The healing properties and rules of using burdock are described in collections of traditional medicine. Burdock is a natural first-aid kit in which there is a remedy for any misfortune. Tinctures, decoctions, powders and cosmetic oils with active ingredients improve metabolism, treat skin diseases, and help to find a healthy and radiant look.

The healing and healing properties of burdock

Useful properties have almost all parts of the plant. Traditional medicine uses young leaves, root and seeds of burdock. Burdock fruits contain a lot of essential and fatty oils, and leaves contain volatile, mucus, vitamins and minerals. The root contains valuable inulin and other indigestible polysaccharides, protein, trace elements, tannins.

Leaves are often used for external use. Plant juice kills pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Lotions from burdock treat wounds, treat ulcers, remove peeling.

Seed oil is part of cosmetics. Squeezing from burdock strengthens the roots, smoothes the surface of the hair shaft, improves the appearance of curls, gives shine and a healthy look.

For the treatment of internal diseases, funds from burdock root are more often used.

In the plant of the first year of life, the largest amount of nutrients is concentrated.

Young root is eaten in Asian and European cuisine.

Means from burdock improve metabolism. The plant is part of blood purification fees. Burdock normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys, improves patency of the biliary tract.

Agrimony preparations prevent the deposition of salts. Cleans the renal ducts.

The plant has a mild laxative effect.It has a good effect on the functioning of all digestive organs. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

Burdock stimulates the production of pancreatic hormones. It is used to prevent diabetes. Normalizes blood sugar.

There is evidence of an antitumor effect of burdock. Plant alkaloids inhibit the growth of tumors. Burdock preparations can be used for the prevention of cancer.

Burdock ointment is applied to sore spots with joint pain. Decoctions of fresh leaves serve as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic. Fresh decoctions relieve itching, facilitate the course of allergies. Means from burdock lubricate eczema and dermatitis.

Useful properties of burdock root

What diseases does it help?

Burdock root is the most valuable part of the plant. Powder, oils, tinctures, decoctions, ointments and infusions are made from it. Burdock root accelerates the production of white blood cells in the blood, relieves inflammation, activates the movement of fluids in the body, cleans various ducts and pathways.

It is interesting: burdock root: useful properties and contraindications

Means from burdock are amenable to:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Burdock root contains mucus and tannins. It has a wound healing, cauterizing, regenerating, antiseptic effect.

Due to its properties, it heals:

  • gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcer;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • hemorrhoids.

Phytoncides and tannins cope with skin diseases. They disinfect the wound surface, inhibit the spread of infection, inhibit the activity of bacteria and promote tissue regeneration.

Burdock is used in the treatment of:

  • furunculosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • burns;
  • acne.

Burdock-based medications help with autoimmune diseases and metabolic diseases.

This list includes:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Burdock accelerates the elimination of toxins. It helps with food poisoning, fever and intestinal infections.

How to use?

Burdock root is taken in the form of a decoction inside. A glass of boiled water must take 10 g of dry plant material. The mixture is infused in a water bath for 30 minutes. After time, the solution must be filtered and its volume brought to the original.

The drug is taken 2-3 times a day for half an hour before eating exactly half a glass. The minimum course is two weeks. If necessary, treatment can be extended up to a month.

Fresh burdock root can be eaten with diseases of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The plant is dug up, cleaned, cut and as soon as possible, until it has lost its beneficial properties, eat. The dish can be included in the diet as often as necessary.

An ointment for external use is prepared from the plant. Fresh root is ground. Pour water so that it slightly covers the chopped mass. Double boiled. Cool down. Grind with butter in a ratio of 1: 4.

The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. It is applied as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for joint diseases. In the morning and in the evening until complete recovery, they lubricate burns, frostbite, rashes, eczema, and spots of dermatitis.

Using Burdock Juice

What is the cure?

Fresh burdock juice contains active ingredients that help resorption of cysts and adenomas. Burdock treat endometrial adenomyosis, polycystic kidney and ovary.

From fresh crushed leaves of burdock, a cake is prepared against cystic formations. Juice, together with the remains of the plant, most actively manifests its properties.

Two tablespoons of chopped burdock leaves should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of salt. Wrap the cake in gauze and put in place of the projection organ. Hold for an hour. The procedure should be repeated every day for a month.

How to drink juice?

Juice is made from fresh young leaves. They need to be collected, washed, put through a meat grinder, squeezed and filtered. The drink is stored in the refrigerator.

With cystic formations of the ovaries, the drug is taken orally three times a day in undiluted form on a teaspoon for two weeks. To increase efficiency, drink juice before meals. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, such as allergic reactions and intestinal upset, after the main meal.

If cysts are found in the kidneys with undiluted juice, burdock is treated for a month. Accepted according to the scheme: two days, 1 teaspoon twice a day, then two days a teaspoon three times - in the morning, afternoon and evening; again two days 2 times and so on until the end of the course. After a month break, the scheme is repeated.

With endometrial polyps, burdock juice is taken in conjunction with golden mustache juice. Both plants need to be crushed, squeezed, filtered. Keep the squeeze in the refrigerator. Procedures continue for six months. In the morning and evening, separately from food, you need to take a tablespoon of herbal remedy.

How is burdock oil used?

Burdock oil is an affordable product. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently. For the extraction of nutrients, other types of oils are used, mainly olive or almond, less often sunflower.

The use of the drug has a narrow focus. Burdock oil contains fatty acids, minerals, proteins and polysaccharides. It stimulates blood circulation, improves the nutrition of hair roots, restores a healthy shine, accelerates growth, reduces hair loss.

Oil is applied in a course twice a week for 14-30 days. A small amount of the product is applied to the scalp. Rub thoroughly, massaging for at least 10 minutes.

The hair is combed. Residues are distributed along the entire length. Curls are wrapped under a film. Warm with a towel or hat. Keep the product for at least 20 minutes. For maximum effectiveness, leave the oil overnight. After hair should be washed with mild shampoo and rinse with cool water.

For maximum effectiveness, burdock is mixed with essential oils of other plants:

  • for dry hair add two drops of orange, lavender or patchouli;
  • mint, tea tree, geranium, eucalyptus helps oily hair;
  • cypress, rosemary, cedar are effective against loss;
  • from split ends will help rosewood or sandalwood.

Burdock oil is used to soften rough skin areas formed on the site of dried corns and chronic wounds. The product is applied in its pure form for 20-30 minutes before taking a shower or bath.

To achieve an analgesic effect, the oil is rubbed into the skin of the breast with mastopathy and cystic formations of the mammary glands.

Burdock is used as an anti-aging agent. Oil is applied to clean skin. Rubbed by massaging movements. Leaves for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is performed before taking a shower or bath.


Means from burdock do not cause side effects, with the exception of an allergic reaction. If the patient is particularly sensitive, prone to seasonal rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever, he should not resort to treatment with burdock preparations.

Burdock is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 12 years, because its safety has not been proved for them.

The active substances of plant materials load the liver and kidneys. Despite the positive effect of these components on organ systems, with serious pathologies, they can provoke the opposite effect. Patients with impaired liver and kidney function should consult a specialist about the advisability of treating burdock.


Burdock - the simplest and at the same time multifaceted medicinal plant. Various means are being prepared on its basis.The effectiveness of treatment lies in the selection of the correct method. What treats burdock juice cannot be corrected with hair oil or broth. In each case, its own medicine is required. The greatest effect is achieved from the combined use of burdock inside and out.