In certain circles of psychologists and ordinary people, the numerology of Pythagoras is popular. This system allows you to determine the natural inclinations of a person’s character by the date of his birth. In addition, forecasts are made for the future of fate and relationships in marriage. All calculations are very simple, therefore, can be performed by anyone.

What is the numerology of Pythagoras

The ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher and mystic Pythagoras taught that the basis of things is number. Being an extraordinary and unusually gifted person, he created a whole school of followers, who were called the Pythagoreans. According to legend, Pythagoras comprehended the wisdom and secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests.

The basic laws and definitions of Western numerology were developed by the thinker around the 6th century BC. e. According to Pythagoras, the knowledge of the world is the comprehension of the numbers that govern it. The philosopher in his teaching combined the mathematical systems of various ancient peoples with the sciences of the nature and character of man.

Calculation by date of birth

To calculate the result, write the date, month and year of birth on the line. If the first or second value is represented by a single digit, put 0 in front.

To build a psychomatrix, you need to find 4 calculated numbers:

  1. The first is the sum of all terms of the date, month and year of birth. For example, a man was born on 10/29/1989. To find the required value, add the numbers: 2 + 9 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 39.
  2. The second estimated number is found by adding up the numbers that make up the first number: 3 + 9 = 12. Further at this stage, addition is not carried out.
  3. To find the third desired value, the first double digit of the birthday is subtracted from the first calculated number: 39 - (2x2) = 35.
  4. The fourth value is calculated by adding the numbers of the third number: 3 + 5 = 8. If the third number was prime, it is left unchanged.

Having received 4 magic numbers: 39; 12; 35; 8, begin to build a psychomatrix. In this case, you need to be careful and not make mistakes, otherwise the psychological portrait of a person will turn out to be wrong. The psychomatrix of Pythagoras looks like a square, divided into 9 identical sections. Each cell is responsible for a certain digit (the value is indicated in brackets at the top). It is necessary to enter all the digits of the day, month and year of birth in the appropriate sections. Then add the calculated numbers found.


Detailed description of the meaning of numbers

There are several interpretations of the square of Pythagoras. According to Alexandrov, numerology describes the capabilities and abilities of a person, depending on the date of his birth. According to Kononov, the system created by the ancient mathematician reveals the fate of man.

Each figure is responsible for a certain quality of character (according to Alexandrov):

  • 1 - the number of power and will;
  • 2 - the strength of a human biofield, its energy potential;
  • 3 - desire and ability to learn;
  • 4 - health given by nature;
  • 5 - logical thinking and intuition;
  • 6 - the ability to perform heavy physical work;
  • 7 - luck;
  • 8 - kindness, sense of duty, tolerance;
  • 9 - good memory and power of thinking.

The interpretation of the numbers in the psychomatrix according to Kononov is similar, but there are some differences that complement the characteristics by 5, 7, 8, as well as a different value of the number of numbers in the cells.


  • 11– sociable, sociable person with a good potential for development;
  • 111 - calm individuals;
  • 1111 - persistent and imperious;
  • 111111 - tough, quick-tempered, oppressive, achieve positive results, idealists;
  • 5 - the third eye, clairvoyance;
  • 7 - talent;
  • 8 - striving for the ideal.
  • 888 - active collectivists who owe everything to everyone;
  • 999 - very smart, they are bored, if not interested, have good eloquence;
  • 9999 - people are erudite, but tough, merciless.

Decoding matrix

Threes are responsible for the ability to science, fives are for logic and intuition, and nines indicate the power of the mind and memory. If the Pythagorean matrix contains these three numbers, a person is able to easily write dissertations. The “triangle of knowledge" is formed by the numbers 3, 5 and 9.

The absence of numbers in the table means that the qualities for which they are responsible are not given by nature.

Deciphering what happens if there is no specific number:

  • 1 - no leadership qualities;
  • 2 - a weak, lethargic, lazy person;
  • 3 - science is hard given;
  • 4 - you need to be careful about your health, take care of yourself;
  • 5 - a dreamer;
  • 6 - lack of love for physical work;
  • 7 - the easy paths in life for such a person are closed, he needs to work hard to achieve success;
  • 8 - a person does not consider himself obligated to help others, to give what is necessary;
  • 9 - there is no good memory, you need to learn a lot, improve.

If there are 3 identical digits in a cell, then the character quality is well developed, but the person manipulates it. At the right time, he uses talents, data from nature.

When in one cell there are 4 or 5 identical numbers, then the quality for which they are responsible is very well developed. If there are more than 5 identical digits, their value becomes negative. Power turns into despotism when there are 6 or more units. A person with six deuces possesses high energy, which becomes black magic.

How to determine the character of the square of Pythagoras

The psychomatrix by date of birth provides for the interchangeability of qualities, that is, this system takes into account a person’s own will, his right to choose in life. There is a kind of substitution of numbers in the table.

For example:

  • 1111 - by 8;
  • 22 - by 4;
  • 6 - by 7;
  • 5 - replaced by 9.

To determine the nature of the presented calculations, cell columns located vertically and horizontal rows are also important:

  1. The first row (the top three cells) is responsible. It is important to calculate not the sum of the numbers located in the sections of the line, but their number.
  2. The second line reflects the attitude towards the family. If a person has 5 digits in the second line, he is a very good family man, over 6 - a home despot.
  3. The third is responsible for stability. When it contains 6 or more digits, a person can be called a revolutionary. If the numbers are few, then such a citizen is considered stable, he can be content with a small one.
  4. The fourth column (with numbers 9, 8.7) marks the power of talent.
  5. Medium (with numbers 6, 5, 4) - a sign of the ability to make money.
  6. The sixth (with numbers 3, 2, 1) is a person’s self-esteem.

Cells located diagonally also carry a special semantic load. Diagonal 1, 5, 9 is responsible for the spirituality of a person, but it is 7, 5, 3 - these are material or carnal interests. Here they look not at the number of numbers, but at their ratio - the closer the values ​​are to each other, the more harmonious the person.

Marriage Compatibility Calculation

Numerology by date of birth could not ignore such an important aspect of human life as creating a family. By entering the wording “Calculation of compatibility in marriage” into the browser search bar, you can find many online calculators that reveal the future of a new family by the date of birth of the bride and groom. In such calculations, various aspects of life together are described in detail, learning about who will be the leader, the earner of money, etc.

For such calculations, a comparison of character traits expressed by rows, columns and diagonals in the Pythagorean tables concerning women and men is used. When the number of numbers or the power of expressing the qualities of both partners is the same in some sphere, this can speak of both harmony and conflict of interests. Well, if the wife’s inability to make money is offset by her husband’s hard work. When both do not have such abilities, the spouse will feel constant discomfort. The situation is also with energy and spirituality: if one of the partners is endowed with these qualities in excess, he shares with his other half. In this case, a harmonious marriage is obtained.

The truth of knowledge of the world using esoteric methods is doubtful. The character and inner content of a person is so complex and multifaceted that they cannot be “driven” into the theory of 9 digits. To verify this, it is enough to calculate with the help of numerology the identity and fate of great people, and then subject to a similar analysis the most notorious criminals. The result is stunning!