Internet resources are full of advertising miraculous black masks. They promise that it will perfectly cleanse the skin, get rid of annoying black spots and generally solve all cosmetic problems. But why pay more if a regular mask of activated carbon and gelatin has a similar effect? The ingredients will take no more than 20 rubles, and the result will not yield to the action of the advertised product. But we will not criticize the policies of marketers who know how to sell snow to the Eskimos, but simply move on to the facts.

Activated carbon mask principle

To begin with, it would be nice to understand the structure of our skin. Simplified, it can be represented as a sponge covered with many pores. Through some, it removes sweat, through others, sebum. The latter covers the surface of the epidermis with a thin layer that performs a protective function. It inhibits the penetration of bacteria and prevents drying out of the skin.

With insufficient hygiene or hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, their secretion is produced in excess, becomes thicker and freezes inside the pores. In contact with air, the upper part of such a plug oxidizes and darkens, and as a result we observe what is commonly called the black dot or, in scientific terms, comedone.

In most cases, this problem can be eliminated by high-quality and regular skin cleansing. And here all kinds of masks and scrubs come to the rescue.But why is an activated carbon gelatin face mask more effective than other products?

  1. Its secret is in the sorption properties of activated carbon. This product literally absorbs everything that “lies badly”. He is able to attract lipids, carbohydrates, bacteria, toxins.
  2. Moreover, it is made on a natural basis (coconut shell, tree bark, charcoal) and by itself has no contraindications.
  3. The substance is not irritating to the mucous membranes and skin.
  4. Importantly, activated carbon is a certified medical product, which means it undergoes appropriate quality control.

In principle, it would be possible to crush coal, dissolve in water and just massage such a scrub face. In terms of purification, the effect will be the same. But a hard peeling is fraught with microtrauma of the epidermis, because the tool needs a softening foundation. Gelatin does an excellent job of this. It is made on the basis of natural collagen obtained from animal cartilage. And collagen, in turn, acts as a kind of skeleton for the skin. With age, the body produces less and less, which becomes the cause of wrinkles. Because gelatin is not only the basis for the mask, but also has some kind of tightening effect.

Thus, a black mask of activated carbon and gelatin draws out any impurities from the pores, cleanses the skin of comedones and evens out small wrinkles.

However, you can’t use it against acne - none of the components has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, during the removal of the mixture, the epidermis around the eel can be damaged, which will provoke a further spread of the inflammatory process.

Sometimes cleansing the pores is not enough to completely get rid of the black dots. For example, when excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands is caused by hormonal failure. Then the issue requires a comprehensive solution, but careful hygiene still plays an important role in it.

Skin preparation before masking

Please note that the composition that you are going to apply is by no means gentle and gentle. On the contrary, be prepared that he will literally uproot the problem. In the truest sense of the word. The mask has no direct contraindications, but there are conditions when it is still undesirable to use it.

So, refrain from applying the product if:

  • there are fresh wounds on the skin, sunburns;
  • the epidermis is very sensitive;
  • spider veins present on the face;
  • the skin is covered with acne (acne).

Also, do not apply the product on single inflamed acne. You remember that its action is cleansing, but not antiseptic or anti-inflammatory.

It is interesting: acne talker composition

Immediately before applying the mixture, you will have to conjure over the face, otherwise the effect will be minimal.

A little tip: first prepare the skin, and only then knead the mask.

The process of preparing the mixture will take no more than two minutes, and you need to apply it immediately, until it has frozen. But skin cleansing will take about 5-10 minutes.


So, prepare your face for applying a black mask.

  1. Remove makeup, remove dust and sebum from the surface of the epidermis with a make-up remover. You can just clean your face well with cosmetic milk or soap.
  2. If your arsenal has gentle antioxidant film masks or sparing scrubs, you can use them. So you remove the remnants of the dead epithelium, which were not removed in the previous step, and the coal mixture will act deeper.
  3. Now steam your face. If the previous step can be safely skipped, then applying the product to cold skin with closed pores is completely useless. It doesn’t matter what you use as a bath. Chamomile broth or green tea is good for washing, and you can steam out your face just above a bowl of hot water.
  4. Blot the skin with a napkin or towel and start applying the mask.

If the face is not clean and well steamed, the black mass will simply remove keratinized particles of the epithelium from it, but you will not feel the desired effect of deep cleansing.


To apply the product at home is best with a brush. Anyone will do, even the one used for drawing with watercolors. It would be nice to choose a wide brush, but you can handle fine if you act fast enough. It is inconvenient to distribute the black mass with your fingers and you will not achieve a thin film, therefore it is better to abandon this idea.

  1. Distribute the gelatinous mass on the skin evenly, in a thin layer. For the first time, while you are unfamiliar with the effect, refrain from the temptation to apply it on your entire face. Limit yourself to the T-zone (forehead and nose). Note that the area above the upper lip is covered with thin hairs. A dried mask can work here like a wax strip for depilation.
  2. The tool hardens quickly, so especially do not hesitate and immediately cover the first layer with the next, and then another one or two. The more layers are applied, the longer the mass will harden and easier to remove. On especially problematic areas, apply the mixture with light pats, as if driving into pores.
  3. For the first time, leave the mask on your face no longer than 5-7 minutes. Shoot without waiting for it to dry completely. If the composition dries, it will be peeled off by scales, like onion peel. And it is likely that in this case you will experience very painful sensations.
  4. While the mass is still elastic, try to remove it with a whole layer. You probably once burned in the sun. Remember how the top layer of skin is removed with a stocking? Just as carefully try to remove the gelatin mass.

If you overexposed the product on your face and it is removed heavily and painfully, do not suffer in vain. Wet a waffle towel or napkin and apply to your face for 5-7 seconds. This will be enough so that the mass on top is slightly wet, becomes elastic and can be easily removed.

Rinse off the mask with water is pointless! The essence of the process is that the lower, fully dried layer pulled particles of dirt from the pores.

If you wash off the product, the pores will remain clogged.


If small black scales remain on the skin, you can simply remove them with a sponge moistened with a tonic.

  1. Now it's time to wash yourself with cool water, so that the previously expanded and now cleaned pores are closed.
  2. For the same purpose, you can massage the skin with ice cubes. This procedure will at the same time give it a tone. Here, a pre-frozen chamomile broth or infusion with tea tree oil will be very helpful.
  3. When the epidermis rests a bit, apply a nourishing cream.

After the procedures, the skin may be slightly reddened and tightened - this is not scary. Now she has lost the upper protective layer, and therefore it is undesirable for at least an hour to go out and apply makeup. In order not to expose the epidermis to unnecessary stress, it is better to perform such a caring complex before bedtime.

More materials:black mask from black dots

The effectiveness of a mask with gelatin and charcoal to cleanse the pores of the face

If all the preparatory procedures are completed and the proportions in the recipe are observed, then the effect of the resulting mask will be very noticeable:

  • pores will be cleansed and narrowed;
  • black dots (comedones) will disappear;
  • oily skin will dry out, an unpleasant shine will go away;
  • light lifting effect will appear;
  • Shallow wrinkles will be smoothed out a little.

It is pointless to hope that such a tool will solve the problems of acne, poor complexion or age-related changes. But its use against comedones is more than effective.

Such a mask is quite heavy artillery in the fight against black dots and the skin is not enthusiastic about it. Therefore, applying the product more often than once a week is not recommended. After making 4-5 masks, interrupt for a month. Then you can resume the course.

Masks for cleansing pores on the skin

To prepare a black gelatin mask, you will need a minimum of ingredients.But you can add other components with emollient or antiseptic properties to it. It is almost useless to nourish the skin with vitamins, fruit mixtures, sour cream or other additives in this mask. Activated carbon will simply take on everything useful and nothing will get to the skin. Therefore, it is better to enrich it separately, after removing the cleansing composition.

Classic gelatin and activated carbon mask

The most effective and simple gelatin black mask recipe will require the use of three ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of not cold milk;
  • activated carbon tablet powder;
  • teaspoon of dry gelatin.

It is advisable to take coal fresh, and not the one that lies in the medicine cabinet for the sixth year. The same applies to gelatin. When you open the bag, pay attention that the powder is crumbly and does not have extraneous odors. You can breed it simply in pure water, but a mask on milk will have a milder effect.

  1. Grind a tablet of coal. It crumbles very well, because the easiest way to grind it between two spoons.
  2. Pour the black powder into a prepared container. A small bowl or coffee cup is enough - the mixture will come out quite a bit.
  3. Pour in milk and mix quickly.
  4. Do not wait for the gelatin to dissolve, but immediately send the bowl to the microwave for 15 seconds. If this miracle of technology is not in the kitchen, then at about the same time lower the bowl into a large bowl of hot water.
  5. Allow to cool slightly. As soon as the mass is cooled so that you can painlessly apply it to the skin, proceed to action.

By the way, instead of gelatin, it is sometimes recommended to use PVA glue. Honestly, this is a very dubious experiment. You can replace gelatin, for example, with agar-agar or completely exclude it from the composition. Then you can very carefully scrub problem areas with activated carbon powder diluted in milk with honey.

From gelatin, activated carbon and honey

By the way, honey can be included in the composition of the classic mask. Just put a third of a teaspoon of warm honey into the ready-to-apply mixture. If the mass is thick, add a little milk.

The honey in the composition will have a well softening effect and will be useful if you use the product on sensitive skin. In addition, the complex of vitamins contained in the bee product will improve the epidermis and give the face a radiant appearance.

Activated Carbon and Clay Gelatin

Clay can be added to the gelatin black mask. It is different and each species is used for specific purposes. Blue will lighten pigmented areas and relieve swelling, yellow will remove inflammation and heal wounds, green normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands. But black clay is an ideal solution for oily skin prone to comedones. It will enhance the effect of coal, since it is also a sorbent, as well as dry, rejuvenate the skin and even out tone.

To prepare a mask with clay, it is enough to introduce a teaspoon of clay powder into the finished mixture. The mass will become significantly thicker and applying it with a thin layer will not work. Therefore, use a special spatula or do it with your hands. The tool can come out quite heavy, so lie down and try not to talk while it is on your face.

From gelatin, eggs and activated carbon

If the skin is not problematic, and the mask is used as a high-quality peeling, you can add egg yolk to its composition. It’s better to remove the protein, since it dries the epidermis a little, and coal takes enough moisture for itself. But the yolk is rich in trace elements that nourish the skin, impoverished as a result of exposure to black powder.

If after introducing the yolk the mass becomes liquid, add a pinch of white clay to it. Or any other - in this case, this is completely unprincipled.

With aloe juice

If you add scarlet juice to the mask, you will get a universal remedy, just all inclusive. This plant and wounds heals, and has an antiseptic effect, and nourishes, moisturizes ... Miracle, in a word! A few drops of this component will allow you to use a mask for problem skin, which needs more frequent cleansing. But this does not mean that adding scarlet, you can neglect the precautions. The tool is also undesirable to apply to highly inflamed areas and use for a long time and regularly.

The mask discussed above is a godsend for women living in a metropolis. Exhaust fumes, toxins and dust pollute the skin, make it sluggish and flabby. Activated carbon perfectly removes everything that is harmful to the epidermis, and helps to keep your face clean and fresh.