And at home, you can take care of yourself at the highest level. The main thing is to devote time to this. A simple face mask made of avocado helps to improve the condition of the skin and restore its freshness and beauty.

The use of avocado oil for the face

Avocado is a unique fruit that has many beneficial properties. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

The positive effect of the masks becomes noticeable immediately, but is expressed in the following:

  • dry and flaky epidermis acquires softness, tenderness and freshness;
  • acne, inflammation and acne become less noticeable, inflammatory processes stop;
  • small cracks and wounds heal quickly;
  • The production of sebum is normalized, the pores are cleaned;
  • the skin receives the necessary nutrition in full, looks healthy;
  • collagen and elastin begin to be actively developed in the skin;
  • blood circulation processes in the deep layers of the epidermis are restored;
  • fine wrinkles go away, muscle elasticity increases, the oval of the face becomes clearer;
  • the aging process slows down.

This fruit is universal, and therefore masks based on it can be used for any skin type.

For the preparation of homemade cosmetics, it is more convenient to use avocado oil. This substance is obtained from pulp or seeds by cold pressing. The oil may be unrefined or refined. Not passed additional cleaning has a pleasant emerald color and a nutty smell. The product, even when used without additional components, can have a noticeable positive effect on the epidermis.

Homemade Mask Recipes

If the fruit itself is used to prepare an avocado mask for wrinkles or acne, but the fruit itself, you need to choose it correctly. It should be ripe and soft, without any visible damage and rot.

For the preparation of cosmetics exclusively pulp is used.

The bone and peel must be removed. You can grind the pulp with a blender or on a fine grater. Use the finished mass according to the recipe, combining with the proposed components.

Apply the composition only on previously cleansed and steamed skin. This is necessary in order to get the maximum effect. The remaining mixture must be washed off with gentle movements with a little warm water, and then apply a light nourishing cream to the skin. You should also not deprive the neck and décolleté area of ​​attention: they also need careful care.
It is advisable to take a course of 10-12 procedures, making masks every 3-4 days.

Anti wrinkle

The wrinkle avocado mask can be of the following types:

  1. Oat. Stir 2 tbsp. l warm milk and 0.5 tbsp. l oat flour. Add a little chopped pulp of the fruit. Mix everything.
  2. Multicomponent (tonic). Great for removing wrinkles in the eyelids. It is necessary to apply an oil solution of vitamin E to the skin around the eyes. Then prepare the mixture: grind 6-7 mint leaves in a mortar, add 1 tsp. gel from edema and 1 tsp. avocado. Fresh leaves can be replaced with essential oil - just 3-4 drops are enough.

Avocado pulp goes well with many essential oils. Compositions of roses, lavender, neroli effectively fight wrinkles. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of oil in mashed fruit pulp, mix thoroughly and apply the mixture on the face. These simple masks help make existing wrinkles less noticeable and prevent new ones from appearing. And pleasant aromas will only enhance the positive emotions of the procedure.

For dry, oily skin

Based on avocados, you can prepare a simple and inexpensive composition for home peeling. It will help get rid of dirt in the wide pores and dead particles of the epidermis, which give the skin a grayish and tired look.

The composition of the mixture:

  • 1 tbsp. l puree from the fruit;
  • 2 tsp yogurt;
  • 3 tsp semolina.

This composition is most suitable for oily skin. All components need to be mixed and a bit to wait for semolina semolina to absorb moisture. Then the mass is evenly applied to the skin, bypassing the eye area, and massage the face with gentle movements. Hold the composition on your face should be about a third of an hour.

Inflammation, acne, and acne often appear on oily skin.

In this case, an acne avocado mask prepared from such components can help:

  • half of the fetus;
  • 1 tbsp. l green clay and kefir;
  • some lemon juice.

The fruit must be crushed, then combine all the components and apply to the face. The composition has a cleansing and anti-acne effect, narrows the pores and eliminates the inflammatory process.

For dry skin, you can prepare this composition:

  • 50 g chopped avocado;
  • 30 g mashed carrots;
  • yolk;
  • 1 tsp. honey and cream with a high percentage of fat content.

First you need to combine the vegetable mass, then add the whipped yolk there and at the end introduce honey with cream.

Peeling is well eliminated by a simple mask of avocado and olive oil. The components must be mixed in a ratio of 3: 1 and applied with a thick layer on the face.

The best option for combination skin:

  • ripe fruit;
  • 1 tsp. fresh yeast and olive oil.

Grind the fruit thoroughly, add yeast. Pour in oil and let the mixture brew a little. Apply on the face with a thick layer. The mask acts comprehensively: brightens the skin, cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes.

Nutritious with honey

Masks with honey are real spa treatments that you can get the most out of. They perfectly nourish the epidermis and saturate it with all the necessary components.

Nutrition Composition Recipe:

  • 2 tsp. mashed avocado and banana;
  • yolk;
  • 1 tsp. honey and olive oil.

First of all, you need to thoroughly grind honey with yolk, and then gradually introduce other ingredients. The mass should eventually acquire a homogeneous consistency.

Read also:alginate face mask


As a contraindication, only individual intolerance of an avocado or one of the additional components of the masks is indicated. This is easy to verify: just put the mixture on your wrist and wait a quarter of an hour.

The absence of a negative reaction is a good sign: masks can be done without fear. If the skin turns red or starts to itch, it is better to refuse funds based on this fruit.