One of the features of small rodents is considered to be the rapid course of all processes in the body, including diseases. Therefore, it is so important to know the symptoms of pneumonia in hamsters. If treatment is not started on time, the animal will die a few days later. An attentive owner is able to understand that something is wrong with the pet, even before the appearance of the characteristic signs of the disease.

Causes of pneumonia in a hamster

Hamster lung inflammation develops due to the active reproduction of pneumococci with the bacterial nature of the disease and paramyxoviruses with the viral.

hamster pneumonia

The following factors can serve as an impetus to the beginning of the process:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • improper maintenance and feeding of the animal;
  • contact with a sick individual.

And also the disease often develops as a complication against the background of acute respiratory infection.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

At the onset of the disease, the symptoms are expressed implicitly. After the incubation period, the hamster becomes apathetic, practically does not move and refuses food, the coat looks dull and disheveled.

Then the characteristic symptoms of pneumonia appear:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • labored and rapid breathing;
  • wheezing and coughing;
  • discharge from the nose;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

Often the disease is accompanied by conjunctivitis, the hamster's eyes are watery, and the eyelids swell. Also, difficulties with bowel movements become a private companion of pneumonia, since the animal practically does not eat, or diarrhea occurs.

Attention! If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, you cannot postpone the visit to the veterinarian.If the disease proceeds in an acute form, the pet should be helped immediately.

The best option is to go to the veterinarian, where there is a ratologist - a veterinarian who specializes in treating rodents. Due to the small size of animals, radiography as a diagnostic method is ineffective. And an experienced specialist is able to recognize pneumonia during the examination of the hamster.

Treatment of pneumonia in a pet

The treatment of pneumonia is carried out comprehensively. To quickly get rid of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed. The course is up to 7 days, the frequency of administration and dosage depend on the type of drug. If the disease is of a viral nature, antiviral drugs are additionally used.

Some experts believe that rodents should not give antibiotics, because they do not tolerate them. In such cases, sulfonamides (sulfadimesin or sulfazine) are administered. The medicine is given three times a day until the temperature normalizes. And then continue treatment for another 3-5 days, reducing the frequency of admission to 1-2 times.


In some cases, a single injection of oxytetracycline is prescribed. In addition to the main therapy, doctors recommend glucose and vitamin C.

If the hamster is tormented by a severe cough, natural preparations based on coltsfoot or nettle are used. You can brew these plants yourself, after consulting with your doctor about the method of preparation of the broth and the regimen.

When pneumonia is accompanied by conjunctivitis, a solution of boric acid 2% is used to rinse suppurative eyes. And you can also use "silvered" water. Metal ions are able to fight pathogenic microorganisms no worse than pharmaceuticals. You will need to hold a silver object in a glass with purified water and settled water, and then use it to instill the animal’s eyes 2 times a day, 1 drop each.

During treatment, you need to enrich the diet of the hamster and give him food rich in vitamins. These are leaves of dandelion, nettle in fresh or dried form, beets, carrots, cabbage and peas (green).

Attention! If several hamsters are contained in the cage, the diseased individual should be isolated for the duration of treatment and, after recovery, should be kept in quarantine for at least 2 weeks.

Possible consequences

With a favorable course of the disease and timely measures taken, recovery occurs in 12-15 days. In severe, advanced cases or in acute form, the prognosis is not so favorable, and more often the animal dies after 3-4 days. The outcome can be just as sad if a recently born, elderly or weakened individual fell ill with pneumonia.

Preventive measures

It is possible to prevent not only pneumonia, but also other dangerous diseases of rodents kept at home, if simple preventive measures are observed:

  1. Acquire animals only at pet stores.
  2. Give the rodent quality food.
  3. Rinse vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries in warm water before offering them to your pet.
  4. Make sure that there is always clean fresh water in the drinker.
  5. Clean the cage regularly.
  6. Keep your pet in a warm room and keep away from drafts.
  7. If there are other animals in the house that are on the street, limit their contact with the hamster.
  8. In the cold season, feed your pet with sprouted wheat and give vitamin C.
  9. To control the weight of the animal, its lack can also be a sign of trouble. The average body weight of an adult Syrian is 90 g, and the dzhungarika is at least 30 g.

In addition, you need to be attentive to the pet and watch it. Any change in behavior or routine is a cause for concern and examination of the animal. And at the slightest suspicion of ill health, you do not need to postpone the visit to the veterinarian.