In specialized stores today a large assortment of various strawberry varieties is presented. Some are more, while others are less demanding on cultivation agricultural technology, but it is literate planting strawberries in the open ground in the spring that is the key to successful cultivation of the crop and obtaining large yields.

Rules for planting strawberries in the spring

In order for the spring planting of strawberries to be successful, certain rules must be observed:

  • you should choose a quality planting material;
  • pre-prepare a landing site with the correct selection of predecessors;
  • You can not plant strawberries next to tall crops that create a shadow;
  • create beds in advance and disinfect the soil on them;
  • it is necessary to adhere to a certain pattern and planting technique, which will make it possible to obtain a high yield from berry plantings in the future.

Preparing for landing, choosing a place

For spring planting, planting material is first of all bought, which should have an open developed root system and a bright green mass without spots visible on it that indicate a disease. If containers with seedlings are on the shelves of the store, it is necessary to carefully examine the bottom of the tank. It is better that the roots protrude from the drainage holes, otherwise you may encounter a situation where unscrupulous sellers, for the purpose of profit, give out seedlings with an open root system that have recently been placed in pots for cluster seedlings.


The beds are prepared in well-lit areas that large-fruited varieties especially need. Strawberries with small berries can be grown in light shading.The culture should be located on a small hill to avoid stagnation of moisture in the roots.

The best previous strawberry crops are cereals and legumes, and the worst are nightshade crops.

The optimal pH for strawberries is 5.5 - 6.5 pH (neutral or slightly acidic). Also, the soil should be fertile and light. To ensure these parameters, compost and sand are added for digging, providing good water and air permeability. To avoid infection of healthy seedlings with various pathogens, it is recommended to spill the soil with a hot solution of copper sulfate and manganese (70 ° C) 20 days before planting. You can prepare the working fluid yourself by mixing 10 liters of water, ½ kg of copper sulfate and 50 g of manganese. The consumption rate is 1 liter per 1 m2.

Spring planting dates, advantages and disadvantages

The optimal planting time is for the period when a stable warm temperature is established in the range of 14 - 16 ° C. Also, time depends on the variety of strawberries and the purpose of cultivating the berry. Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted at any time, but seedlings with an open one are preferable in early spring. If the variety is referred to as maintenance, then the optimal time will be April-May, depending on the climate of the cultivation area.


Among the advantages of spring planting, the following stand out:

  • less susceptibility to freezing due to a powerful root system, which has enough time for full development;
  • the possibility of transplanting seedlings that have not taken root;
  • lack of need for frequent watering as there are natural reserves of moisture.

The main disadvantage is poor fruiting. Strawberries planted in spring will yield a large crop only next year.

Schemes and planting techniques

When the time has come, you can start planting. To begin with, the root system of seedlings is soaked for a short time in water, after which it is shortened by 10 cm. Wells are prepared.

Planting strawberries may be one of the following:

  1. The bush method, in which plants are planted with a distance of 40-60 cm.
  2. Nesting, which is carried out in the form of a hexagon, when another 6 plants are planted around one bush with a step of 10 cm. A distance of 30 cm is maintained between the nests.
  3. Landing in rows. The most popular scheme, in which the distance between plants is 20 cm, and between the rows is 50-60 cm.
  4. The carpet method, in which plants are planted with a distance of 25 cm. The step is 7 m. The method is often used when there is not enough time to process the soil during cultivation.

After the holes are dug, seedlings are lowered into them and sprinkled so that the heart is at the level of the soil surface. Further, the plants are watered, and the soil under the bushes is mulched in order to preserve its loose structure and water supply as long as possible.

Tips from experienced gardeners

A newcomer before planting strawberries will not be amiss to get acquainted with the recommendations of experienced gardeners on this issue.

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They advise:

  1. To plant repair strawberries in the open ground in the spring.
  2. With a close occurrence of groundwater, raise the height of the ridge to 40 cm.
  3. To increase soil fertility, use rotted manure, to which you can add peat, slightly acidifying the soil.
  4. When choosing a planting scheme, take into account the number of whiskers that the variety forms: with intensive mustache, the distance should be greater.
  5. Planting is located near crops with a similar irrigation regime - so it will be easier to care for strawberries in the future.
  6. For a successful planting, do not press the root system of seedlings close to the ground.
  7. Prepare the depth of the holes taking into account the size of the root system of seedlings, as well as the density of the soil.
  8. Immediately stretch the “drop” in the area to further avoid mechanical damage to the bushes.

Thanks to the proper planting of strawberry seedlings, next year the gardener will be able to enjoy delicious homemade berries from his land. And if the crop exceeds expectations, then the surplus can always be processed into fragrant preparations for the winter.