The compatibility of Capricorn and Virgo is so high that 90% of such relationships end in a long marriage. Both partners support each other and are able to turn their flaws into virtues for the sake of the happiness of a loved one.

Characterization of Capricorn and Virgo, as signs of the zodiac

Calm and balanced Capricorns are capable of a real riot of emotions. They are born leaders, incapable of staying with someone for a long time. Even group tasks are easier for them to do on their own, and not wait for less savvy colleagues. So in a relationship: Capricorns do not agree to be on the sidelines. But they are not satisfied with undeniable leadership / The best option will be the union of two full, equal personalities.

At first glance, the selfish, self-confident Capricorns actually suffer from deep complexes. Most of them came from childhood. Because of them, Capricorns always feel underestimated and look at people for a long time, suspecting fraud.

Even in the heat of an argument, Capricorn does not raise his voice. They are not easy to lose their temper, and even an annoyed Capricorn prefers to give arguments or simply withdraw into himself. If, after an insult, Capricorn is silent, it is better to try to smooth out the situation. In the case when Capricorn continues to be silently offended, it is better to leave him until he at least partially calms down. In this regard, Virgos are able to understand their partners and leave them alone for a while.

Virgo and Capricorn are uncommunicative signs. They are able to understand each other’s peculiar “whim”: from time to time both the guy and the girl close themselves and spend time alone.At such moments, they practically do not need anyone. This is a kind of "recharge", and both signs of the elements of the earth have a positive attitude towards such temporary solitude.


The compatibility of these zodiac signs is so high that even at the first meeting they practically feel kindred spirits in each other. When Capricorns feel reciprocity, they become attached very quickly and are ready to start a family. The virgins are not so hasty in the matter of creating a married couple and take a long look at Capricorn. When they are convinced of the seriousness of the intentions of the partners, they are readily realized as spouses.

But there are also frequent quarrels over household trifles: Capricorns who are enthusiastic about work often do not pay attention to a small mess, while he pisses off Virgo. In addition, Virgo awaits the praise and attentiveness of the partner to perform household chores, while for Capricorn this is a completely unimportant aspect. In all seriousness, he may not notice the difference between "before cleaning" and "after".

Despite these minor omissions, harmony can reign in a pair of Capricorn and Virgo if both partners go towards each other and support in all endeavors.

Capricorn male and Virgo female - compatibility

A pair of Capricorn man and Virgo woman are a union of two mature personalities, between which a mutual attraction arose.

In love

Due to setbacks in a past relationship, a Capricorn man may conclude that most women are frivolous and impractical. Virgo will be able to convince him of this: she is economic and practical, not prone to short affairs. At first, it will seem to Capricorn that the Virgin is wasting her energy, but then admits her wrong. Capricorns and Virgo are non-conflict, and in case of resentment, they try to calmly argue their position or wait in silence. Therefore, the couple does not have strong conflicts in love relationships, only minor disagreements on the basis of everyday life.


The most common quarrel is due to cleaning. Virgo takes the matter of cleanliness very seriously, while Capricorn often does not pay attention to the small garbage left by the mugs on the sofa and the office scattered around the table. For Virgo, this is a sore point, and in order not to cause discomfort to his beloved, a man needs to be more patient with this particularity of her.

In friendship

Virgo and Capricorn are similar in their interests and common outlook on the world, so they can easily find a common language. If one of them is in a relationship, they can easily maintain friendships without a hint of romance or sex. At the same time, mutual interest is too strong for free Capricorn and Virgo not to try to transfer friendship into a relationship.


As a rule, couples who come together after a long friendship wait for a long relationship. They already know each other well enough, so there is no need to spend long months lapping.

In marriage and family life

Practicality is characteristic of both signs, therefore there are no quarrels on the basis of spending money for Capricorn and Virgo. They do not like to spend money unnecessarily, to buy funny but unnecessary things. With great pleasure they will hide the money in a piggy bank, so that there is always an amount for a "rainy day".

After marriage, many minor conflicts of the couple remain in the past. The guy with the girl treat each other with more tenderness and attention. Capricorn's stiffness in the intimate sphere disappears, he is liberated in front of his wife. Sex can bring them both a whole new sensation.

How compatible are Capricorn women and Virgo men

This pair appreciates a sense of stability and mutual support. To create a family, a Capricorn woman needs a partner in whom she will be sure, and she finds him in the person of a Virgo man.

In a love relationship

The Capricorn woman is not a lover of noisy parties and permanent fun. She prefers quiet home evenings with a family or a couple of close friends. In this regard, her union with the Virgo man is ideal: they have similar views on life and the world as a whole, as well as mutual desires and habits.


The Virgo man and Capricorn woman are so much alike that they can frighten those around them. In the same time both in pair value their individuality enough not to merge into a single whole. Both partners spend some time either alone with themselves, or with their loved ones without a partner. This helps for many years to maintain a strong mutual interest.

Virgo is patient, therefore she is able to endure the petty whims of her beloved woman. In addition, Capricorn quickly realizes what was wrong, and tries to make amends for the situation. Capricorn is difficult to infuriate, but because of the abundance of complexes, it can misinterpret the words of a lover and become discouraged. But the virgins in love are able to withstand anything, and even after that, serious disagreements do not arise. Any conflicts on this basis will disappear without a trace if the Virgo man can overcome Capricorn's complexes and help her feel beautiful.


The marriage of Capricorn and Virgo has every chance to exist for as long as possible. According to the horoscope of compatibility, this is a strong family, the spouses of which are completely confident in each other and even when quarreling do not stoop to mutual insults. Spouses greatly value their family life, and over the years, interest does not fade away, but, on the contrary, intensifies.

Calm and peaceful female Capricorn and male Virgo can become good parents. Their union does not suffer from the appearance of the child.

In friendship

Capricorn and Virgo have many common topics for conversation. They do not communicate with each other for the sake of any benefit; they are actually interested in each other. If one of the friendly couple already has love, Capricorn and Virgo will continue to communicate, not perceiving each other as potential partners. If both are free, over time, friendship can develop into a strong romantic relationship. In this case, the notorious Capricorn woman will not worry about her partner’s interest in herself: Virgo always closely monitors the state of her friend and tries to notice the smallest changes in her mood.

Positive and negative sides of the union

Virgo and Capricorn are practical signs with a sober look at things. Both partners see each other as ideological inspiration, which is very much appreciated. They help each other develop harmoniously, and turn all the cons into pluses. For example, Virgos are able to accurately help Capricorn overcome his habit of putting on “protective armor” of coldness and change, become more gentle and involved in the life of a partner.

This union can be called ideal:

  • calm characters of both partners allow you to bypass the quarrel, turning them into a tactful discussion of the problem;
  • the couple has many common interests and values;
  • if a couple decides to have a baby, both partners are extremely responsible for their upbringing, while not depriving them of their freedom;
  • both partners sometimes go inside themselves, therefore they are able to easily understand this property of each other.

At the same time, quarrels arise over the little things when Capricorns are not able to understand the excessive excitement of their partners and the fussiness in domestic affairs. If the conflict arose on other grounds, the exchange of arguments can drag on for a very long time: both Capricorn and Virgo are meticulous debaters. But if the quarrel goes too far, Capricorns are able to soften, thereby ending the conflict peacefully.