Caucasian Frostweed is called a perennial plant, which is famous for its beneficial properties. In nature, this beautiful flower with a long stem can be found only in the Caucasus, which is directly indicated in its full name. Due to the narrowness of its range, Caucasian hellebore grass is a particularly valuable plant, given its beneficial properties. Its healing power, including that used for weight loss, is known throughout the country and even abroad.

Caucasian hellebore - useful properties

For medicinal purposes, the rhizomes of the plant are usually used. The main advantage is the content of glycosides, which are used in medicine to treat heart failure. In addition, they have a calming effect.

Many medicines contain Caucasian hellebore. Their use and contraindications are different - some are designed to treat heart diseases, others fight inflammation or hemorrhoids, others act in combination with other elements to treat many diseases. Among other things, hellebore helps to reduce pain, calm, treat nerves and remove harmful components from the body.

What cures hellebore?

This flower is truly unique due to its wide range of beneficial properties.

In particular, it is used for:

  • weight loss, at the same time, a rather mild effect is noted;
  • prevention and treatment of diabetes, as it is able to lower blood sugar;
  • decrease and normalization of blood pressure with hypertension;
  • enhancing therapy against urological diseases, including against urolithiasis;
  • achieving a diuretic and laxative effect;
  • enhances the gastrointestinal tract;
  • participation in therapy against thyroid diseases;
  • cleansing the body of bile;
  • reduction of pain syndrome of any orientation;
  • general stimulation of the immune system.

How to apply:

Frostberry are used in several forms - tinctures, decoctions, in the form of powder or oil.

It is interesting: hellebore: planting and care

Decoctions and infusions

Decoctions of the plant have healing properties - they purify the blood, strengthen the immune system, and help with cardiovascular diseases. If rheumatism or osteochondrosis suffers, then it is worth trying one of the recipes. It is quite simple to prepare. Half a teaspoon of crushed roots pour half a liter of water. Boil an hour. Take one teaspoon three times a day.

As you know, in order to achieve a positive result, you need to comply with the measure in everything.

For example, liver diseases are treated with a small dose of herbal collection:

  • elecampane root - 25 g;
  • crushed celandine - 15 g;
  • St. John's wort - 100 g.

Pour the ingredients with a liter of boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. Insist 3 hours and strain. A pinch (no more than a spoon for tea) of hellebore to fall asleep. Take 70 ml three times a day.

With a stomach ulcer, pour two teaspoons of sage and flax seed with boiling water. After two hours of infusion, add 30 g of hellebore infusion. Drink on an empty stomach for half a glass.

Tincture from the Caucasian hellebore

Dry and grind the roots. 10 grams pour hot water, almost boiling water. Wrap the container warmly and leave it in a dark place for 2 hours. Strain. Drink a teaspoon 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

No matter how good the tincture, but you need to use it no more than 300 ml per day. This is a general rule for all plant-based fluids.


From the dried root, the powder is obtained in the simplest way - it is ground in a blender or coffee grinder. Toothache is treated by mixing it with vegetable oil.

In addition, grass is an excellent laxative. In order to cleanse the body of toxins, and at the same time lose weight, it is not bad to use a powder with honey inside. The second recipe for a laxative effect is that 50 grams of Caucasian hellebore powder is poured with 90 grams of boiling water. Better to do in the evening, so that the solution is well settled. And in the morning take forty minutes before eating. It is possible to increase the dose to 300 ml.

10 grams of hellebore powder, washed with warm boiled water in the morning before meals, will help lower blood pressure.

Hellebore oil

Being overweight is a problem for thousands of people. In addition to strict diets and drugs, folk methods significantly help in the fight against fatty deposits. The plant is one of the “warriors” of a slender body and a powerful fat burner.

With violations of the metabolic and lipid processes, hellebore oil fights. Compresses are made from it, they are drunk inside. Abuse is not worth it. Follow the instructions on the packaging. A few drops per day improve metabolism. There is information that the oil acts as a fighter against malignant neoplasms. However, this is not confirmed by doctors, therefore it is forbidden to self-medicate.

20 drops in the nose per day will help cure chronic sinusitis. Use oil is advised an hour before meals. The course is no more than seven days.

Before taking Caucasian hellebore in any of its species, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Caucasian hellebore for weight loss: instructions for use

Before starting regular use of the Caucasian hellebore, be sure to consult a doctor so as not to harm your body instead of benefit.

It is better to prepare the infusion (if you chose this particular, most popular form) in advance, from the evening before the reception.Pour in the grass and leave it to saturate, by morning it will just give the tincture all its useful properties. Early in the morning, on an empty stomach, strain the resulting liquid and drink before eating.

If it did not work out in advance, put it in the morning, but let it brew for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Such a hellebore for weight loss will also have an effect, but it is much lower. However, one should not try to catch up, it may lead to an overdose.

The average course lasts about six months with a gradual increase in dosage (but not higher than the permissible). Also, you can not make jumps in volume - the body may not perceive it. After the course, a break is made for at least one month, the therapy for weight loss is repeated again from the minimum volume.

Dosage is distributed as follows:

  • from the first to the tenth day - 50 mg .;
  • from the eleventh to the twentieth day - 100 mg .;
  • from the twenty-first to the thirtieth day - 150 mg .;
  • the rest of the course is 200 mg.

Important! Do not exceed a dose above 200 mg. per day under no circumstances.

Side effects - hellebore poisoning

If you use Caucasian hellebore, despite the contraindications, which will be discussed below, to mix its use with alcohol or to try to exceed the permissible dose, there is a good chance of getting serious poisoning. At the same time, hellebore poisoning looks somewhat different than other medicinal plants and can lead to serious problems.

The most common and mild side effects are redness, itching, fever or lower blood pressure. Such minor troubles occur in the presence of a mild allergy or with a small overdose. More unpleasant consequences include shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and fainting.

If you mix hellebore and ethanol or significantly exceed the norm of consumption, you may experience consciousness disorder, severe poisoning, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness. The biggest problem with an overdose is a radical drop in blood pressure, which can cause arrhythmia, coma or death. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases when people poisoned by hellebore spent a single day in intensive care.

More materials:Caucasian hellebore


Before starting use, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself not only with the instructions for use, but also with contraindications, since the negative consequences with the uncontrolled use of hellebore can be quite serious.

So, the contraindications that the flower has include:

  • standard restrictions - individual intolerance, lactation, infancy;
  • serious damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • some diseases of the heart system - myocardial infarction, malformations, blockade;
  • in the presence of a stomach ulcer, stones in the gall bladder, it is necessary to start therapy with taking other suitable drugs before starting treatment with hellebore;
  • joint intake of hellebore and alcohol is prohibited;
  • before any method of use, it is necessary to consult a doctor;
  • excess doses for fast weight loss are strictly prohibited.