How to lose weight, without starving, so that later you do not have to drink vitamins and restore health, without feeling a loss of strength and mood, and also so that cakes with cakes do not dream every night? You will say that these are unrealistic, pipe dreams. And you will be wrong, because the oat diet provides such opportunities. And the result is visible in a short time, and you will not have to starve, and the body will be grateful.

Features and rules of the oat diet

The presented type of nutrition can be attributed to carbohydrate. However, it is important to understand the difference between fast and slow carbohydrates. And it consists in the fact that in the first case, "fuel" is consumed quickly and requires a large single-dose dose of insulin from the body. In this case, all excess carbohydrates are deposited "strategic reserve" in the form of fat. Slow (complex) carbohydrates, on the contrary, are broken down with difficulty, gradually. The pancreas gives insulin in small portions, designed to digest them, which is quite physiological for a person. In this case, energy is released for a longer time and manages to be spent on life support. There is nothing to stock. Oatmeal, like many other cereals, contains slow carbohydrates, so it is quite suitable for dietary nutrition.

There is some difference between whole grains and cereals derived from it. Here you will have to decide yourself based on the characteristics of the product. Flakes are, in fact, flattened grain without a shell, depending on the type of product, to some extent pre-processed. Therefore, they are cooked much faster, but they bring less benefits than from whole grains.It, in turn, takes much longer to cook, but contains more vitamins, trace elements and fiber, without which you can not lose weight. And carbohydrates from grain break down more slowly.

For a diet, if you choose cereal, you should focus on a product without additives (sugar, fruit puree, etc.) of the longest cooking time with minimal pre-treatment.

Hercules for weight loss is best boiled or steamed in a thermos in water. If the goal is not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of edema and reduce pressure, then you should abandon salt. Servings should be small so as not to overload the stomach and not overdose the body with carbohydrates.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any type of food based on restrictions, this approach has its pros and cons.

The advantages include the following factors:

  • Oat diet for weight loss is available to everyone: cheap and does not require special culinary skills.
  • The diet is not "hungry" because of the high content of carbohydrates, which means it is easily tolerated.
  • In the grain there are vitamins of groups B and E, useful for the skin, reproductive and nervous system. Oatmeal is rich in minerals, it has protein and soluble fiber valuable for cleaning the body. And the enveloping properties of mucus formed during cooking, have a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines.
  • Oatmeal goes well with a variety of products acceptable with this mono-diet: with greens and low-fat cheese, sour-milk components of the diet and eggs, unsweetened fruits and non-starchy vegetables.
  • On a diet, rejection of sweets is easily tolerated, since complex carbohydrates gradually supply starch to the blood. And he, in turn, is converted to glucose. In addition, the obvious advantage is the reduction in the need for sweets and at the end of the diet.
  • Appearance after only a week on porridge will only improve. Skin, hair and nails will thank you, because fiber, lack of sugar and excess fats, easily digestible food - this is exactly what you need for beauty.

There are also disadvantages in the diet:

  • Daily oatmeal for a long time reduces the content of calcium and vitamin D in the blood, even if it is cooked in milk. This is the cause of phytic acid in oat grains, which affects many organs and systems. Therefore, the diet is limited to a maximum of 7-10 days.
  • It is possible to note some uniformity in the presence of permitted additives.
  • Low amount of protein. Within a week, this will not harm the body, but it will not be easy for people accustomed to solid portions of meat.

It is interesting:delicious oatmeal

Preparation and exit from it

Proper preparation and a smooth exit from the diet is the key to achieving a lasting result. A week before the start of the program, you should abandon soda, packaged juices and refined sweets - cakes, cookies, sweets, etc. It is advisable to remove bread, foods with high fat content and slightly reduce the usual serving size from the diet. All this will allow you to reconfigure the body to limit glucose intake, so that the diet goes easier and more enjoyable. Leave protein and moderate amounts of fats in the diet before it starts, so as not to harm your health.

Exit from the diet should be smooth. First of all, introduce easily digestible proteins into the food system: poultry meat, lean red meat and dairy products. Add healthy fats: nuts, linseed and olive oil, sea fish. Replace half of oatmeal with vegetable soups and side dishes. A few days later, instead of this cereal, enter other types: buckwheat, millet, pearl barley. For two weeks, it is not recommended to eat sweets and foods high in starch: bread, semolina, pastries.

Oat mono-diet

Oatmeal diet refers to mono-diets, i.e., such methods of nutrition in which one main product remains in the diet for a while.It is not forbidden to supplement it in small quantities with one of the “permitted” supplements, if they do not violate the dietary principle. It can be various greens, unsweetened fruits and raw vegetables, light sour-milk products, etc. In order to lose weight, it is important to take into account their calorie content, the amount of sugar and fat in the composition.

Like any mono-diet, its validity should be limited: on average from 3 to 7-10 days. This is enough to unload, achieve weight loss and not impoverish the body.

Detailed menu for weight loss for 3 and 7 days

Since three days is a rather short period, for this period you can choose acceptable methods from more strict, even unloading diets.

There are 3 options for breakfast:

  1. Oatmeal on the water, in which you can add fresh herbs to taste, 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese and, according to preferences, a few drops of lemon.
  2. Oatmeal in skim milk in half with water, ½ grated apple and cinnamon.
  3. Oatmeal on water with two tablespoons of raspberry, cherry or currant puree.

For lunch:

  1. Soup on the water made of cereal, bell pepper, celery, herbs, seasoned with tomato puree. Do not fry vegetables.
  2. Serving porridge on the water with fresh vegetables. Valid cucumber, bell pepper, tomato.
  3. Porridge cooked with stewed vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, celery.

Snacks (acceptable between main meals):

  1. Half a cup of kefir, in which previously place 2 tablespoons of cereal and mashed berries.
  2. Fat-free yogurt without additives and ½ orange.
  3. Half a cup of kefir with chia seeds.


  1. Hercules, boiled in boiling water with the addition of ½ portion of milk. You can treat yourself to a fresh pear.
  2. Flakes diluted with unsweetened liquid yogurt.
  3. Porridge on the water with boiled broccoli and cauliflower.

Dishes from the menu can be combined in any order, not forgetting to drink the necessary amount of clean water, not strong tea (preferably green or herbal), mineral water to choose from.

Oat diet for 7 days.

Since a week is a longer period, it is allowed to include additional sources of protein in a small amount in the diet. This will allow you to more “survive” the diet and replenish the supply of strength.

We offer several dishes that can complement the previous menu:

  • Porridge in half with stewed cabbage and boiled asparagus beans.
  • Hercules in non-skim milk with lean cheese and aromatic herbs.
  • Porridge on the water with spinach, green onions.
  • A small portion of a salad of radish and cucumber seasoned with light natural yogurt, sprinkle flakes dried in a dry frying pan.
  • Cod stewed without oil with oatmeal on water.
  • Oatmeal in skim milk with chia seeds and cranberries.
  • Thick oatmeal soup, zucchini and parsley with lemon juice.
  • Porridge on the water with the addition of orange and kiwi.
  • Steamed cutlets from pre-soaked hercules with the presence of lean meat from 100 g of chicken or turkey breast and greens.
  • Casserole without oil from eggs, oatmeal, tomato and dill.
  • Oatmeal jelly, in which you can add mashed potatoes from baked apples.

Combining these dishes as lunch and dinner with the menu of the first three days, you can achieve weight loss by an average of 5-6 kg. The resulting "loss" depends on the initial weight.

Types of Oat Diets

There are various types of this type of diet for weight loss:

  • Oat diet with preliminary cleansing with unsalted boiled rice for several days.
  • Oat-fruit diet, in which you can eat all the fruits, except grapes, bananas, watermelon and melon.
  • Kefir-oat diet is quite strict, but effective.
  • A short-acting, very strict diet, consisting of small portions up to 8 times a day, only liquid cereal on the water.

These and other species are based on a rather strict restriction and are more suitable as fasting days.


  • It categorically does not suit people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and patients with diabetes.
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, one should not adhere to this diet.
  • It is important for women during menopause to take care of an additional source of calcium due to the increased risk of osteoporosis.

In general, on an oat diet for a limited time with a reasonable approach, a person feels good, does not experience hunger and does not harm the body.