Impaired thyroid function is a fairly common problem that a huge number of people have encountered. In this condition, complex therapy is effective, and this section provides methods for treating the thyroid gland in women with folk remedies.

The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of the thyroid gland

Symptoms of thyroid disease in women depend on the form of the disease. There are universal remedies that can alleviate the condition with various pathologies. Below are the most effective ones.

Decoction of rye stems

The procurement of raw materials for the medicinal product should be made when rye is in the ripening phase. During this period, the plant contains the maximum amount of useful elements.

You need to prepare a decoction like this:

  1. Dry the stems in the sun or in a special appliance.
  2. Fold the workpiece in a pan, pour 1 liter of water and keep on fire for half an hour.
  3. Allow the broth to cool, then drain.

This remedy should be drunk 4 - 5 times a day, 55-60 ml. The duration of the course is one month, then it should be interrupted for 12-14 days and re-treated.

Infusion of the roots of the white cinquefoil

This herb can help both with hyperthyroidism, and in case of insufficient production of the necessary hormone.

Order of preparation:

  1. Grind the roots of the plant and put in a glass jar.
  2. Pour a liter of vodka or diluted to an acceptable strength of medical alcohol.
  3. Insist in cool 30 - 35 days.

You need to drink tincture a month several times a day with food. The optimal dosage for a single dose is from 30 to 50 ml. At the end of the course, an interval of 8 to 12 days is required, and then repeat the therapy.

Attention! Insist on the medicine is allowed only in a glass bowl. If you are in a plastic bottle for a long time, it can become hazardous to your health.


This product in the treatment of thyroid diseases is allowed to be used in different ways, for example:

  1. Prepare a mixture of crushed nucleoli of walnuts and honey and eat a tablespoon on an empty stomach for a month.
  2. Make alcohol tincture at the rate of 120 - 150 g of nut partitions per 500 ml of alcohol and insist 3 weeks. Then use for 10 to 12 ml twice a day for a month.
  3. Prepare a decoction of the shell and leaves of the plant, and then make compresses.

On a note. In the treatment of any type of disease, blue clay compresses are effective.

Natural material is diluted with water to a pasty state, and then applied to the problem area and wrapped around the neck with a scarf or bandages. Hold the compress for at least 2 hours.

Traditional medicine for autoimmune thyroiditis

Autoimmune thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland in a chronic form. In this disease, the immune system recognizes organ cells as foreign and destroys them. In this condition, the following remedies are effective.

  1. Honey, royal jelly and caraway seeds. For the manufacture of a therapeutic agent, you need 220 g of caraway seeds, 500 g of honey and 70 ml of royal jelly. All components should be mixed and drunk once a day on an empty stomach, 15 to 20 ml for 10 to 12 months.
  2. Kelp. Laminaria, or sea kale, is rich in iodine, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is allowed to eat in pure form or to insist on water with pods of red pepper and medunica. Drink such a tincture of 30 ml three times a day before meals for 30 days.
  3. Vegetable smoothie. You will need to take in equal shares the juices of white cabbage, carrots, beets and black radish. You need to drink such a remedy 4 - 5 times after eating for 60 - 80 days, and then stop for 30 days and repeat the course.

On a note. Some sources recommend that people suffering from this disorder drink daily a solution of 120 - 150 ml of water and a few drops of iodine. But this treatment is not suitable for everyone and requires the prior approval of the attending physician.

Treatment of diffuse goiter in women with folk remedies

There are frequent cases when a diffuse goiter is formed in patients. Various folk remedies are also used to treat this condition.

  1. Tincture on walnut membranes. To prepare the product, you will need 50 - 70 g of partitions and 250 ml of alcohol base. It will take 14-16 days to infuse the drink, after which 15 ml should be consumed on an empty stomach for 28-30 days.
  2. Alcohol-based medicine with elecampane. In a glass container you need to put 250 g of flowers of elecampane and pour 0.6 - 0.7 l of vodka, after which it is infused for 14 days. The tool is used for daily gargling before bedtime.
  3. Decoction of red-fruited rowan berries. For 500 ml of water requires 50 - 70 g of fruit. The components must be placed in a pan, cook for 10 - 15 minutes, and then let stand for 4 - 5 hours. Take a healing broth three times a day for 90 - 110 ml. The course of therapy lasts a month, after which a two-week break is needed.

Folk remedies for thyroid cyst in women

Cysts on the thyroid gland are dangerous in that they can lead to suppuration.

The treatment of such conditions through alternative medicine is carried out by the means listed below.

  1. A decoction of cherry branches. To prepare a therapeutic agent, you need to choose twigs with swollen kidneys. For 150 g of raw materials, 600 ml of water is required. The composition should be boiled for half an hour, allowed to cool and store in a glass container. Take a healing broth 25 ml before meals for 90 to 120 days, and then interrupt therapy for 20 days.
  2. Vitamin cocktail. To make a healing infusion, you will need onion husks, raspberry leaves, pine needles and rosehip berries in equal proportions. All components are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos for 10 - 12 hours. You need to drink the drug several times a day before meals, 80-100 ml for 60 to 90 days.
  3. Celandine on vodka. For 500 ml of alcohol base, you will need from 400 to 450 g of chopped fresh grass. The tool is insisted for 14-16 days, periodically shaking, and then strain. On the first day of admission, you need to drink 2 drops of infusion, daily increasing their number by one. When the volume increases to 16, drink the drug in this amount for a month, and then take a break for 12 to 14 days.

Effective alternative methods for hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is characterized by insufficient production of hormones, which provokes a slowdown in vital processes. Such conditions are treated with the following agents.

  1. Aronia juice. Berries are mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and infused until the juice that needs to be drunk, 30 ml on an empty stomach.Attention! Use this tool is possible only with hypothyroidism.
  2. A decoction of strawberry leaves. For 20 g of raw materials, 250 ml of boiling water will be required. The drug will need to be insisted for half an hour, then filtered. You need to drink the broth daily 2 to 3 times a day, 80 to 100 ml per dose for two weeks.
  3. Decoction of St. John's wort. In 500 ml of boiling water you need to boil 30 - 40 g of chopped herbs for 7 - 10 minutes, and then cool and strain. They drink such a remedy before breakfast and lunch of 150 ml for 21 days.

Treatment methods for thyroid nodules in women

On the thyroid gland, seals of a benign, and in 10% of cases, malignant nature may occur. When there are a lot of them, a nodular goiter is formed. In the treatment of such a problem, the following agents are used.

  1. Broth with madder roots. About 50 g of raw materials need to be crushed and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, then insist for half an hour. They drink this remedy for a month at 200 ml on an empty stomach.
  2. Alcohol tincture on horse sorrel. A few roots of the plant need to be poured with a liter of vodka and let it brew for 2 weeks. Take a healing composition three times a day before meals, 15 to 20 ml for 60 days.
  3. Herbal collection for alcohol. To prepare the product in equal proportions take: willow bark, birch buds, thyme, mint, calendula, yarrow, motherwort, oregano, oak bark, elecampane roots and St. John's wort. These herbs are combined and 50 g of the obtained product is poured into 0.5 l of an alcohol base. Then insist a week. Take the drug before meals 18 to 20 drops several per day for 30 days. After, you need a two-week break, and then the therapy is allowed to be repeated.

Attention! Violations of the thyroid gland are extremely dangerous and require constant medical supervision. Using the listed traditional medicine, you can not ignore the appointment of the attending physician. Improvement is possible only with an integrated approach.