The division of people according to the types of temperament in ancient times was a purely medical subject, but in the modern world it has firmly entered popular culture. Choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic - everyone is trying to know themselves and better understand the people around them, based on the accepted typology. About who choleric is and how to get along with it, see the material below.

Who is choleric?

The theory of temperaments began to develop in antiquity. The first was offered by her great ancient Greek healer and philosopher, “father of medicine” Hippocrates, who lived in the IV-III centuries BC. It was he who owned the terms denoting the types of temperaments.

According to Hippocrates, human behavior is regulated by a mixture of neurohumoral fluids in the body - the so-called "life juices". He identified four components, from the ratio of which this or that type of temperament is formed:

  • blood;
  • lymph;
  • yellow bile;
  • black bile.

The predominance of one or another component gives us one of four types - choleric, sanguine, melancholic or phlegmatic. In more detail, this typology was developed by the ancient Roman surgeon Galen. According to the teachings of Hippocrates and Galen, yellow bile predominates in the choleric organism.

At different times, many scientists dealt with the problem of the relationship between the bodily and emotional qualities of a person. Krechmer, Sheldon, Eysenck, Jung and even Immanuel Kant offered their models. The most interesting practical studies in this area were conducted by our famous physiologist I. Pavlov.

Observing the interaction of processes of excitation and inhibition, Pavlov identified three properties of the nervous system:

  • force;
  • equilibrium;
  • mobility.

Further, relying on combinatorics, Pavlov came up with four types of higher nervous activity, similar to the typology of Hippocrates-Galen:

Pavlov typeForceEquilibriumMobilityHippocrates-Galen Type
"Calm"++_Phlegmatic person

Thus, the general brief characteristic of choleric is as follows: a strong, mobile, but unbalanced type, processes of excitation, in the cerebral cortex of which prevail over inhibition processes.

How to identify choleric?

Surely, many remember the famous French comedian Louis de Funes and his characters - impetuous, impetuous, angry, with active facial expressions and gestures, with expressive emotions and loud speech. These characters are a somewhat grotesque but fairly accurate illustration of the holders of choleric temperament.

It is so interesting to watch cholerices that a joke was even born about this:

- How to distinguish phlegmatic from choleric?

- Very simple. The phlegmatic believes that two times two equals five, and is absolutely calm. Choleric knows for sure that two, two, four, but is terribly nervous.

By this characteristic trait - constant nervousness and readiness for an explosion - it is easy to recognize choleric in any company.

Even in a calm state, a person of this type of temperament resembles a dormant volcano.


The relationship of temperament and the appearance of a person was the subject of reflection, for example, E. Kretschmer. At the beginning of the 20th century, this German psychiatrist released his famous work, Body Structure and Character, in which he proposed a model of constitutional typology. A little later in the USA, the idea was picked up by W. Sheldon and developed his own concept.

Both models have been criticized. The temperament of the choleric, of course, leaves an imprint on his appearance. However, one cannot directly relate any constitutional features or facial features with choleric temperament. Much more about the character of a person is told by his facial expression or manner of speaking and moving.

From this point of view, choleric are quite recognizable:

  • have sharp, clear, jerky movements;
  • they vividly, loudly and confidently speak, often raise their voices or “chatter”;
  • accompany speech with expressive gestures.

In the manner that a choleric moves, it is a whirlwind.

Emotional background of choleric

All his life, the choleric seems to be swinging on a swing - his emotions are constantly changing from one extreme point to another. A person of such a warehouse always feels either at the top of Everest, or at the bottom of the deepest gorge. The power of emotions is so great that even the rain that spoiled the picnic, the choleric can survive, like a Shakespearean tragedy.

Since the processes of arousal in a person's choleric temperament are poorly balanced by the processes of inhibition, it is extremely difficult for him to control his feelings. Choleric reacts to everything instantly, violently, but quickly cools. "Quick-tempered, but quick-witted" - this is about him.

It is vitally important for a choleric to always move somewhere and overcome obstacles. If life suddenly becomes too stable, the choleric will quickly create some kind of problem for himself, get angry at her and immediately begin to solve.

Another characteristic that controls the behavior of a person of this type is the desire for recognition. Choleric believes in himself and his abilities, but it is important for him to receive confirmation from the outside. For this reason, people of choleric temperament absolutely can not stand loneliness.

Positive aspects of the character of choleric

Summarize the positive character traits of choleric in this way:

  • high energy;
  • sociability;
  • initiative;
  • the ability to ignite others with an idea;
  • leadership abilities;
  • ability to overcome obstacles;
  • the ability to switch without focusing on the negative aspects of life.

All these qualities allow the choleric to win the attention of people and lead them along.

Negative sides

Among the negative aspects of the nature of choleric can be called:

  • irritability and temper;
  • excessive straightforwardness and restraint;
  • tendency to reckless actions;
  • inability to calculate one's strengths and capabilities;
  • tendency to abandon things incomplete;
  • talkativeness;
  • conflict.

It is curious that with age clever choleric becomes more balanced and stable, more like a sanguine.

Friendship and relationships

Unfortunately, people of this type of personality hardly distinguish between shades and midtones. For this reason, it is quite difficult for them to understand the emotions of other people. Psychology with its reflection is not for the choleric. The speed of his inner and outer life is too high to penetrate into other people's feelings and problems.

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It is not easy to be in a close relationship with choleric. It’s impossible to redo its nature anyway, so the most correct strategy would be a philosophical attitude to all outbreaks and explosions.

The easiest way to get along with a choleric is a good-natured and lively sanguine person. He reacts to everything just as quickly and brightly, will not let his partner get bored, and he will respond to choleric riots with his best weapon - humor. Sanguine knows how to smooth out conflicts and compromise, while not allowing himself to sit on his neck. And on occasion, it can provide choleric with some difficulties necessary for how the air.

A little more complicated, but the union of choleric with phlegmatic is possible. A balanced and slightly slow phlegmatic can irritate the choleric and seem to him a bore. Phlegmatic, in turn, often tires of the excessive activity and noise of the choleric. Such relationships become promising if the partners leave each other enough personal space and do not seek to redraw in their own manner. In any case, it is the phlegmatic who can allow the choleric to shine without claiming leadership.

Vibrant and stormy relationships develop between two cholerae. It can be an “Italian family” - with regular beating utensils and throwing things out of the balcony. Unfortunately, this often ends in divorce. The friendship between two choleric is a promising love affair.

The most difficult and often tragic option is the relationship between choleric and melancholic. An overly sensitive, tender, and timid melancholic choleric often leaves him mentally wounded, calling him a "smear."

Choice of profession

The modern world provides choleric people with great opportunities for professional self-realization. The main enemy of the people of the choleric warehouse is routine and boredom, therefore, when choosing a profession, they need to be guided by the principle "so that tomorrow is not the same as today."

The following professions can be considered suitable for choleric:

  • tour guide;
  • journalist, reporter or television personality;
  • character actor;
  • athlete;
  • designer;
  • PR manager;
  • advertising specialist;
  • animator.

Choleric people need to avoid any monotonous work that does not allow them to splash out internal stress. It is rather difficult to realize choleric in the service sector.

Life choleric

Perfect order in the house of a choleric is as rare a guest as a polar bear in the Sahara. From time to time, the choleric with his characteristic enthusiasm starts the general cleaning, bringing his home to a radiant state. But in a couple of days, the owner of the house will again be annoyed that "there is nothing to be found on the spot." And this is not surprising, because the choleric itself constantly changes the place for every thing.

Boho style is most suitable for choleric temperament. This is the interior of bohemia - chaotic, eclectic, extravagant, with a lot of original gizmos, bright textiles, books, lamps, pillows - all that witty choleric loves. A big plus of this style - the mess in it is difficult to distinguish from order.

Features of male choleric

The main characteristic of male choleric is dominance. A male choleric will never be henpecked. He will take responsibility for the family with pleasure and will never shy away from it if a woman allows him to feel like he is the master of the situation.

A woman next to a choleric man needs to be prepared for the fact that from time to time her partner will “bring home” work problems. If something goes wrong with him, he will by no means leave his bad mood at the doorstep of the house, but will throw him out at home.

The man of choleric temperament has a large circle of friends and many friends. The choleric wife should be able to set the table very quickly and treat the company that her choleric husband is able to bring without warning in the middle of the night.

Choleric are quite autocratic parents. A choleric father can yell at a child. However, he will not rage for a long time. Having regained consciousness and cooling off, he will be ashamed of his outburst and will begin to indulge the child with the same passion and energy.

Features of a woman's choleric

The characteristic of a woman's choleric is described in detail in Margaret Mitchell's novel, Gone With the Wind. Scarlett O’Hara is a typical choleric.

Brightness and self-sufficiency are the main features of this type of women. In addition, ambitiousness and great willpower are applied. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to make a choleric woman become a housewife and disappear into a man. She herself can subordinate anyone.

A choleric woman has many traits that the gender tradition considers masculine. She knows how to achieve her goals, does not like to concede, strives for constant self-development. You will not get bored with such a woman.

However, this also has a flip side - the anger of a female choleric. Like a man of this type of temperament, she easily switches to a cry and is quite capable of throwing a tantrum. Such emotional instability can complicate the life of not only the woman herself, but also her children.

Features of a child's choleric

“He must run and jump, grab everything, kick with his legs, otherwise he will explode - fucking women - and there is none!” The words of this song absolutely accurately describe the choleric child. These are fidget children and tomboys - they are the first to step through puddles, climb a tree and pull a tablecloth from the table.

A child choleric even more than an adult does not know how to control himself. The features of the course of mental processes in this case are multiplied by age immaturity, and parents can observe a record number of different emotions experienced per unit of time.

A child with this type of temperament strives to constantly feel like the center of the universe. There are many ways to attract the attention of adults, and if you cannot make it “good” behavior, “bad” is used. The fear of punishment for a little choleric cannot be stopped. This must be taken into account when educating and find other methods of pedagogical influence.

At school, choleric students study well, thanks to the ability to "catch on the fly." They are not too accurate in fulfilling school requirements, often play pranks, and can disrupt the lesson. However, mostly teachers are in good standing, famous for their intelligence and ingenuity.

A child of choleric temperament often comes into conflict with other children. The task of parents is to teach him to communicate, taking into account the interests of other people. In such a child, it is necessary to cultivate sensitivity from an early age, otherwise he can easily grow up being rude.

If you help a child choleric to establish relationships with peers, he will quickly grow into a great many friends. The enthusiasm and energy of small choleric people allows them to become leaders in any team.


Choleric are not easy, but interesting and extravagant people. Often it is they who enthusiastically drive progress, explore new lands, make discoveries. If a choleric learns to listen to people around him and translate negative energy into a peaceful channel, he can be called an ideal person.