Cabbage rolls are therefore called lazy because the method of their preparation is not so laborious compared to the classic version. The dish turns out to be no less tasty, very loved by children who strive to remove cabbage leaves from ordinary stuffed cabbage, preferring meat filling to them. There are many recipes for lazy cabbage rolls, but how to cook?

Lazy cabbage rolls - a classic step by step recipe

Like ordinary cabbage rolls, lazy people cook from the three main ingredients: cabbage, meat and rice. A big plus of the dish is the opportunity to experiment and constantly change shape: serve in the form of round “hedgehogs”, mouth-watering large meatballs with gravy, oval ala-schnitzels and so on. In the simplest version, especially if the cooking time is sorely lacking, it can also be done in the form of a casserole, cut into portions immediately before serving. And you can cook it anywhere: in a skillet, in a slow cooker, oven or pan. It is enough to master the basic recipe, then to make easy adjustments.

For a classic recipe you will need:

  • minced meat - 600 g;
  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • rice - 100 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • refined vegetable oil - 50-70 g;
  • onions - 1 large head;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste (ketchup) - 2 tbsp;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp .;
  • boiled water (meat, vegetable broth) - 300 ml;
  • breadcrumbs or flour - 200 g;
  • salt pepper.

The first thing that is important to do is put the boiled rice. For lazy cabbage rolls, in principle, any variety - round or elongated - is a matter of taste. But with long steamed rice, cabbage rolls will look more like hedgehogs, because, unlike round, such a variety holds its shape better.While the rice is cooked, finely chop the cabbage, finely chop the onions into cubes, three carrots on a coarse grater. Rice off at the stage of semi-preparedness: it will come along with cabbage rolls. Overcooked cereals will quickly turn into porridge and lose attractiveness. Now we proceed to the most important thing - the "assembly" of cabbage rolls.

Do it step by step:

  1. Fry onions with carrots in vegetable oil.
  2. Add cabbage to the vegetables and also quickly fry until al dente (inside it should remain crispy).
  3. Mix roasting with rice and minced meat.
  4. Add herbs, spices, salt to the mince to taste.
  5. Drive an egg into the minced meat.
  6. Knead well with your hands.
  7. Form small cutlets.
  8. We heat the pan.
  9. Bread cabbage rolls in flour or breadcrumbs.
  10. We put cutlets on a hot skillet.
  11. Quickly fry on both sides until crusty.
  12. We transfer cabbage rolls to a baking sheet, in a baking dish, or leave in a frying pan.
  13. Mix tomato paste, sour cream, broth or water.
  14. Pour the cabbage with the finished sauce.
  15. Reduce the fire to a minimum.
  16. Stew for 30-40 minutes until tender.

Ready-made cabbage rolls are very well served by pouring sauce. Garnish can be served with mashed potatoes or eat as an independent dish. Be sure to offer slices of fresh white bread.

Our advice! Any meat is suitable for a dish, except perhaps a specific lamb. A tender and soft dish will be made from chicken mixed with sirloin of pork. Delicious cabbage rolls are obtained from a mixture of ground beef with pork or chicken.

Cooking delicious cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

A slow cooker can significantly simplify the process. The hostess will not have to form cutlets, all the ingredients can be laid in layers, in the manner of a meat casserole. Lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker are more dietary: you can add a purely symbolic amount of oil (just grease the bottom of the pan), and there will be no flour and crackers in the cabbage rolls. The calorie content of finished cabbage rolls in multicookers is 153 kcal per 100 grams.


So, we cut all the ingredients in exactly the same way as in the first recipe (see the classic step-by-step recipe), and then lay everything on the bottom of the multi-bowl in layers in the following sequence:

  1. The first layer is minced meat.
  2. The second is vegetables.
  3. The third is cabbage.
  4. The fourth is rice.

Fill the cabbage rolls with sauce, turn on the multicooker for the “baking” mode, if you want the dish to resemble a baked one. You can use the “rice” mode, and then the food will grind and become stewed. Cooking time depends only on the capabilities of the appliance. For a multicooker “Polaris”, for example, it will be approximately 40 minutes, and for a multicooker pressure cooker “Sakura” only 10-12 minutes.

The dish is served with fresh herbs and the best seasoning in this case is parsley.

With minced meat in the oven

Lazy cabbage rolls may well take their rightful place at a Sunday family dinner if you bake them in the oven. Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven turn out beautiful if you bake them portionwise, giving the shape of large cutlets.

You should not be wise in the cooking process: feel free to rely on the classic recipe. But, unlike it, cabbage rolls should not be rolled in flour and breadcrumbs: they are molded and gently spread on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil. The oven is heated to 180 degrees, stuffed cabbage is put, baked until tender, periodically pouring sauce. If you miss this moment, the dish may lose its juiciness. The total cooking time is 45 minutes.

Gourmet advice! Even if you accidentally overdried cabbage rolls, do not despair. Serve them with a sauce that can be prepared on the basis of ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream, mixed in equal proportions. If you add finely chopped parsley into it, squeeze out one clove of garlic, it will turn out spicy and piquant.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls with tomato sauce?

In the classic version, cabbage rolls are usually baked under sour cream and tomato sauce.But the version without sour cream turns out to be very interesting: tomatoes give the dish a characteristic sourness, which emphasizes the taste of vegetables and minced meat.


The technology here is very simple: we do everything exactly the same as in the basic recipe, but do not add sour cream. For a thicker and denser consistency, you can mix tomato sauce with flour - so it will gain density. Bake cabbage rolls until cooked, serve with fresh herbs. Fresh cilantro will give an oriental touch: this fragrant spice blends perfectly with tomatoes. But, this is an advice for the amateur: it is quite possible to eat cabbage rolls with parsley or dill.

Nuance! Instead of pasta, it is better to take fresh tomatoes or tomatoes in your own juice. They are poured with boiling water, gently peeled, rubbed on a grater or punched with a blender. It is better to salt and pepper the sauce immediately and let it brew a little.

Quick and easy recipe for sour cream sauce

You can easily do without tomatoes - sour cream gravy will soften the dish, make the texture melt in your mouth, so that the dish fits perfectly into the diet of children from one year old. Roll small cutlets from the ready-made cabbage and minced meat, put them in a deep baking dish and pour in the sauce based on sour cream.


How to cook it? Very simple: mix in a glass a little water (and even better meat broth) with three tablespoons of fresh sour cream with a fat content of 20% and a teaspoon of flour. Salt the sauce. Let it brew a little. Pour in the cabbage rolls. It is better to bake the dish in the oven for 30 minutes. Serve with fresh unsweetened buns.

Nuance! Instead of sour cream, milk or cream is suitable, which are not mixed with the broth, using in its pure form.

Stewed in a pan

Stuffing cabbage rolls in a saucepan is better in layers, just like in a slow cooker. Vegetables, minced meat, rice are laid out in layers and then poured with sauce. But here it is important to make sure that the dish does not run away and does not burn: for this you should switch the stove to the slowest fire, as soon as they boil.

Tasty, simple, fast, cabbage rolls are prepared in a pan under milk filling.

The preparation of the dish is very simple:

  1. At the bottom of the pan is minced meat, slightly fried in a pan with onions.
  2. Cabbage is laid on top, shredded as thin as possible.
  3. The last layer is raw rice.

Stuffed cabbage is filled with milk (it is enough to take half a liter), brought to a boil, and then languish until cooked on the slowest fire (about 40 minutes). You will be surprised, but the milk will be completely absorbed into the layers, the rice will evaporate, and a delicious rosy crust will appear on top. The dish is tender, juicy, and both children and adults love it.

In the pan

You can cook lazy cabbage rolls in the same pan where they were fried. To do this, immediately after frying, pour them with a ready-made tomato sauce, cover and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. The main thing is that the dishes are deep enough, otherwise the sauce will begin to "run away."

It is important! Make sure that the sauce completely covers the cabbage rolls in the pan: otherwise they will not be soaked with it and will be dry. But with proper preparation they turn out juicy and very mouth-watering.

The recipe for lazy cabbage rolls, as in kindergarten

We remember some dishes for many years since kindergarten. Lazy cabbage rolls from the kindergarten are, in a sense, a legend. Perhaps there is not a single person who would not remember them since childhood. Meanwhile, the main principle of cooking in kindergarten is the minimum use of spices, and the complete absence of ingredients that can damage the delicate stomachs of children.

What is the difference between lazy cabbage rolls from kindergarten?

  • The meat always scrolls boiled, and only chicken and beef (pork is not recommended for children).
  • No tomatoes are added to the sauce, only milk or sour cream.
  • Spices, peppers are excluded, only salt remains.

The dish is not cooked in batches, all components are mixed and stewed simultaneously in a large container. It should be well swept, then the taste becomes excellent. At the end, you can add a piece of butter.

Lean cooking method

The dish is very valuable in that it is easy to cook in posts, as well as on a temporary diet without meat. Rice is mixed with fried vegetables, stewed cabbage. Obese cutlets are formed from minced meat, which are stewed, filled with a sauce of tomatoes and greens (sour cream, if you remember, should not be consumed during fasting). The dish is very satisfying, especially when you eat it in the bite with brown bread.

As you can see, such a simple dish as lazy cabbage rolls has a lot of cooking options. There are no special tricks, and if you cook it several times, “fill your hand”, then the total time will hardly exceed an hour. The dish can be cooked two to three days in advance. It does not lose taste during storage, but, on the contrary, it becomes more aromatic.