired. (Udm.)


The lazy dog ​​is healthy before lunch, and sick after lunch. (Arm.)


A lazy cat does not catch mice. (Arm.)


Don’t say: I’ll do this business tomorrow - tomorrow has its own business. (Arm.)


Sow "but," grow "nothing." (Azerb.)


Fish lying grows, a man lying spoils. (Whale.)


Wandering wisdom typed, lying on the side of the bed lies. (Buryat.)


A force that does not know the goal is the mother of laziness. (Afr.)


A lazy dog ​​always has a good appetite, a fool always has a good dream. (Whale.)


Those who do not want to work have many reasons. (Taj.)

Educational Wisdom for Children

Many instructive proverbs about labor and hard work are collected in the Dahl dictionary. It is useful to read these expressions with wisdom, irony and humor together with a child of primary school age. In childhood, it is not easy to understand proverbs. The child can intuitively grasp the deep meaning hidden in them. But the difficulty is represented by outdated words and turns of speech, which must be explained in plain language.

Even in ancient times, when there was no printing, manuscript collections of proverbs were compiled. The oldest collection that has survived is about 800 years old. Sometimes such books were decorated with drawings, and wise sayings served as a signature for a vivid illustration. Now for children, too, you can buy collections of proverbs with pictures that help to better understand what is at stake.

Beat the baclos (logs from which sharpen wooden cups).


There would be a hunt, and there was still a lot of work ahead.


There would be hands, but they would give a thresh (we will find).


There are flaws in the arable land, and flaws in the caftan.


Ample work is hard: both substitute - easier to handle.


Time gives money, but you can’t buy time with money.


Bitter work, yes bread is sweet. A sweet hedgehog will not come lying down.


Eyes look (scared), and hands do.


Where it’s working, it’s thick and in the lazy house it’s empty.


Go for a walk, but don't go for a walk!


You will never overwork man's work.


The free ruble is cheap, profitable roads.


Afternoon, and work tomorrow.


Two plow, and seven wave their hands.


I would go to fight, but lazy to get up.


He reaps without sowing, threshing at other people's currents.


What hands will give birth to, such is the shoulder wear.


He who crushes, bakes bread.


He who is not lazy to plow will be rich.


He who does not plow is not lazy, he will also have bread.


Whips whacks yes beats dogs. I went to sell elephants.


Lakoma cat to fish, but do not want to climb into the water.


Lying on its side and looking beyond the river. Lying down does not work.


Easy to mine, easy to live. Easy came, easy and gone.


The lazy does not hurt in the ridge.


Lazy and mushroom bow is not worth it.


Lubo look at the threshers (if only they wouldn’t force him to).


People plow, and we wave our hands.


People reap, and we lie under the boundary.


The ant is not great, but digs mountains.


There is a lot of haymowing on a sharp scythe.


It’s not work that dries, but care.


Not care, that a lot of work, but care, as it is not.


It’s not hard to carry a bag if there is bread in it.


Do not scare the fellow with work, but a rash for him (that is, what to grind).


Him, yes I eat my own; and a speechwriter, but not a shoulder painter - he is hungry.


Looking at someone else's work, you won’t be full.


Without grasping an ax, you cannot cut a hut.


Need and hunger will drive to the cold. Drive hunger to the cold.


Having tracked down the sides, it was not pleasant to take up the thresh.


He is on the pavement trampling committee.


Good work, there is something to boast about.


One with a bipod (i.e., an employee), and seven with a spoon.


From laziness overgrown with moss. Laziness drooped lips with pancake.


Sown with a bast basket, and grew a little.


Sweat pours the key, and the reaper takes it.


The finished work is delicious lunch.


Arable land is plowed - they don’t wave their hands.


Millet weed - hands prick.


It’s bad to live without worries, it’s bad without a kind word.


I went black males to wash over.


Getting up early - no time to feast.


So much work that the chickens do not peck.


Work until sweat, so sing in the hunt. Eat bread in the sweat of your face!


They will not force to work, and they will not be imprisoned.


With the wind came, the wind went.


First you push me, and there I will ride you.


His burden does not pull. For myself, work is not corvée.


Sits Elesya, legs hanging down.


Sow - cry, thresh - jump.


You won’t be fed up with the stove. It’s not feeding the oven, but the hands (and the corn).


Drowsy and lazy - two siblings.


You won’t be fed up with conversations. Sweet talk, yes, hungry.


It’s good to look at the rowers from the shore.


Full belly to work (to study) tight.


What are you doing? - Nothing. - What about you? - Yes, I’m his assistant.


For a person working in his arms, the fire burns.


At the lazy in the yard, then on the table (nothing).


I'm afraid to send a slave, but I’m too lazy to go.


Though you get tired of the ceiling, you don’t eat without being silent.


Tea are you tired sitting on me?


What you grind, then put in the bunker.