The benefits and harms of semolina porridge are still one of the most pressing topics among doctors, nutritionists and ordinary citizens. After all, someone recommends it as a breakfast, someone treats her with caution, while others completely refuse this dish.

Semolina: benefit and harm to the human body

More recently, the quality of semolina has not been discussed at all. She was always in the children's diet. But now the situation has changed - there are rumors that the product is useless and even dangerous.

Now, pediatricians do not recommend giving a dish to children up to a year, since it can cause the development of rickets.

In addition, this cereal has gluten, which many people develop allergies to. It turns out that semolina has no positive qualities at all? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Milk semolina

  • Semolina porridge in milk includes complex carbohydrates that help to stay full for a long time.
  • It is almost completely absorbed and does not have a traumatic effect on the walls of the stomach due to the minimum amount of fiber. That is why it is recommended for people who have had bowel surgery.
  • Milk has the ability to lower the glycemic index of cereals, therefore, semolina cooked in milk, it is much lower than that of a dish on the water.
  • You can also lose weight on this croup, if it is a mono-diet.

Such porridge will not benefit people with lactose intolerance, which is found in milk, and those who are allergic to gluten.

But besides this, there are very few vitamins and minerals in semolina, which means that its composition cannot be called rich.

Healthy porridge on the water

Semolina porridge on water is considered less high-calorie than cooked in milk. It is 70% starch, does not irritate the gastric mucosa. There are very few carbohydrates in it - only 16.5 grams, so it is recommended for diet food.

This dish is an alternative to porridge boiled in milk, especially for those who cannot tolerate lactose.

Preparing semolina in a ratio of 1: 4, that is, one glass of cereal accounts for four glasses of water. It is poured into cold water, brought to a boil and held on the stove for literally two minutes. After this, the porridge is removed from the heat and under the lid there is still some time before serving.

Who benefits from semolina porridge

Despite the conflicting views regarding the product, there are still some health benefits from it. Let's consider which one.

The benefits of semolina porridge for adults

  • The dish is perfect for those who need a protein-free diet, because there is not much protein in porridge.
  • With renal failure, it is also recommended to use semolina.
  • A large amount of carbohydrates and the lack of fiber makes the product valuable in the postoperative period, when the stomach can not accept anything else.
  • Another useful property is increased activity. Manka helps eliminate chronic fatigue, fights exhaustion and weakness of the body.
  • This is the only porridge that is absorbed in the lower intestines, it envelops the walls, does not injure them and becomes indispensable for diseases of the stomach.
  • Helps to eliminate toxins and toxins, relieves pain in ulcers, gastritis.

With the help of decoy, you can get rid of extra pounds if you cook it on water and without other additives.

Why semolina is useful for children

Surely everyone remembers that in kindergarten almost every day began with semolina.

Modern doctors have revealed not only the harm of the product, but also its benefits for the growing organism:

  • Porridge contains starch, vitamins, proteins, a lot of potassium and phosphorus - all these elements are very necessary for the child.
  • The dish is quickly prepared, and you do not have to wait long for a hearty breakfast.
  • In renal failure, semolina is just as necessary for children as for adults, since it practically does not contain protein.
  • If the child has exhaustion or fatigue, then semolina can correct the situation.

Pregnancy use

A pregnant woman compiles her menu much more carefully, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn baby. What is the effect of the properties of semolina on the pregnant woman's body and is it possible to eat semolina in position?

  • Porridge has a balanced composition, is completely absorbed by the body, does not cause severity and other unpleasant sensations in the stomach.
  • A serving of food is a good supply of energy for a long time. The woman will be well-fed, she will not have the need to have a bite, which means that extra pounds will not appear, which are so easy to gain during the period of gestation.
  • Potassium, which is part of cereals, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a positive effect on the heart.
  • Pregnant women suffering from arterial hypertension can safely include the dish in their diet, since there is no cholesterol in the semolina porridge.
  • In the presence of gastritis or other problems with the stomach, porridge will have an antispasmodic effect and relieve pain.


Nutritionists have long proved that semolina is not a champion in the number of nutrients and is in many ways inferior to other cereals. But is it capable of doing harm?

It is interesting:semolina

  • Low fiber, on the one hand, is a plus. On the other hand, it can cause stool disturbance and constipation. This is due to the fact that the dish does not stimulate peristalsis. Therefore, the advisability of using semolina depends on the specific goals and condition of the body.
  • Semolina is only carbohydrates that saturate, but in large quantities can lead to excess weight.Especially if you use porridge with butter and other additives, such as jam and jam.
  • Croup contains the substance phytin, which binds calcium ions. If they become very few, the body will begin to expend bone reserves, which will lead to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.

There are no contraindications to eating the dish, except that it is completely forbidden to people with celiac disease - the gluten intolerance that is in its composition.

Also, do not give porridge to children under the age of 12 months. After that, it can be introduced into the diet, but carefully, and not too often. Please note that starch, which is present in semolina, can aggravate the condition in the presence of diseases of the respiratory system.

We can say that semolina is a mediocre dish. It does not bring great benefits, but also does no harm. Sometimes you can use semolina in order to diversify the diet, but it is still impractical to include it in the daily menu.