"Grizzly bear" in translation from English - "bear with a gray color," although the shade of the clubfoot's coat depends on its habitat. Some scholars apply the word grizzly not to one species, but to an American group of several subspecies. What is this big bear?

Description and features of grizzly bear

Belongs to the family of the Bears, to the class of mammals and the order of predatory animals. His formidable appearance speaks for itself. This animal is known to all children in Russian folk tales. What is he really, this clumsy bear?

  • The predator's muzzle is narrow, the front part is stretched forward, the jaw is powerful and rather large, the teeth are sharp.
  • The eyes are relatively small for a large head, the ears are barely noticeable. But such a small size of his perception organs does not prevent the grizzly bear from having sharp eyesight and excellent hearing.
  • Paws are big and thick. The nails are long and pointed. Each paw has five fingers. The clubfoot is inherent in bears because when walking the beast rests on the entire sole. But such a style of walking does not prevent him from showing his quick reaction at the right time.

Predators run well, are quite hardy, overcome huge distances. Claws allow you to cling to bumps, to conquer the peaks.

The color of the coat depends on the habitat. There is a rather short process from the tail. Many scientists even argue about this fact, not counting it at all as a bear tail. In water, the predator feels excellent, knows how to swim well.

Where he lives in the wild

The habitat of the grizzly is wide, although in recent years it has been noticeable that the gray bear population is declining sharply.It can be found in European and Eastern countries, on the American continent (up to Canada), which the bears really liked.

Mountains or the ocean are places of settled residence. Depending on the environment and climatic conditions, some animals dig lairs, the second live on trees, the third are not averse to fond of caves. This is not to say that grizzly representatives love complete loneliness, sometimes adults meet with cubs.

How much does the animal weigh?

A grizzly bear weighs a lot. It all depends on the sex of the individual, on age.

The average numbers are as follows:

  • at birth, the bear reaches a weight of 500 g;
  • the weight of the female can range from 120 to 200 kg;
  • the male generally gains up to 170 - 360 kg.

Note. It is interesting that the weight of some males can reach 400 kg, there have been isolated cases - 680 kg. Females grow up to 5 years, males - up to 10.

What eats

The bear is not picky in choosing food. Some eat carrion, fish, while others prefer vegetarian food. Everything that grows and moves in its habitat can become prey.

Grizzlies also have their favorite treats: fish, nuts, shellfish. He will not refuse to try a frog or a roe deer. Honey is the main weakness of grays. Sensing him a mile away, the sweet tooth will stop at nothing. In those places where there are problems with the choice of diet, bears feed on roots, berries, insects.

Before the onset of cold weather, the grizzly begins to eat intensely. So the animal prepares for hibernation when food inaccessibility in the cold period is a decisive factor for him.


Monogamy is inherent in clubfoot animals. However, their alliances cannot be called durable. Before the mating season, representatives of the sexes gather in packs. After fertilization, the female often leaves the brown.

Pregnancy can last up to 200 days. The number of cubs from one lamb is up to 3 babies. Without a mother, the offspring immediately dies, as the animals are born blind, bald and toothless. For two long years the she-bear has been feeding her babies with her milk.

Bears become adults after 4 years of living with their mother, then they leave her. The average life expectancy of bears is about 30 years.

Interesting Facts

Interesting facts about grizzly bears are noteworthy. Many of them are truly amazing!

  • Grizzlies distinguish colors, which is different from most animals.
  • Able to reach speeds of up to 60 km / h.
  • Most of the clubfoot diet is made up of plants and algae.
  • 40 thousand units - it is this number of moths that a grizzly bear is able to consume in 24 hours.
  • The bear has no fear at all.
  • It attacks a person that hour, if he feels a threat from his side, he can kill his paws with one blow.
  • Appeared for the first time in Europe more than 10 million years ago.
  • Never eats leftovers after other animals.
  • Able to jump on two hind legs.
  • Well amenable to training.
  • Females sometimes spend their pregnancy in physiological hibernation.

Beware of the roar of a bear. Hearing this sound from afar, it is better to bypass its source. When a grizzly is wounded, he is able to kill anyone who meets in his way. You should never walk alone in the forest in which grizzlies live. It is life threatening.