In psychology, there are 3 types of personalities. These are introverts, ambivers and extroverts. Each type has its own character traits. You need to know who introverts and extroverts are. Be sure to ask what type you yourself belong to in order to determine your strengths and weaknesses.

The history of the terminology "introvert" and "extrovert"

The Swiss psychiatrist Karl Gustav Jung, who was a student of Sigmund Freud, began to divide people into introverts and extroverts. In 1921, he wrote a book about human psychotypes, where he gave a detailed description of each of them.

The scientist identified a psychological type, based on the behavior of a person in society, the need for communication and interaction with others, his worldview and personal experiences.

Extraversion - Introversion is a criterion in psychology for measuring personality traits. A compiled typology, according to Jung, is an important tool for a psychologist. Based on the classification, one can compose a model of patient behavior, choose the most effective methods of influence and avoid mistakes in the treatment process.

The British psychologist Hans Jürgen Eisenck continued the study of extraversion - introversion. His works are widely used in modern psychology.

The classification of personality types proposed by Carl Gustav Jung

According to Jung, both psychotypes are inherent in each person, but only one of them is manifested to a greater extent, which affects the final type of personality.

Note. Pronounced introverts and extroverts are rare, so all types are usually divided into subtypes.

Jung's classification includes information on psychological attitudes and prevailing mental functions. The scientist identified 4 fundamental functions that are necessary for the normal functioning of the individual. This is thinking, sensation, feeling and intuition.


According to the source of energy:

  • Extravert.
  • Introvert.

By the method of obtaining information about the world:

  • Sensory-sensing.
  • Intuitive.

By decision-making methodology:

  • Thinking and logical.
  • Emotionally feeling.

According to lifestyle:

  • Rational.
  • Irrational.

There are 8 psychological types in total. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Characteristics of personality types

An extrovert draws energy from the outside world. He is socially active, constantly in close contact with others.

Feels emptied if left alone with himself. He rarely rests, is involved in the labor process with his head. Needs the support of colleagues. An extrovert is the soul of the company, it is fervent, energetic, confident and decisive. Sometimes even arrogant and overly emotional.

For an introvert, communication is a burden. He is suitable for professions that involve minimal contact with people.

The introvert focuses the energy within himself, after a long conversation he needs to be alone with his thoughts, to renew his supply of strength. He does not like a large crowd of people, even at a noisy party he will stay aloof. He has a calm character, emotions are alien.

  • Representatives of the sensory subtype, making decisions, are based on their own experience. They love specificity and clarity. They ask a lot of questions, want to know what to expect in the future. Delve into the details, evaluate the facts. They do not like to fantasize.
  • The intuitive subtype collects information in an arbitrary way, likes to predict and think out independently. People trust intuition, act as their inner voice tells them. They do not learn from their own and others' mistakes.
  • Representatives of the logical-logical type are guided by common sense, they are trying to understand everything.
  • The emotional type is controlled by emotions and feelings.
  • Rational people are decisive, they can make decisions quickly, not always taking into account new information. They plan their lives, sometimes adjust the behavior of loved ones.
  • The irrational type is characterized by the collection and analysis of the information received. Such people are in no hurry to make decisions. They can change their minds several times, which others do not like.

What are the differences between extroverts and introverts

The main difference between these two psychotypes is the direction of libido, or vital energy. Extroverts direct all their energy to the outside world. They are open, prone to communication, prefer to participate in public life.

Introverts are closed. They seem to be in a cocoon, immersed in their world. Introverts do not waste energy on others, but save it for themselves. Extroverts give themselves to the public. They strive for social excellence.

A significant difference is that extroverts prefer teamwork. Introverts love loneliness, do not accept help from others.

They are creative natures, but the collective creative process will be watched from the side.

The main differences in the table.

Extrovert FeatureIntrovert Characteristic
Making new acquaintances with easeDoesn't make contact with strangers
Prefers a large circle of friendsLoves spending time alone.
Needs helpHopes only on own strength
Painfully perceives lack of attention fromDreams to be forgotten and not invited to ceremonies
The first to tell everyone heard newsNever complains, spreads rumors
Makes decisions without hesitation, easy to climbWeigh the pros and cons
If he sees the problems of others, empathizes and tries to help.He doesn’t care about other people's problems

Stress Response

The reaction in stressful situations is different. An extrovert is an emotional person, and both positive and negative emotions are too inherent in him. In stressful situations, it does not stop acting, it manifests itself actively. Most often breaks down on loved ones. Having received the necessary charge of energy, he also gets the strength to solve problems.

Introverts at an unconscious level try to avoid conflicts, quarrels, as well as situations that are unpleasant for them. They instantly disappear, wash their hands. In order not to be stressed, the introvert can close to the room, while he is mentally in an unpleasant environment. He imagines what is happening, thinks out the outcome of events.

How to determine who you are - an introvert or an extrovert

Knowing your psychotype is very important. You can choose for yourself a suitable occupation that will bring pleasure. Also, career success depends on information about the psychotype. An introvert cannot become a successful sales manager or sales representative. He will get tired of communicating with people.

An extrovert, on the contrary, will arrange such work, but the profession of an office worker will bring little pleasure.

Note. There are many tests and questionnaires to determine the type. Gray-Wilwright tests or the Jungian Types Index Questionnaire are most in demand.

To determine the psychological type, you need to answer a list of questions. The answer is yes or no. The more positive answers, the greater the predisposition to introversion.

Common questions:

  • Is it easy for you to make new friends?
  • Are you comfortable working alone?
  • Don't you like conflicts?
  • Do you think about the information before telling others?
  • Do you experience discomfort during a public appearance?
  • Do you have a soft and calm character?
  • Do you enjoy being alone?

Is it possible to change your personality type

There is no ideal psychological type; each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Despite this, some individuals have a desire to acquire character traits that are not characteristic of their own psychotype. Is it possible?

According to Jung’s theory, the answer is no. At birth, a person already has a certain set of features that characterize him as an introvert or extrovert. But making considerable efforts, you can adjust the model of behavior, develop habits that are not characteristic of your own type. Of course, it’s impossible to change fundamentally, but you can get rid of character traits that you don’t like.

No need to instill complexes in yourself and look for weaknesses of your type. You should develop its strong features and then you can find harmony with yourself.