A woman who wants to have perfect shapes cannot be stopped. Sometimes she uses not quite suitable means to achieve her goals. For example, patients with diabetes are prescribed Metformin for weight loss. No nutritionist recommends using the drug without good reason. Nevertheless, some ladies prescribe treatment on their own, regardless of the presence of contraindications and the possibility of getting health problems.

The mechanism of action of "Metformin" for weight loss

"Metformin" is prescribed to people receiving insulin therapy. It is used by doctors to monitor the level of insulin in the patient’s blood and reduce weight if the latter cannot be achieved with diet and exercise. It prevents hyperinsulinemia (raising the level of the hormone in the blood to critical values), which, in turn, in patients with diabetes is the main factor for weight gain and the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies.

Metformin does not affect insulin production. It maintains the concentration of the hormone at a stable level, so that the patient disappears a constant feeling of hunger.
  • If the drug is taken with food, the bulk of the active substance settles and accumulates in the intestinal walls. In this case, metformin prevents the absorption of glucose from food and contributes to its speedy utilization.
  • If the medicine is taken separately from food, it is quite successfully absorbed by the mucosa.About half of its active components enter the bloodstream, and from there it spreads to key organs.

The substance is found in the liver, where it inhibits the processes occurring in the body of the conversion of non-carbohydrate compounds into sugars. As a result, the rate of glucose entry into the blood decreases.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. If their intake or synthesis slows down, the body begins to spend fat reserves. Thus, people taking metformin manage to lose weight.

The drug increases the susceptibility of cells to insulin, due to this muscle fibers begin to consume glucose more actively.

Carbohydrate enters the cells from the blood. Sugar levels are reduced to normal. There comes a moment, when all glucose is consumed, and that which comes from outside, and which is synthesized by the body, is wasted by itself for energy. Nothing extra remains, which means that no reserves are formed in the form of deferred fat.

Tablet Forms

The dosage form of the drug is available in the form of tablets.

Metformin is produced by various pharmaceutical companies:

  • "Gideon Richter";
  • Teva
  • FarmVILAR;
  • "Ozone";
  • "Atoll".

The dosage form of the drug is tablets coated with a smooth film coating. They are white at the break, biconvex, with a border. At a dosage of 500 mg - round, at 850 and 1000 mg - oblong.

Packed in transparent blisters with metal foil in the amount of 30, 60 and 120 pieces in one box.

Reviews nutritionists about the drug "Metformin"

The opinions of doctors agree that no patient should prescribe a drug for himself. Dosage and frequency of administration can be selected only by a specialist, and only according to the results of the examination.

Dosage is prescribed only by a specialist.
  • Andreeva A. Yu., Nutritionist (Moscow): “Some patients, right from the door, are asked to prescribe Metformin, but we understand that this is impossible without an appropriate examination. The drug has an extensive list of contraindications. For example, it strongly affects the kidneys. Patients with increased creatinine should not be prescribed at all. Any reception should be accompanied by monitoring by a doctor. About 20% of patients complain of nausea and loose stools at the beginning of treatment. We manage to reduce symptoms by halving the dose and adjusting the nutrition. ”
  • Belodedova AS, nutritionist (St. Petersburg): “The drug is prescribed by specialists when insulin resistance is detected (tissue cells do not perceive insulin, as a result of which it accumulates in the blood). Resistance, again, should be determined by the doctor according to the results of the tests. In the absence of this violation, Metformin will not work. Therefore, do not self-medicate. "
  • Tereshchenko EV, endocrinologist (Voronezh): “The drug is old, tried and tested, helps a lot in violation of carbohydrate metabolism. It was once banned in the early 90's. I prescribe it for the treatment of obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes and ovarian sclerocystosis amid insulin resistance. ”

According to reviews, it becomes clear that the drug will not work without indications. And to find out if there is such evidence, a specialist should.

"Metformin" for weight loss: how to take it right?

Doctors say that each patient they paint the treatment regimen individually.

A competent specialist can write a schedule for taking the medicine.

Patients with diabetes need to take the drug for a long time, for many months.

If the only goal of such treatment is losing weight, then Metformin should not be drunk for more than a month. Start with a minimum dosage of 500 mg twice daily with meals. Every day, increase the dose to 850 mg. And they stay on it for three weeks.

It is interesting: polysorb for weight loss

Treatment should be accompanied by a special diet and physical activity. Be sure to exclude all fast carbohydrates: flour, sweets, confectionery, too sweet fruits, chocolate.Otherwise, digestive problems cannot be avoided. Any sugar due to the inability to assimilate in the intestine will irritate its walls and tend to exit.

Let's see which method of administration is recommended by the official instructions.

Instructions for use

The official instruction also states that each patient is prescribed by a doctor. The drug begins to be taken with 500-1000 mg per day. Then, depending on the glucose indicators in the blood, on the 10-15th day this dose can be increased up to 1700-2000 per day. The maximum amount that can be consumed per day is 3000 mg.

Tablets are washed exclusively with water.

To reduce the consequences of taking, the dose is divided into 2-3 times. The tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing, with a small amount of water immediately before eating or already with food.

If side effects occur, the doctor adjusts the dose. Before drinking Metformin, you need to take blood counts and monitor how they change in the process.

To whom the drug is contraindicated, side effects

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited!

It should not be assigned to people:

  • having undergone serious operations;
  • having cardiovascular disease, impaired renal function, liver, respiratory problems;
  • with lactase deficiency and lactose intolerance;
  • suffering from infectious diseases;
  • undergoing x-ray examination within two days before taking the drug;
  • suffering from alcoholism;
  • over 60 years of age engaged in heavy physical labor.

The drug is not taken with many drugs: antipsychotics, antidepressants, birth control, thyroid-stimulating hormones.

Diet pills cannot be combined with a low-calorie diet. At least 1000 kcal should be consumed per day.

The most common side effects (in 18-20% of cases) are diarrhea, rumbling in the abdomen, aversion to food, headaches. Against the background of prolonged use, a deficiency of vitamin B12 develops.

What results can be achieved by taking Metformin?

You can lose a couple of extra pounds.

For a month, patients lose from 1 to 4 kg. But since treatment is carried out against the background of a low-carb diet and physical activity, the effectiveness of the drug remains in question.

Analogues of Metformin

Each expensive medicine has analogues with a lower price.

The absolute taxes of the funds under discussion are:

  • "Formethine";
  • Siofor;
  • "Glucophage";
  • Gliformin;
  • Bagomet.

All of them have a similar composition and application patterns, and differ only in manufacturer and price. Among the products of the Metformin name, the most controversial reviews about Ozone tablets are. Some claim that they do not feel the effect of them. Most often, preference is given to a preparation manufactured by Gedeon Richter.

Metformin or Glucophage, which is better?

Metformin tablets contain starch, while Glucofage is filled with macrogol. Therefore, the latter causes less side effects with digestion.

Tablets are not recommended to be used without consulting your doctor.

The effectiveness of the drug "Metformin" as a means for losing weight is controversial. Obviously, it cannot be prescribed without evidence. Is it worth risking your health, hoping to lose 2-4 kg, or maybe try to do it, relying only on proper nutrition and physical activity? The answer seems obvious.

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