The hair extension procedure allows modern girls to say goodbye to a short haircut in just a few hours and turn into a charming Rapunzel with a scythe to the waist. The procedure goes completely painlessly. The roots of the curls are not involved in the process, so the hair continues to grow beautiful and healthy.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair extensions

The procedure under discussion has its pros and cons. To understand its main advantage, you just need to look at the photo of hair before and after. If initially it often happens to be a short tail of thin and weakened strands, then as a result of building the girl can endlessly admire her long, strong and shiny hair.

Other advantages of the procedure:

  • With hair extensions, the girl does not experience pain and / or discomfort. She can just relax in a chair and chat with the master on interesting topics.
  • In just a few hours it is possible to increase the length of your own hairstyle to 70 centimeters.
  • Modern materials allow hair extensions to look natural and natural. After the procedure, a good master, from the outside it is impossible to understand that the girl’s curls are “not native”.
  • The extension procedure allows not only to increase the length, but also to solve other problems. For example, add density to the hair in a certain area (even on a bang), use colored or highlighted strands in your hairstyle.As a result, the young lady does not have to spoil her hair. Colored strands can be removed at any time.

Disadvantages of hair extensions:

  • A limited number of hairstyles available for girls. Many habitual hair styling after extension will demonstrate to others the places where the hair joins with the hairdresser's material.
  • Growth is always easy to detect by touch. Many men do not like to feel artificial “capsules” on their lover’s head when stroking her hair.
  • Hair extensions are quite difficult to wash. For example, they cannot be lowered. You need to wash your curls only in an upright position in the shower or each time for the sake of this procedure go to the hairdresser.
  • When caring for such hair, the use of a special balm cannot be avoided. And when applying it, you need to strictly monitor that the product does not fall on the attachment points of natural and extended hair.
  • Curls after the discussed procedure will be very confused. Carefully comb them with a special comb will have at least 3-4 times a day. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look untidy.
  • Sleeping with loose hair extensions is strictly prohibited. Before a night's rest, strands will have to be braided into a braid or collected in another way.
  • Correction of hair extensions is carried out regularly - every 2-4 months. To do this, you need to allocate several hours of free time and, of course, a tidy sum to pay for the services of a master.
  • The cost of the procedure with quality materials is always high. If in the salon a girl is offered huge discounts, she should think that there is some catch in the situation. Either the work will be done by a novice stylist, or cheap low-quality materials will be used.

Some disadvantages of the procedure depend on the type of building. So, when using metal clips during the session, a girl with a hairdo already ready will constantly feel the presence of extra accessories in her head and feel uncomfortable because of this. Glue building will completely limit the fair sex for visiting the pool, sauna, swimming in the lake and the sea.

Tips for choosing the type of hair

Before giving consent to the extension procedure, the master must definitely study the type of hair and its condition from a potential client. Only after a thorough analysis of the curls and the questioning of the girl will she be able to choose the perfect way for her to increase the length and volume of her hair.

So, for owners of dark hard hair, tape extension of the Japanese type is well suited. In the process, donor curls are attached to the hair roots with miniature metal accessories (for example, beads). And for fair-haired ladies, the same way of building is better, but according to Spanish technology, in the process of which an adhesive composition is used, diluted with black or white dye, depending on the shade of the client’s hair. Places of building will be hardly noticeable even for blondes.

Hollywood extensions are prohibited on very weak thin hair. If the client’s hair temporarily falls out, for example, after a recent birth, then she will need to wait until this process completely stops. You can not choose Hollywood extensions and owners of sensitive skin.

The choice of material for building

It is very important and to choose the right strands for building, given the type of curls. Owners of Slavic appearance with soft hair are well suited for the so-called "Slavic hair." They are the most popular among Russian masters and at the same time the most expensive. The strands have a smooth structure and look great even without any processing.

"European" hair is less quality. They are imported from India and Latin America. Before sale, the curls are treated with acid, then they are painted in the desired shades and filled with silicone. As a result, such hair costs less than Slavic. They are well suited for owners of stiff, thick hair with porous hair.

The owners of "South Russian" hair can brag of a good combination of the price and quality. Such curls are always obedient, soft, elastic and unpretentious, but not too voluminous. Similar strands are not suitable for girls with thick and thick hair.

“Asian” hairs enter the world market from China and Korea. Outwardly, they initially look gorgeous. But, in order to maintain the attractive appearance of such curls, they need to be very carefully looked after. Selected strands are the most budget. They also undergo a treatment with a special compound that removes hair flakes, then is painted and coated with silicone.

In addition to natural donor strands that look natural, they are suitable for dyeing, curling, straightening and are worn for a long time. Masters of modern beauty salons also offer their customers artificial hair. They are light, shine beautifully, cheaply, but at the same time exclude almost all styling and dyeing procedures, are easily deformed and serve the girl for only a short time.

Of the additional materials the stylist uses, for example, keratin, resin or adhesive stickers. They are selected and purchased by the hairdresser himself after, together with the client, he was able to finally determine the method of hair extensions.

Which way to build choose description

It’s hard to say for sure which hair extensions are better. To find the answer to this question for yourself, you should carefully and in detail study each individual method. The main methods of building the wizard are five.


Tape extension refers to cold methods. During the session, the curls do not have a thermal effect. The main advantage of this method is its amazing speed. In just 1.5–2 hours, the girl gets a new chic hairstyle with long hair. It will be possible to go through with it up to 12 months, if the master did everything right and used high-quality materials.


After this build-up, there are no special restrictions in everyday life with hair. You can safely swim, go to the solarium and sauna. The method without using thermal effects on the hair practically does not harm them.

True, hair bands can be clearly seen with a sharp gust of wind or with a high complex hairdo. Separate locks can fall out from time to time, breaking off and live healthy hairs. Usually this is the fault of an inexperienced master. The glue used in the process of fixing hair extensions adversely affects the condition of the scalp. Serious irritation may occur.

Tape extensions are Spanish and Japanese. The first type involves "gluing" the hair to a special composition. The second is fastening with small metal accessories - beads, clips, clips.


The method of Hollywood building today also falls into the list of safe. She appeared about a decade ago in Hollywood. The procedure was used to quickly change the images of actresses for films without using wigs.


Initially, hair extensions were attached to the “live” special threads. Therefore, serious combing problems arose. Today, tresses are replaced by keratin capsules.

The main drawback of the technique is the ability to carry out the extension only on already quite grown hair. Their length should be at least 20 cm. Otherwise, the connection of donor and own hair will be too clearly visible.

Building up in this way is a painstaking process. It takes about 3 to 4 hours and requires a high level of skill from the hairdresser.


Capsule building has a second name - Italian. Its popularity is growing every day due to the minimal visibility of the attachment points of donor hair to live. The strands are glued with a keratin capsule, which is pre-melted. Resin or adhesive capsules are also used, but are extremely rare.The whole process usually takes 3-4 hours.


Recently, microcapsule building is becoming more and more popular. This is a new technique, involving the use of very tiny capsules, which are almost invisible in the hair. Instead of keratin, wax capsules can also be used. Their main advantage is that after heating the material acquires the color of natural hair and merges with them.

Convenience lies in the fact that hair extensions with capsules will turn out to any initial length. It will be enough just a couple of centimeters of native curls. After this procedure, hair is allowed to be dyed, straightened or, conversely, wound.

The disadvantage of this type of building can be called the need for correction from the master within 2-3 months after the session. Visiting the sauna is not prohibited. But the girl will have to put on a special hat in the steam room


Hot hair extension involves the effect of high temperature on the compounds with which the native and donor strands are combined. This is the most popular version of the procedure, but it negatively affects the condition of the hair.


The process of hot building always takes more than 2 hours and requires experience and professionalism from the master. The specialist must correctly determine the appropriate temperature for heating the tool in order to minimize the harm caused to native hairs, as well as monitor the quality of the connection of natural strands with extensions.


Ultrasonic extension combines all the advantages of capsular and tape techniques. On the one hand, it does not spoil live hair with high temperatures, and on the other, it allows you to attach strands to the shortest hair.


Artificial curls are also attached to natural ones with keratin capsules. That's just they melt with ultrasonic waves. The whole procedure takes up to 4 hours. The shorter the initial hair, the more difficult it will be to build up and the more time it will take.

The main disadvantage of this version of the procedure is its high cost. The price of ultrasonic extension starts at 25 thousand rubles, and in some salons it may even exceed 100 thousand rubles.

Which hair extension is safer

The safest and most harmless should be considered cold hair extensions.


These are those in which the hair is attached to each other without the participation of high temperatures. As a result, the condition of the strands does not worsen. Therefore, if the girl has the financial ability, it is worth going to ultrasound building.

Hair restoration after extension

Even after the highest quality and safest hair extensions, hair requires rest and recovery. When the artificial strands have already been removed, natural curls need special care.


From home remedies, it is better to choose all kinds of oil masks. For example, coconut, burdock, castor. As well as compounds with honey, combining folk remedies with professional healing and regenerating cosmetics. Then an excellent effect can be achieved much faster.

If you can turn to professionals, then you should choose for yourself the procedure for lamination, deep keratin recovery, cutting with hot scissors and other similar techniques. They improve not only the appearance of curls, but their condition as a whole.

The dangers of hair extensions are still debated among hairdressers. In order not to spoil your hair with a fashionable procedure, you should always turn only to experienced and trusted masters, strictly follow all recommendations for caring for extended strands.