Homemade cellulite wraps are the most affordable and easiest method to combat if an “orange peel” begins to appear on the skin. For independent anti-cellulite procedures, you need to stock up on food-grade plastic wrap and the necessary components in advance.

The effectiveness of cellulite wraps

A cosmetic procedure helps to improve blood circulation, smooth and tighten, inhibit age-related changes, tone and turgor the skin. Home wraps smooth out small scars, stretch marks, scars and bumps. Among other things, toxins, waste products and excess fluid are removed. This helps to lose weight and reduce excess volume.

The indisputable advantage of anti-cellulite wraps at home is due to:

  • ease of use;
  • prescription variety.

Types of procedures at home

Wraps can be classified by mechanical actions and the temperature of the anti-cellulite mixture.

According to this, the cosmetic action to eliminate the "orange peel" is divided into such types as:

  • hotter;
  • cold
  • contrast (two-phase);
  • three phase;
  • dry
  • wet wrap.

By the amount of blending, all wraps are divided into total and local. Where the whole body is wrapped is total, and the wrapping of individual zones is local.


Cold wrap favorably affects the narrowing of small superficial blood vessels, increases skin turgor, making it smoother and firmer, and helps to remove swelling.

This type of procedure is carried out using components having a temperature not higher than room temperature.


Hot anti-cellulite wrap activates blood circulation, opens pores, removes toxic substances and actively breaks down subcutaneous fats.

This type of procedure is carried out using mixtures prepared with water having a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees.

The best cellulite wrap recipes

Before the procedure, the body should be steamed by taking a hot bath or shower. After the pores of the body expand, it is necessary to scrub the problem areas. Favorite scrub is rubbed with soft massaging movements, then washed off with warm water. This is to ensure easy penetration of the active substances.

To achieve the desired effect, body parts after body wraps are massaged using anti-cellulite cream, which improves microcirculation and intensively moisturizes the skin.

For the complete elimination of the "orange peel" you will need approximately 15 sessions with an interval of 2-3 days. If necessary, the cycle is repeated after four months.

With blue clay

To prepare the clay mixture is not used iron utensils. It is better to use porcelain or metal containers.

The benefits of mineral water

100 g of powder clay is mixed with non-carbonated mineral water, heated to 50 degrees, to a sour cream-like concentration.

To increase efficiency, 2-3 drops of any essential oil are introduced into the mixture.

Freshly prepared component is evenly spread over the necessary zones. It will be much more convenient to do this if you first dip your hands in water.

After applying the clay mixture, parts of the body are wrapped with a film, and to obtain a bathing effect it is important to lie down, cover with a warm blanket and wait 10-15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the film is removed, the clay peel is washed off, and the body is rubbed intensively with a rough towel.

Important! Mineral water can be replaced with milk, homemade yogurt, kefir or vegetable oil.

Blue clay with cinnamon

100 g of pharmaceutical clay is mixed in warm water until the density of thin sour cream. Three drops of orange oil and three tablespoons are added to the pulp. l ground cinnamon. All ingredients are mixed and applied to problem areas of the body.

When using this product, you may feel a slight tingling sensation that should not be disturbing, since this is how orange oil affects the skin. If the applied mixture causes severe discomfort during the procedure, you should refuse this recipe in the future.

Clay and algae

Powdered kelp and clay taken in equal proportions are diluted with warm water to the density of sour cream. The mixture is allowed to infuse for 20 minutes. ½ part of tsp is added to the finished gruel. essential lemon oil. Everything is well mixed and used for its intended purpose. A session should not be delayed for more than 40 minutes.

Coffee and clay wrap

In equal proportions, thickened from brewed coffee and blue powder clay are taken. The components are diluted in water heated to 50 degrees, to a sour cream-like state. Fragrant slurry is spread over problem areas and aged for 10 to 20 minutes.

On a note! The coffee in the recipe is easily replaced with natural cocoa or grated chocolate.

With apple cider vinegar

Acetic wrapping in combination with exercise and diet gives a very effective result. Immediately before the anti-cellulite session, it is important to steam the skin and scrub it, after which the vinegar-based mixture is applied directly to the problem areas of the body and wrapped with cling film.

Fruit acids enhance cell metabolism, destroying subcutaneous fat deposits, increase tone and restore healthy pigment.

Acetic wrap should be carried out no more than three times a week until the “orange peel” is completely gone.

Vinegar and Citrus Oil

Apple vinegar and warm water are mixed in the container in equal proportions. Two drops of citrus oil are added there. The resulting fluid is rubbed into problem areas of the body, which is wrapped with cling film. For the best effect, therapeutic wrapping is left overnight.

Honey-Acetic Cake

In apple cider vinegar and water, taken in equal proportions, is added a couple drops of essential oil, two tbsp. l liquid honey and flour. The resulting mass, in concentration similar to thick sour cream, is applied to problem areas and aged under the film for up to two hours.

With oils

Essential oils practically have no contraindications, but it is necessary to strictly observe their proportions given in the recipe, since an overabundance of some species will lead to severe burns to the skin.

There are a lot of oil combinations, so you should choose your own composition, focusing on the individual characteristics of the skin and the expected effect.

The duration of the session with essential oils is from 40 to 60 minutes, after which the mixture is washed off and a greasy cream is applied to the body. Such a procedure must be done in courses of 10 days with a gap of one day.

Cinnamon essential oils

In a glass or clay bowl lay two tbsp. l ground cinnamon, to which 2 drops of rosemary, orange and cedar oil are added. The components should be mixed well.

With honey

In a water bath dissolve 4 tbsp. l natural honey, after which three drops of patchouli, cedar, rose and orange oils are added to them.

With white clay

The right amount of white clay is diluted with warm water to a density of not very liquid sour cream. 3 drops of cinnamon oil and 3 drops of orange oil are added to the mixture.

Black clay and kelp

The necessary amount of black clay and warm water is brought to a sour cream-like density. A couple of Art. l ground seaweed and a mixture of oils consisting of 5 drops of lemon and 5 drops of orange.

With seaweed and yolk

For this recipe, algae are needed - Fucus vesiculosus. Two tbsp. l chopped algae is poured with hot water and left to infuse for half an hour. At the end of time, 1 beaten egg yolk, 10 drops of lemon oil and 20 drops of camphor oil are added to the mass.

Coffee wrap

Coffee wrapping according to the recipes of traditional medicine is in great demand, since natural coffee has a direct effect on increasing the tone of the body, maintaining elasticity and restoring the barrier layer of the skin.

The classic combination of coffee and clay

Fresh ground coffee is brewed in a Turk. Ground (50 g) is poured into a bowl and cooled to 45 degrees. White and blue clay taken in 1 tbsp. l., diluted in 10 ml of warm water. All ingredients are combined and thoroughly mixed before application to the body.

Coffee aggression on cellulite

To 50 g of warm coffee grounds are added a pinch of ground red pepper and a couple of Art. l liquid honey. All components are thoroughly mixed.

For this recipe, a slight burning sensation in the treated places is permissible. If the applied mixture causes great discomfort, immediately wash off the composition with cool water and soap.

Gentle yogurt and coffee wrapping

Coffee grounds and yogurt are taken in equal proportions.Yogurt in this case is easily replaced by homemade yogurt or kefir. The finished mass is applied to the necessary areas with gentle massage movements.

Rules of procedure

Artificial recreation of metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer of the epidermis can be achieved by sequentially affecting the skin:

  • steaming the body;
  • scrub cleansing;
  • applying an anti-cellulite mixture;
  • wrapping problem areas with further warming;
  • thorough rinsing of the used composition;
  • skin hydration.


Any type of procedure (honey wrap, coffee, vinegar and others) gives a positive effect. But as with physiotherapeutic, cosmetic or medical measures, they have indications and contraindications for their implementation.

All sorts of manipulations with anti-cellulite actions are prohibited for people suffering from:

  • fungal ailments;
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • fresh skin lesions;
  • diseases of the skin in the acute stage;
  • oncological ailments;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pregnancy is also a contraindication.

In addition to medical indications, wraps with one or another component should be excluded if the skin exhibits an allergic reaction to the ingredients of a specific composition.