Butter fritters from a gentle, airy dough are always appropriate, perfect for breakfast, dinner, tea gatherings with friends or as a dessert. Fritters on sour milk turn out to be lush and simply melt in the mouth, and the dough with the addition of an orange or apple refreshes the taste with a fragrant fruity note. Hot pancakes, while still breathing steam, are served to the table with sour cream, condensed milk or flower honey, the muffin soaked in them becomes malleable and juicy, like a cream cake.

Fritters according to the "Grandmother's recipe"

Fritters can be made from sour milk at the stage when it is stratified into whey and cottage cheese fractions.

Sour milk is replaced by factory-made yogurt, kefir. Kefir, itself bubbly, makes the dough especially light and lush.


In the absence of fermented milk products at home, but the presence of fresh milk, it is fermented. To do this, milk is heated over medium heat, not boiled, removed from the stove and mixed in with lemon juice or vinegar in the calculation of four teaspoons per liter pan. While it is folding, let cool slightly and add to the dough.

The following is a basic recipe and principles that are followed in any cooking fritters.

You will need products:

  • three glasses of wheat flour;
  • two eggs;
  • half a liter of sour milk;
  • two to three tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt.

The dough for pancakes is traditionally made slightly sweet, but the amount of sugar can be increased to taste if it is supposed to be served with savory dressing, for example, sour cream. The ratio of salt and sugar is selected to taste.

Fresh eggs should be kept for half an hour in the refrigerator, they will become easier to beat and give more foam.

Dough preparation technology:

  1. Flour is passed through a sieve. To get truly magnificent pancakes, you need air-saturated, loose flour.
  2. Eggs, granulated sugar and salt are mixed in a large cup. Using a blender, mixer or whisk, the composition is whipped to a foamy state.
  3. Skim milk is heated on a stove, but not boiled.
  4. Warm sour milk is mixed with eggs. Now they work only by hand, with a fork or a whisk.
  5. Flour is gradually poured into the mixture of milk and eggs, circling the surface with a whisk in a circular path. Using a kitchen tool, slowly stir, rather than whisk. Flour is added as you mix, sprinkle after sprinkle, the grains are allowed to disperse in the composition, before pouring more.
  6. Soda is poured into the substance. It is leisurely but thoroughly mixed in the dough.
  7. The cup is covered with a towel, the dough is aged fifteen to thirty minutes in the heat. If there is no warm battery, put the cup in a bowl, half filled with hot water.
  8. If the surface is bubbly, it means that the soda reacted with sour milk, flour gluten dispersed, and the dough came. It no longer mixes, much less whips, otherwise it will lose in splendor, and the finished pancakes will fall off.

Sometimes a little less than three full glasses of flour are consumed, milk fat and egg size are corrected.

When kneading the dough, they are guided more by consistency than by exact volumes of flour.

Properly mixed dough is moderately thick, similar to fat solid sour cream, does not stretch and does not drain from a spoon. After aging, such a batch is easily separated from the mass with a spoon, as if plucking, and remains on it with a “snowdrift” with air blotches.


  1. The pan is preferably massive, cast iron. The bottom is covered with vegetable oil, heated on a stove.
  2. The dough is scooped up and lowered into the pan, an allowance of two to three centimeters is left between the neighboring pancakes. The dough will swell, add in volumes.
  3. One side of the pancake is fried for a couple of minutes. Turning over, they monitor the uniform golden-golden color of fritters on each side, this is the criterion of readiness.

The plate is covered with a towel or a clean cotton cloth, fritters are laid out on top so that excess oil comes off. Served with mashed jam, thick syrup, sour cream, honey or confiture.

On sour milk and without eggs

Typically, pancakes are served fresh and hot.

But the dough without eggs does not get stale longer, which is important if you plan to keep some of the treats, for example, from evening tea to breakfast.


You will need products:

  • two and a half cups of flour;
  • 200 milliliters of sour milk;
  • 200 milliliters of sour cream, fat content of 10-15%;
  • two tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • a package of baking powder;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt.


  1. Pass the flour through a sieve. Stir in granulated sugar and salt.
  2. Sour cream is placed in a cup and the flour mixture is diluted in it, mixed until a homogeneous composition.
  3. Milk is heated without boiling, poured into a container with dough with continuous stirring. Sour milk is absorbed, the substance becomes a thick consistency.
  4. Pour baking powder into the dough and stir.
  5. The cooked dough is left to warm and allowed to stand for half an hour.
  6. Fritters are fried in ghee or vegetable oil until cooked.

The bubbly structure of the dough in the proposed recipe is achieved not by the reaction of soda with sour milk, but by the action of baking powder, but the taste and splendor of the finished products remain at their best.

With apples

To enrich the familiar taste of fritters, just cook them with apples.

You will need products:

  • two and a half cups of flour;
  • half a liter of sour milk or kefir;
  • two large apples;
  • fifty grams of granulated sugar;
  • a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt.


  1. rinse the blocks, cut off the peel and separate the center. Grind fruits according to preferences - chop into cubes, layers, grate on a coarse grater. Excess juice is better to track.
  2. The fritters dough is kneaded according to the recipe on the sifted flour. The fruit mass is gradually intervened in the dough, distributing it with evenness.
  3. Soak the finished apple dough until ripe.
  4. Fry the pancakes in oil according to the order, turn over after two minutes on the second side.

Baked fruits in lush dough resemble charlotte, but frying apple muffins is much easier than picking up a pie.

Rye flour

Variety of pancakes in sour milk is possible by replacing wheat flour with rye flour.

You will need products:

  • two glasses of rye flour;
  • a glass of sour milk or kefir;
  • one egg;
  • a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • a third of a teaspoon of soda.


  1. Sift the flour. Mix the dough for fritters according to the recipe.
  2. Keep the rye dough warm for fifteen to thirty minutes, until ripening.
  3. A non-stick Teflon pan is preferred, as rye pancakes are fried dry, without oil. Heat a frying pan, fry pancakes.
  4. The browned pancakes are unloaded on a baking sheet, baked in the oven for fifteen to twenty minutes under the regime of one hundred and fifty degrees.

The rye dough turns out lush and more sour in taste, sour cream with chopped herbs is perfect for pancakes.


The second fruity fritters recipe with a bright summer taste, brings the atmosphere of the sunny tropics to the winter tea party.


You will need products:

  • large ripe orange;
  • one and a half cups of wheat flour;
  • two glasses of sour milk or kefir;
  • one egg;
  • six tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • a full teaspoon of baking powder or soda;
  • 150 milliliters of flower honey;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt.


  1. Pass the flour through a sieve, add sugar and salt.
  2. Rinse the orange, wipe dry with a towel. Take a fine grater and completely peel the zest from the peel, remove the upper orange layer and do not touch the lower white layer.
  3. Eggs are poured into a bowl and beat.
  4. Flour is added to the egg mass, the substance mixes slowly until a dough is formed. The zest is poured, interfering with the mass, until it is completely distributed in it.
  5. A baking powder or soda is added to the composition, everything is thoroughly and leisurely mixed.
  6. The test is allowed to ripen for twenty minutes in a warm place.

A frying pan with oil is heated, a tablespoon a portion of the dough is taken and laid out at intervals to raise the fritters. Products are browned until cooked.

A special dressing is being prepared for orange pancakes - juice is squeezed from the peeled fruit and knead it on honey until a homogeneous consistency.

Hot pancakes, freed from excess oil, are laid out on plates and poured with honey-orange syrup. The dough that has absorbed it acquires an inimitable, festive-sweet fruity taste.