Black cumin has gained fame a very long time ago due to its healing properties. Moreover, its oil is able to fight against such diseases that pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals cannot cope with. Even in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun found his presence. What is the benefit and harm of black cumin oil, and will tell today's material.

The benefits and harms of black cumin oil

The plant is also called Nigella, Roman coriander, Nigella and other names. And it grows in Asia, the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean countries. Getting oil is a rather complicated process, requiring a lot of time and care.

It contains a large number of components important for our body - more than 100, which gives the product high value:

  1. For the entire gastrointestinal tract, acting aimed at the pathogenic intestinal microflora, eliminating flatulence and diarrhea, improving the peristalsis of the organ and preventing the development of dysbiosis. Anti-inflammatory property has a therapeutic effect on gastritis.
  2. To remove various parasites and helminths from the body.
  3. For the heart and blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of caraway oil. Bioactive substances “cleanse” blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol, helping blood move freely, lowering blood pressure, and protecting against the development of strokes, heart attacks and hypertension.
  4. For lungs and bronchi, contributing to their expansion. Cumin oil has proven itself in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia.
  5. For colds, sinusitis and runny nose, normalizing body temperature and facilitating the excretion of secretions from the nasal passages. With asthma, rhinitis and allergic reactions, the product makes the symptoms of diseases less sensitive.
  6. For the central nervous system and the brain, supplying it with the necessary Omega - acids, improving memory as well.
  7. For the gall bladder and liver, liquefying bile and contributing to its better outflow and removal of sand from the body. The product also regenerates tissues and improves liver function.
  8. For men, getting rid of prostatitis and congestive processes in the genitals, including the prevention of oncology.

Black cumin oil is also useful for its ability to bind and remove free radicals from toxins. It also has a positive effect on such ailments as cystitis with pyelonephritis.

What diseases does it help

Due to the properties of the plant to relieve spasms and inflammation with pain, bactericidal, diuretic, expectorant, choleretic, anti-allergic, sedative and immunomodulating, it is indicated for use:

  • with stagnation of bile;
  • with pancreatitis and gastritis with a stomach ulcer;
  • with cholecystitis and psoriasis;
  • with dysbiosis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • with infertility;
  • with hepatitis and enterocolitis;
  • with liver steatosis and hemorrhoids;
  • with sugar disease and cholelithiasis.

The use of oil for myoma, any neoplasms and other serious diseases is shown. But self-medication for all the positive qualities of the product is not worth it - consult with a specialist in advance.

Medicinal properties and application

Numerous healing qualities of the product allow it to be used for various diseases of the body, even for skin cancer, for which smear them with the affected area every day.

With prostatitis, it is recommended to apply oil to the lower back with the scrotum by rotational movements until it is completely absorbed. Together with these procedures, it is desirable to take it inside by 1 tbsp. L. mixed with a small spoonful of honey, the same amount of chamomile and warm water (100 ml). Give the composition a little insist, then strain and drink 3 times a day. A medicinal drink is required to be prepared fresh all the time.

With hemorrhoids, seeds of a plant (30 g) will be required, which must be fried to a burned state. Then grind and pour the oil of black caraway seeds. This solution is applied to the anus 2 times during the day after visiting the toilet, after conducting hygiene procedures. And inside, take in a ratio of 1/1 cumin oil and olive for 10 days, 2 times.

With psoriasis, it will be necessary to apply the product to the affected area of ​​the skin, combining it with sesame oil (1/5, respectively). But this method is not always and not suitable for everyone, therefore, in the absence of improvements or even worsening in a week, treatment should be stopped.

If you are coughing, if you have asthma and pneumonia, drink 1 small spoonful of the product 2 times a day and massage it with your chest and back. You can combine it for this with olive oil 1/5, respectively, or do inhalation by taking 1 large spoon of black cumin oil per 1 liter of water.

In case of diarrhea, take a glass of yogurt without additives and add 1 large spoonful of oil to it, taking the resulting composition in the morning and evening, dividing the amount equally. To get rid of the problem, 3 days of admission will be enough.

For headaches, caraway oil massage will help. And with dizziness, just pour the product into tea - 1 small spoon.

If your ears are sick, then just add a drop of black cumin oil to the ear canal, which will not only relieve pain, but also cleanse it.

For problems with memory, prepare a mint infusion - 1 tsp. honey and 7-8 drops of the product. Drink hot from morning to breakfast.

Important: adolescent acne in teenagers disappears if you drink 25 drops of oil 3 times a day.

With high blood pressure, drink hot tea or chamomile infusion with the addition of 5 drops of caraway seed oil.

With a high cholesterol level, it will help to reduce the mint infusion in hot form (200 ml) from 1 tsp. honey and 7-8 drops of the product. The recommended method is in the morning on an empty stomach, while removing beef fat from the diet, that is, stop eating beef for the treatment period.

To improve digestion, simply season fresh vegetable salads with black cumin oil.

The diuretic property of the product not only increases the frequency of urination and the number of secretions, but also eliminates fat - up to 4%. For better weight loss, drink the product in the morning and evening before eating for 30 minutes in a small spoon, drinking 100 ml of water, which will double its effect.

What is useful cumin oil for appearance

Beauticians have also long understood the benefits of the product for hair, skin and nails, recommending and applying it to solve many problems with appearance.

For hair

Biologically active substances in the product accelerate the metabolic processes of the scalp and hair roots, filling them with vitamins and minerals.

You can independently prepare a treatment shampoo, regular washing of the head with which will significantly improve the appearance of your hair and accelerate their growth. To do this, add up to 5 drops of black cumin oil in a shampoo familiar to you.

And here’s the recipe for the mask - combine 3 large tablespoons of olive oil with 1 black cumin, pour the same amount of apple cider vinegar, mix everything thoroughly and apply the composition to the scalp, distributing it along the entire length of the hair, intensively massaging the head. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse off.

For facial skin

The product qualitatively eliminates wrinkles and sagging, hives with acne, eczema with psoriasis.

Important: the girls and women of Ancient Egypt always had black cumin oil in their cosmetic arsenal, regularly using it for their own purposes.

The appearance of wrinkles is due to a decrease in nutrition and moisture, as well as a slowdown in the processes of recovery and metabolism in the body. Plant oil has a stimulating effect on cell resources, activating the production of elastin with collagen.

To improve the appearance, simply massage the skin of the face and decollete with black cumin and olive oil (1 large spoon each), adding essential oil of juniper, tea tree and some citrus fruit (all 2 drops each).

For nails

The product also has beneficial effects on nails with eyelashes, for which regularly apply it on them before going to bed. After a month of daily procedures, you will see a fundamental difference.

Proper intake of caraway oil

The versatility of the tool does not allow everyone to take it the same way - for each individual person and problem, this process is individual. And in order not to harm yourself, you should not engage in self-medication, as improper administration can lead to intoxication with all the consequences that follow from this.

General recommendations for everyone, regardless of the disease, will be the following:

  1. Normalize your diet by removing fast foods, pastries and sausages, smoked meats and any canned foods, sweet soda and alcohol in excessive quantities from the diet. Start eating natural foods - fresh salads with aromatic vegetable oils, stewed and boiled foods without the addition of butter, herbal teas, compotes and plain water, low-fat meats and fish, cheeses and fermented milk products, whole grain bread, cereals and pasta from hard varieties wheat.
  2. Start daily just walking through the park areas, sign up for a fitness club or moderate yourself with physical exercises at home yourself. But if you are far from this, it is better to do it all the same under the guidance of a coach.
  3. Take a contrast shower in the morning, which will give you a boost of energy for the whole day and tone the skin.

These simple rules and the proper use of black cumin oil will give excellent results that you will want to keep for years to come.


It has caraway oil and contraindications for use, which applies to the following cases:

  • if you are taking sugar lowering drugs;
  • if you are pregnant, due to the ability of the product to contract the uterus and cause bleeding, and this can lead to a miscarriage. But at the same time, the product is indicated during lactation, as it increases the amount of milk;
  • if there is an individual intolerance to the components in the plant;
  • if you have had an organ transplant. Black cumin oil in this case can lead to their rejection. Blood transfusion and abdominal surgery are also included in the list of contraindications to the use of the product.
  • A huge number of elements important for our body in the composition of black cumin oil, along with the benefit, can also be harmful, so before you start using it, be sure to visit a specialist and get his permission with detailed recommendations for use. Health to you and your loved ones!