For the normal existence of a healthy person, a rational diet is necessary. Its main task is to ensure the intake of essential nutrients in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, salts and vitamins. In addition, this method of nutrition is characterized by a variety of tastes of food and their culinary processing. Therefore, it should be taken as a mandatory rule to draw up a proper nutrition menu for the week ahead.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

The daily rational diet of a normal healthy person should contain up to 100 g of protein, 60 - 80 g of fat and 500 g of carbohydrates. Also, fluid intake is necessary one and a half to two liters and up to 20 g of sodium chloride.

Proper nutrition should contain a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

Food should also contain:

  • metal salts (iron, copper);
  • minerals necessary for the growth and development of body cells;
  • and vitamins - A, B1, B2, Brr, B6, B12, C, D, E, K.

The latter are introduced in relatively small quantities. However, their presence is mandatory, and their absence will lead to the development of various diseases: night blindness, polyneuritis, pellagra, anemia, scurvy, rickets.

  1. Metal salts are found in herbs, fruits, liver and meat. The body needs calcium salts found in dairy products, cabbage, vegetables and fruits. Phosphorus compounds are present in milk and its products, egg yolks. Potassium salts are potatoes and other vegetables.
  2. Vitamin A is present as carotene in carrots, spinach, rose hips, fish oil, egg yolks, and butter.
  3. Group B vitamins are present in the peel of cereals and bran, brewer's and baker's yeast, legumes, meat products and liver, spinach, peanuts, and citrus fruits.
  4. Vitamin D is rich in fish, butter, eggs.
  5. Vitamin E is present in milk, vegetables, cereals, egg yolks and lard.

Inadequate administration of animal proteins with food can lead to a number of diseases.

Of the total daily amount of protein, 60% should be covered by the so-called complete. These are proteins of animal origin, which are part of meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and eggs. The remaining 40% is due to vegetable proteins, with the exception of potato protein, which is also complete.

Fats are also divided into animal and vegetable.

  • Products containing animal fats include lard, sour cream, butter, cheese, milk, and egg yolks.
  • Accordingly, vegetable fats are oils that are produced from plant seeds. These are sunflower, corn, olive, cotton, peanut and others.

Unlike vegetable, animal fats contain lipoids, which are of higher nutritional value for the human body.

Sources of carbohydrates are flour, bread, cereals, potatoes, honey, milk, vegetables, fruits, berries and sugar.

From the above follows the main principle of proper nutrition. It must be complete and contain in the required quantity all the vital products of animal and vegetable origin.

Differences in menu design for women and men

When compiling a menu for every day, you must always take into account the weight of a person, age, climatic conditions of residence. Changing the seasons of the year is also important, because in winter a person needs much more energy than in summer. These are the factors that determine the amount of energy expended by the body. That is why the daily diet is usually calculated in calories per kilogram of weight. This is an indicator of the amount of energy that will be consumed by the body.

The menu for each person individually.
  • For people engaged in mental work, office workers, and the service sector, the daily amount of calories needed is calculated based on 40 calories per kilogram of body weight.
  • For those engaged in physical labor, the calculation is as follows - 50 calories per kilogram.
  • Builders, miners, agricultural workers should eat more densely, because their work is hard, they spend a lot of energy. Therefore, here the calorie intake should be the highest - up to 70 - 80 calories per kilogram of weight.

For men, a food richer in calories and protein is suitable. Since the representatives of the stronger sex spend more energy on maintaining their body. Their muscle mass is also higher. Therefore, for a man of average build working in the office, about 3500 calories per day are needed. It is also important that the product contains a little more selenium and zinc.

Women’s menus differ from men’s in that they contain fewer calories. Enough 2500 calories per day for the normal functioning of the female body. The menu should contain foods that include calcium, unsaturated fatty acids, collagen. Proper nutrition for weight loss can be less high in calories.

At a young age, the metabolism in women is quite high, so you can sometimes afford more sweet and even fatty. However, after twenty-five, you need to slightly reduce the calorie intake, so as not to gain excess weight. After thirty, getting rid of it will be very difficult.

Weekly Nutrition Menu

During the day, there should be several meals at different times. Traditions of different nations and all kinds of diets offer 3 - 6 meals a day.However, the most acceptable under the current conditions is a menu of 3 to 5 meals per day.

The proper nutrition menu should contain a sufficient amount of vegetables, dairy products, meat and fiber-rich foods.
  • Breakfast should account for 30 - 35% of the calories of the daily diet.
  • Lunch should go 45 - 50% of calories.
  • And for dinner - only 20%.

When preparing the menu for the week, you need to consider that for breakfast it is better to choose cereals in milk or water with dried fruits and nuts. Whole-grain bread with cheese or butter, kefir, fermented baked milk will suit them. In the morning, you can gain strength before the upcoming working day with the help of chicken or quail eggs in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled. In summer, a fresh salad will be good - vegetable or fruit salad.

For lunch, soups are preferred - borsch, chicken broth, pickle, cabbage soup, bean soup, mushroom, etc. The second dish should also be hearty, but not enough to make you sleepy after dinner. For example, vegetable stew or goulash with a piece of fish or a patty, pasta made from durum wheat with cheese and sauce. And a great addition would be a fresh vegetable salad.

Dinner should not be saturated with protein products, it is better to refuse fried. Salads, steam cutlets, vegetable dishes are preferred. Cottage cheese casseroles and cheesecakes will perfectly contribute to satiety before a night's rest. And kefir or yogurt stimulate the digestive process.

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
Cheese Sandwiches
Buckwheat porridge with pork
Cabbage salad
Steam cutlets with mashed potatoes
TuesdayPancakes with curd fillingBean Soup
Steamed cutlets
Vegetable Salad
Baked potato fish
WednesdayCheese Sandwiches
Noodle soup
Stuffed eggs
Potato and Mushroom Casserole
ThursdayHot sandwiches with sausage and cheeseBorscht
Vegetable stew
Vegetable salad
Baked fish fillet
FridayOatmeal porridge with ground walnutsEar
Steamed cutlets with beans
SaturdayOatmeal with raisins and dried apricots
Meatball Soup
Steamed cutlets
Cabbage salad
Omelet with mushrooms
SundayBuckwheat with milkSalad with herbs
Chicken Broth
Chicken pilaf

Recipes by day of the week

We offer main dishes from the presented menu on the days of the week.

Omelet with tomatoes

Omelet with tomatoes - a quick breakfast that nourishes the body with a large number of nutrients.


  1. 4 eggs.
  2. 2 tomatoes.
  3. Grated cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  4. Onion.
  5. Greenery.
  6. Flour - Art. a spoon.
  7. Butter - 40 g.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, chop the onion and greens. Beat eggs, add grated cheese and flour, mix well. Stew onions and tomatoes a little in butter, add greens to the pan. Pour all the eggs, salt to taste. Fry in a closed lid for 7 minutes over medium heat.

Buckwheat porridge with pork

Buckwheat porridge with pork is a very hearty, tasty dish.


  1. Pork - 200 g.
  2. Buckwheat groats - a glass.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Onion.
  5. Vegetable oil - half a glass.
  6. Greens, salt, seasonings.

Grate the carrots, chop the onion, cut the meat into slices. In a casserole, fry vegetables in oil, then put the meat. Pour water and pour in washed buckwheat. There should be enough liquid to completely cover the contents of the cauldron. Salt, add herbs and spices. Simmer, stirring occasionally, over low heat until cooked.

Steamed cutlets

Steamed cutlets are much more useful than those cooked in a skillet.


  1. Veal - 300 g.
  2. Onion.
  3. Egg yolk.
  4. Greens, spices, salt.

Make minced veal with onions. Add egg yolk, chopped herbs and spices to it. Salt, form cutlets. Pour water into the pan, and as soon as it begins to boil, spread the meat blanks. Cover the pan and simmer the patties for about half an hour, adding water if necessary.

Cottage cheese pancakes

Pancakes with cottage cheese - a delicious treat.


  1. Pancakes - 4 pcs.
  2. Cottage cheese - 120 g.
  3. Cream - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Beat cream, add cottage cheese to them. Stuff the pancakes with the resulting mass.

Bean Soup

Bean soup puree is cheap and easy to prepare.


  1. Red Beans - 1 tbsp.
  2. Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  3. Onion.
  4. Vegetable oil to taste.
  5. Greens, spices, garlic, salt.

Boil the beans, chop the onion, chop the tomatoes. Stew onion in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes, adding a decoction of beans. Then add half the beans to the pan and continue to simmer a few more minutes. Remove the container from the heat and crush its contents with a pestle or grind in a puree with a blender.

Pour a little water into the pan, transfer the resulting mashed potatoes, add the rest of the beans, tomatoes, garlic, salt and spices. Cook soup for 20 minutes until cooked, stirring occasionally.

Baked potato fish

A full and healthy dish.
  1. Potatoes - a pound.
  2. Mackerel - 300 g.
  3. Onion.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  6. Spices, herbs.

Cut potatoes into slices, chop onions, grate carrots. Cut fish in portions. On a greased foil, lay out potatoes, carrots, fish and onions in layers, seasoning all this with spices. Wrap the foil as tightly as possible and place on a baking sheet. Bake for half an hour at 200 degrees until tender.

Noodle soup

Rich and hearty noodle soup.


  1. Chicken backs - 2 pcs.
  2. Noodles.
  3. Onion.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  6. Spice.
  7. Greenery.

Boil chicken backs in water for forty minutes with spices. Carrots and onions at this time should be chopped, fried in vegetable oil and sent to a pot with broth. Put the noodles in the soup and cook for a couple of minutes. Before serving, add finely chopped greens to the soup.

Stuffed eggs

Stuffed eggs are always a hot snack.


  1. Four eggs.
  2. Pate - 70 g.
  3. Mayonnaise.
  4. Spice.

Cut into two parts hard-boiled and peeled eggs. Get the yolks, grind them with a paste and mayonnaise. Add spices to this mass, and then gently fill the proteins with a teaspoon.

Potato Casserole with Mushrooms

Potato casserole with mushrooms is one of the most basic dishes.


  1. Mushrooms - 200 g.
  2. Potatoes - a pound.
  3. Onion.
  4. Two eggs.
  5. Milk is a glass.
  6. Sour cream - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.
  7. Vegetable oil to taste.
  8. Spice.
  9. Greenery.

Mash boiled potatoes in mashed potatoes, adding milk, and cool. Beat eggs and combine them with mashed potatoes. Fry mushrooms with spices and onions.

Then take a baking sheet, grease it with butter and lay on it layers of mashed potato and prepared mushrooms. Top carefully flavor all sour cream. Oven in the oven at a temperature of 150 - 180 degrees twenty minutes.


Borsch is the most popular dish.


  1. Cabbage - 150 g.
  2. Onion.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Beetroot.
  5. Potato - 1 pc.
  6. Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  7. Tomato - 1 pc. or tomato paste - Art. a spoon.
  8. Vegetable oil.
  9. Beans to taste.
  10. Spice.

Boil beans, chop potatoes and bell pepper, chop onions and cabbage, grate carrots and beets. In a pot with boiling water send beans (canned) and potatoes. Then fry the onion, carrots and bell pepper in vegetable oil. Send these vegetables to the pot with future borsch. Put chopped tomatoes there, and then cabbage. Grate the beets and pour them into the borscht too. Season the dish with spices and herbs.

Vegetable stew

The dish will surely be appreciated by those who follow their figure.


  1. Bell pepper.
  2. Eggplant.
  3. Zucchini.
  4. Tomato - 2 pcs.
  5. Onion.
  6. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  7. Vegetable oil.
  8. Spice.

Cut eggplant into small cubes, add cold water, add salt and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Cut zucchini and bell pepper, chop onions, cut tomatoes into slices.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a pot or cauldron, put prepared vegetables there.Drain the darkened water from the eggplant, squeeze them lightly with your hands and then add to the rest of the products. Stew with garlic and spices until all ingredients are soft.

Baked fish fillet

Fish fillet is obtained with a delicate taste.


  1. Fish fillet.
  2. Onion.
  3. Greenery.
  4. Spice.
  5. Half a lemon.
  6. Vegetable oil.

Prepare the prepared fish fillet with spices, salt and put on a foil sheet. Top with chopped onions, thin slices of lemon and herbs. Sprinkle the workpiece with vegetable oil. Wrap everything in foil, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees.


Ear diversifies your menu.


  1. Fish is half a kilo.
  2. Onion.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Potatoes.
  5. Bell pepper.
  6. Spice.
  7. Greenery.

Chop the onion, chop the bell pepper into strips, potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices. In a two-liter pot with boiling water, dip the potatoes and spices, and after a few minutes add the fish.

Slightly let the onions, carrots and bell peppers in vegetable oil separately in a pan. Then add these vegetables to the ear and cook until cooked. Before serving, you can put a little chopped greens on each plate.


Pilaf is a combination of aromas, juicy meat and delicious vegetables.
  1. Meat - 400 g.
  2. Rice - 1.5 cups.
  3. Onion.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Garlic.
  6. Vegetable oil.
  7. Spice.

Chop the onion, cut the carrots into small strips. In a casserole, heat the vegetable oil and put the prepared vegetables. Stew a little, add meat, add water and simmer until soft, covered with a lid.

After that, put well-washed rice in a cauldron, add spices and garlic. Pour everything with water so that it covers the cereal. Close the pilaf with a lid and simmer until cooked.

Meatball Soup

Soup with meatballs is a hearty and elegant dish.


  1. Ground beef - 200 g.
  2. Onion.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Potato - 2 pcs.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Spice.

Chop the onion and divide into two. Add one of them to the mass of minced meat, season with spices and mix well. Dip chopped potatoes in boiling water. Then form the meatballs and put them in the soup, adding spices.

In vegetable oil, lightly fry the second part of the onion and grated carrots. Then put the vegetables in a pan with an almost ready first course.

Omelet with mushrooms and cheese

Omelet with mushrooms and cheese - an absolute delicacy


  1. 4 eggs.
  2. Mushrooms to taste.
  3. A small onion.
  4. Cheese - 40 g.
  5. Milk - a quarter cup.
  6. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cut mushrooms, beat eggs with milk and salt. Grind the cheese. Chop the onion.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan, send mushrooms there and simmer them until soft under the lid. Then put the onion, lightly fry and pour everything with beaten eggs. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the dish, close the lid and cook for a few more minutes.

Chicken pilaf

Pilaf with chicken is not only a budget dish, but also a diet one.


  1. Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
  2. Rice - 1 - 2 cups.
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Onion.
  5. Carrot.
  6. Bell pepper.
  7. Vegetable oil - a third of a glass.
  8. Spices, herbs and garlic.

Chop onions, grate carrots, chop tomatoes and bell peppers, chop the garlic. Cut the chicken into pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a metal pan or cauldron, put garlic, onion, carrots, tomatoes, bell pepper there. Stew vegetables for 5 to 7 minutes over low heat, then send chicken to the pan and cook the dish for a few more minutes.

Then fill the vegetables with meat with well-washed rice, add spices and herbs. Pour the contents of the pan with water, cover and cook until cooked, stirring occasionally.

Menu Shopping List

The finished menu and the list of products for it, of course, is very convenient to find on the Internet. The problem seems to be resolved. However, this is not so, since everyone has their own taste preferences, habits, and salary.You may not need some products at all, and some ingredients will have to be added to the list.

Plan your shopping trip carefully.

We offer some tips to make shopping and the market easier.

First of all, you need to decide which day is best to do this. Then look into your "bins", check what products are already stored in the cabinet. Often it is flour, cereals, sugar - they do not need to be bought weekly. You can make a purchase once a month.

It is better to compile the list of products into sections so that you can easily navigate in the store.

We offer a list of products for the week, which is composed of those dishes that are indicated on our menu. Determine the amount of food based on the amount of food needed for the whole family.

Milk products:

  1. Butter.
  2. Milk.
  3. Cheese.
  4. Cottage cheese.
  5. Sour cream.
  6. Cream.
  7. Yoghurts.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Eggs (always located in the store on shelves next to the dairy)

These are perishable products, so it will not work for them to stock up for a week. Have to buy once every couple of days.

Meat products:

  1. Veal.
  2. Pork.
  3. Ground beef.
  4. Chicken backs and breasts.
  5. Sausage.
  6. Pate.

Fish Products:

  1. Mackerel.
  2. Any fish extra.

These products, with the exception of sausages, can be purchased immediately for a week and stored in the freezer.


  1. Flour.
  2. Red beans.
  3. Fig.
  4. Buckwheat.
  5. Noodles.
  6. Spices and bay leaves.
  7. Salt and sugar.

Groceries can be successfully stored for several months, so you can rarely buy them, but with a margin.

Canned food:

  1. Canned Beans.
  2. Pate.
  3. Tomato dressing.
  4. Vegetable oil (often in stores sold on shelves next to canned foods).

Vegetables fruits:

  1. Potatoes.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Beet.
  4. Onion.
  5. Cabbage.
  6. Tomatoes
  7. Bell pepper.
  8. Zucchini.
  9. Eggplant.
  10. Cucumbers
  11. Greens - onions, lettuce, dill.
  12. Garlic.
  13. Mushrooms.

From prepared and frozen products, according to the proposed menu, you only need pancakes.

The budget option of the proper nutrition menu

There are many useful products that are quite inexpensive, but quite suitable for cooking delicious dishes.

Proper nutrition does not mean expensive food.

Proper nutrition for women and men does not suffer at all.

  • These are vegetables familiar to everyone - carrots, onions, cabbage, radish, beets.
  • In the budget menu, expensive beef, pork can be successfully replaced with inexpensive fish (most often herring) and chicken.
  • Also use offal - liver, kidney.
  • Legumes contain valuable plant proteins, so sometimes they can completely replace meat. In the budget menu, they can be used more often, especially since the price of peas and beans is quite acceptable.
  • Familiar cereals - buckwheat, rice, oats - are rich in valuable nutrients, vitamins. Therefore, their presence on your desk is required.
  • Dairy products are vital, however, are sometimes expensive. Therefore, the choice must be made in favor of kefir and Greek yogurt instead of sour cream and cream. You can buy a simple fat-free cottage cheese, instead of expensive curd masses with sweet and fatty ingredients.
  • The cheapest fruits are apples and bananas. They can be found in almost any store or market.
  • It is better to bake bread yourself or to get rye.
  • Sweets completely replace dried fruits and honey. Sometimes you can afford some dark chocolate. It is much more useful than light dairy.

Between the main meals, you can arrange small snacks, such as a lunch and afternoon snack. For this, fruits, a glass of kefir or yogurt, 100 grams of cottage cheese are suitable.

We offer an approximate menu for a very small budget:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
MondayCabbage salad
Boiled rice
Tea or coffee
Boiled fish
Vegetable salad
Dried fruits compote
Boiled chicken breast
Vegetable stew
TuesdayBuckwheat porridge
Cottage cheese
Vegetable soup
The vinaigrette
Tea or compote
Radish salad
Steamed Vegetables with Rice
Kefir or ryazhenka
WednesdayOatmeal porridge
Vegetarian borsch
Fish stew
Cabbage Salad
Chicken Cutlets
Dried fruits compote
ThursdayCottage cheese
Two eggs
Coffee or tea
Vegetable Bean Soup
Dried fruits compote
Barley porridge
Carrot cutlets
FridayRice porrige
Cabbage salad
Steamed fish
Vegetable salad
Boiled chicken breast
Vegetable stew
Dried fruits compote
Fresh herbs salad
Vegetarian pickle
Oven Chicken Breast with Garlic
The vinaigrette
Dried fruits compote
2 soft-boiled eggs
Fish stew
Potato salad
Cottage cheese

Proper nutrition is the most healthy way of eating food, contributing to the normal functioning of the body and beauty. This is a wonderful habit that is best followed throughout life, rather than two weeks to lose weight. Try and make sure yourself that it is easy, tasty and not expensive.